Recent content by Ganon

  1. Effects On Canada And It's Navy/Shipbuilding Industry By Having Hawaii Islands

    So not sure exactly how it could happen-and may be even ASB thread, but let's say that Canada gets the Hawaii Islands at some point in the 19th century. Now given that Confederation does not happen until 60 plus years into the century, I feel the most believable scenarios involve Britain...
  2. WI: Britain Keeps Michigan and Wisconsin Territory If America Still Goes Independent?

    So do not sure what you would need to change to stop the British from giving it in the Paris Treaty or eventually being out settled by Americans down the line. But of Brittan did and cooperated it into BNA/Canada , how would that change the developments of the Great Lakes Region? Note, I am...
  3. Was Western Alienation (Canada) Invertible Given OTL population trends

    So after thinking this over and talking about recent spike in separation feelings in Alberta with my family, was the feeling the western parts of Canada developing a sense of alienation towards the federal government something that was going to appear in some form given the OTL trends of...
  4. Dathi, mind if I PM/google doc a rough set of notes for the 1940's for a TL concept?

    Dathi, mind if I PM/google doc a rough set of notes for the 1940's for a TL concept?
  5. AHC: Canadian Alaska

    Assuming the Cold War still happens, would having Alaska change much of Canada's strategy when it came to the northern part of the country?
  6. AHC: Canada Keeps At One Or Two Aircraft Carriers In It Fleet Up To 2000's

    So reading over when Canada operated carriers between the forties to seventies, I'm wondering if there could be a POD that has the government sees the need to keep carriers-and, therefore, their supporters-as part of the fleet. So what would be needed to change in Canada/the world to meet this...
  7. DBWI Gay marriage not legalized during the 80s

    Speaking of Captian America, you also wonder if the filmmakers would have chosen to include the romantic motivation between the two without those extra two decades of cultural presence. I mean, you read some accounts from that period of those that served, a few do come off as what today would...
  8. How Serious Would The Lose of Moscow Have Been to the USSR in 1941?

    So odds are if America still enters the war and Germany is defeated, Russia would be in no position to challenge the US
  9. AHC: Have Homosexuality Legal But Still Considered Taboo By 1900 In America

    So in part a challenge based of my two threads on the subject, but the challenge is thus: Have America's legal laws develop that by the start of the 20th century in America so that all or 80% of the states do not have any laws that make homosexuality acts (or whatever it would be called in this...
  10. How Laws Changed The River's Course: A History Of Uranian (Gay) In America [1770-1950] Mk.2

    Ok, this is not an update but a notice that I'm going deciding to change idea to an ASB-so this thread at the moment is from further notice inactive. I know this will be the second thread I've 'stopped' on this, but I'm finding it hard to write a believable timeline with a non ASB POD. I hope...
  11. How Laws Changed The River's Course: A History Of Uranian (Gay) In America [1770-1950] Mk.2

    The Catholic Church will be facing some image problems from Europe immigrants, however remember most people still put great faith in religion. So don't expect any 'it's not a sin or choice' thoughts for a bit from even sects looking to take a stab at the church. Still, we will see an earlier...
  12. How Laws Changed The River's Course: A History Of Uranian (Gay) In America [1770-1950] Mk.2

    Next update, enjoy! When examining the start of Uranian acceptance in America one is quick to notice how it seems to almost parallel the revolution itself, critically tied to a number of the founders and the political philosophy they used. It is for this reason that the period from 1780-1800...
  13. WI: Prince Harry Is Gay And Does Not Hide It?

    Just as a general social what if, but let's say that in his early 20's finds that he attracted to men and decides that he will not try to hid it from the public (i.e, won't date a woman just to cover it, will answer the question honestly as he can if asked by the public, etc.) Now gay rights...
  14. How Laws Changed The River's Course: A History Of Uranian (Gay) In America [1770-1950] Mk.2

    Cabinet Room, Monticello, Virginia, 1776. Jefferson looked down at the sixty page manuscript essay on his desk, perhaps wondering if he had misjudged the man whom written it. “How can he argue this?” He asked himself for what must have been the fourth time, the afternoon sunlight blighting the...
  15. How Laws Changed The River's Course: A History Of Uranian (Gay) In America [1770-1950] Mk.2

    “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” The development of the Uranian, Urningin, and Dionigion(1) identity and how their acts came to be legal in the United States is a story that stretches almost two centuries, over continents, and the collision...