Recent content by mane

  1. mane

    Interauctoritas et Renovatio (A Roman TL)

    oh no not an necro
  2. mane

    A Dog Went Left

    nice work and forgive me if this seems rude but could you thread mark your timeline/story posts please it would make it easier to read then go though pages of comments to read the next part
  3. mane

    Superpower Ancient Egypt:Sneferu Fourth Dynasty conquer North Africa

    ok no not possible at all or even feasible
  4. mane

    Heirs of Heraclius, a no Islam timeline

    i think that would be an good idea
  5. mane

    Eagles of the Mediterranean

    nice work
  6. mane

    Res Gestae Imperatorum --- The Deeds of the Emperors, a Julio-Claudian TL

    nice work could you also please thread mark your time line/story posts so its easier to keep track of them
  7. mane

    Heirs of Heraclius, a no Islam timeline

    nice work so far and forgive me you forgot to threadmark your post
  8. mane

    The Resurrection of Rome: Dietrich's Reign

    looks good to me also it may be best to thread mark your post so its easier to read/keep track of
  9. mane

    A New Millennium

    nice work so far it might be best to thread mark your posts as to make it easier to read/keep track of said timeline/story posts
  10. mane

    The Vijayanagari - A South Indian TL

    question will the Vijayanagar empire in time take over all of India in time
  11. mane

    The Vijayanagari - A South Indian TL

    nice work so far also could you thread mark your time line/story post please it would make it easer to read and to keep track of your time line/story posts
  12. mane

    The Eternal Empire: Emperor Maurice dies before being overthrown

    nice work and forgive me you forgot to threadmark your newest time line/story post
  13. mane

    Roma Renovata est: A Roman TL

    i dont think so in all it looks very good