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  1. Edifice: A History of the National Redoubt

    Ghosts of the Cold War... Like I said, turns out there's a "nuke community" and it wasn't just that Stuart Slade guy who wrote The Big One and The Salvation War Is there an AH thread for talking about real-world defense planning nuttery so I don't keep spamming this thread? Because...
  2. Edifice: A History of the National Redoubt

    As far as the bunker-type basing goes, let's all party at the Hard Rock Silo (actually the Hard Tunnel is probably more bunker-like). I like how South Side Basing is just choosing a cardinal direction furthest away from Soviet trajectories. On the podcast they joke about using Mount Rushmore...
  3. Edifice: A History of the National Redoubt

    Nah, it's not truly bonkers until Canada has its own bomb. Or, uh, Venezuela, though that timeline has that country embark on a different path of advancement. Just wanted to share some info on how bonkers nuclear weapons ideas got during the Cold War- while writing a crossover adaptation for...
  4. WI Richard II isn't deposed (2024 ed)

    I always thought Mowbray was an odd duck. He's the reason why Bolingbroke gets exiled, assumed he would get pardoned by Richard, and then up and dies in Venice. Just sort of vanishes off-screen...
  5. How long could Rhodesia have held out?

    Now I'm wondering what if there was some sort of religious ideology that would cause settlers to move to Rhodesia, but eh that's better served next door with supposedly how austere and zealous the Dutch Calvinist Boers were in South Africa (which would make for an interesting thread of its own)...
  6. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    Now I’m imagining a black Rhodesian Stalin (no not Mugabe that doesn’t count unless somehow he rose to power within the system)
  7. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    I guess Rhodesia is the 20th century Confederacy, a short-lived secessionist white supremacist nation that gets debated again quite often, much longer thread with same premise only two years ago: Found...
  8. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    What’s an Enoch Powell-type British politician who would support them if made PM
  9. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    Let's talk about positive examples. Zambia seemed to have done alright with decolonization. What makes them different? I mean, I'm the white population was immensely smaller and so not hellbent on retaining minority rule, for once, but curious if there's any other lessons to be learned there.
  10. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    There was a long-gone thread in Chat where I asked about this country, and someone described Rhodesian society as basically little English country squires for whom all of the major social changes in the metropole had passed them by. If that poster is reading this thread (I believe you said you...
  11. Online Alternate History PODs that go hard

    Twitter AH PODs that are twee
  12. WI: Egypt's Independence is Achieved Under Ali Bey the Great?

    Muhammad Ali is Albanian also not a local Egyptian
  13. WI: Egypt's Independence is Achieved Under Ali Bey the Great?

    lmao every time Why don't the locals ever try to break free or is it just because Egypt was such a cosmopolitan crossroads ever since the Mamluks arrived
  14. Why isn't the Episcopal Church called the Church of America?

    The United Church of Canada isn’t established but perhaps they just called it as a modern affectation.
  15. Why isn't the Episcopal Church called the Church of America?

    On the other hand, there's this
  16. WI: The Church of America?
  17. Online Alternate History PODs that go hard

    Regret to do this with tweets again, let alone by a Chapo guy. (The OP is about hating on Jimmy Carter) Source