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  1. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    Here are a few thoughts I have, which can probably be used to construct a plausible no-Papal States scenario: For one, in The Rites of Peace, apparently Murat was willing to compromise with the Papacy on his desire to expand his Kingdom of Naples by only annexing the areas of Marche that were...
  2. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    I do wanna bump this because I found a few more passages from various books on what Eugène de Beauharnais suggested for himself as German possessions and what others suggested for him: Kraehe's "Metternich's German Policy, Volume II. The Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815" states that in late...
  3. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    I mean with the 1816 Treaty of Munich Bavaria very much did reestablish itself on the Rhine... Yes, Bavaria did effectively swap any rights they had to Jülich and Berg for their rights to Ansbach and Bayreuth. Though evidently Munich was very much interested in obtaining the more central parts...
  4. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    Two notes before I give my two cents: 1) The arrangement between Cologne and the Arch-Bishopric of Cologne was that the city itself had successfully revolted against church rule, which led to the bishop establishing himself in Bonn instead. Fun fact, the university in Bonn is mostly located in...
  5. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    I wanted to compile some Germany-centric proposals made around the Congress of Vienna in one post. I won't go into much detail, but hopefully this will still be interesting: Bavaria's and Austria's Competing Designs For The Palatinate & Salzburg Both Austria and Bavaria were very keen on...
  6. Anything else Prussia could swap Posen with besides Saxony?

    @OxSpace It's fascinating how that idea of a Posen-Sachsen swap has managed to entrench itself despite its ahistoricity... Really glad how you broke it down, very understandable. From what I've seen in my personal readings since then, it might have been an exaggeration of Russia dropping the...
  7. Anything else Prussia could swap Posen with besides Saxony?

    Oof, yes. I read up on the 1816 Treaty of Munich and yes, it indeed makes further Bavarian compensations in the Rhineland far less likely and makes a Prussian return to Franconia essentially impossible. I also read that Austro-Bavarian plans for a territory on the Mittelrhein covered, in...
  8. Anything else Prussia could swap Posen with besides Saxony?

    At that point, or rather since the late 17th century, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach was indeed the oldest Ernestine branch. So yes, at least theoretically it would be seen as the most likely candidate to gain a significant chunk of a partitioned Königreich Sachsen. I do feel like that the idea of a...
  9. King Theodore's Corsica

    See, this is why I shouldn't write early in the morning xD The update does mention Lower Bavaria/Unterbayern as the Austrian goal but my mind swapped it with Upper Bavaria/Oberbayern while writing it, while still correctly applying my knowledge of Lower Bavaria.
  10. King Theodore's Corsica

    I think you're overestimating how small Niederbayern/Lower Bavaria, the region Austria was actually interested in, was. Here's an 1808 map with Niederbayern/the Niederdonaukreis being entry number IX. And here's a link to the Regierungsbezirke today with their Kreise, just for good...
  11. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day
    Threadmarks: Upper Silesia 1918-1922

    Upper Silesia 1918-1922 - Struggling Between Autonomy, Independence & Partition In late 1918 Poland and Czechoslovakia listed these as their claims to Silesia: Czechoslovakia desired most of Kreis Waldenburg (to gain control over the significant black coal deposists there), the Silesian...
  12. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    Very true! And even today you again have a positive connotation to the label "Hanseatic" with lots of cultural and institutional partnerships going on, even including non-sovereign historic Hanseatic cities. And, for the record, the Hatje article specifically claims that this movement around the...
  13. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    As part of my research on German state reorganization proposals I occasionally stumble across other wonderful sources that contain interesting proposals that don't find the limits of my personal thread. This here is one of them: I've found two articles, "Die hidden agenda einer »Hanseatischen...
  14. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day

    I just wanted to do a quick update on what the following few posts will entail. My aim is to get two posts out before Pentecost (when I'll be going on a little vacation), and then the last two, which will be quite hefty, in June. After that, this project will go on hiatus for a bit. Probably...
  15. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day

    This is one big reason why this topic fascinates me so much. The identities of Germans are mostly based on relatively small units, either cities or regions within states. E.g. a 2016 YouGov poll had only 31 percent of Germans state that they identify primarily as Germans (39 in the East, 29 in...
  16. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day

    Yes, pretty much this. Besides the KPD no German political organization that I know of had a preference for a unitary German state. Not even the Nazis were that interested in unitarianism, given how much free range the many Gauleiter had. The closest there ever was to a non-Communist proposal...
  17. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    Crossposting my most recent entry on German state border reorganization proposals because it includes two maps!
  18. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day
    Threadmarks: Germany 1949 - A Chance For Immediate Reorganization? Walter Christaller & Werner Münchheimer

    Germany 1949 - A Chance For Immediate Reorganization? Walter Christaller & Werner Münchheimer As should be evident by earlier posts in this little collection of mine, the time between 1945 and 1956 was an especially productive time for German state reorganization proposals due to the...
  19. Redrawing Every Country's Subdivisions

    Very nice! To me this setup feels like if there was never a proper French occupation zone established, at most something akin to the way the British handled their occupation zone by having other Western allies (and Poland) establish small zones. All very sensible options. But also, as someone...
  20. German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day

    Due to financial contraints I can't order these types of books new, and getting them used is a crapshoot, so I've mostly been limiting myself to online publications.... A bunch of books are available to borrow digitally at, some are legitimately available for free by their...