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  1. The Germans adopt Manstein's Backhand blow plan in 1943, what do the Soviets do?

    Nothing is finalized until it's the actual "boots on the ground and not going anywhere without another war" kind of final. At those conferences the USSR also promised a free and indepedent Poland and that didn't exactly happen. If by the time the Western and Soviet armies meet, it's already...
  2. WI: Successful French Invasion of Egypt

    Now that would make for an interesting TL.
  3. Manstein leads Operation Barbarossa

    Compared to anything the Germans could possibly have done or done better IMHO the most plausible way to Barbarossa to be more successful would have been for the USSRs own brand of dysfunction and misgouvernance to trip itself up more. The whole "Stalin is politely asked to please come back and...
  4. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Yes. If I was the German admirality, I'd welcome the French surface fleet entering the Baltic. I'd then make sure they won't leave it in one piece.
  5. How powerful could Italy have become by 1940 if it wasn't run by a strutting buffoon?

    Unless you have a much earlier PoD , then Footprint of Mussolini is ironically the best case for Italy IMO.
  6. Is there any way for Rome to survive?

    Well entropy means, that any entity is fated to eventually decline and fall at some point. What IMHO would have been possible would have been for Rome to China-style fall to someone strong enough to take it over in it's entirety, rather than bits and pieces taken over by various Warlords. Once a...
  7. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    As long as the Italians don't outright loose, them fighting the Desert War on their own is already consequential by itself.
  8. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I'd say about half the country wasn't interested in revanchism to begin with and considered Denmarks membership in the Iron Triangle purely defensive in nature. Whereas the other half was more interested in beating their chests about revanchism, than actually putting in the hard work of getting...
  9. WI: Kühlmann's "Peace Kite" Flies, a Negotiated End to WWI in 1917?

    IMHO that's the key difficulty, but also the only that really matters. People here can argue for ages about who would accept what. But that vastly underestimates just how war-weary the common soldiers were on both sides at this point. It doesn't matter what the aristocracy wants or what...
  10. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I don't remember if Mayukh is correct, but if so then that's grounds for a Papal Annullment.
  11. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    The war then might start over her trial. Or over she and her boytoy successfully escaping and then Germany refusing to extradite her. Cue Charles de Gaulle raising a French Republican Army aka Free France in exile to overthrow the Empire.
  12. 8mm to the Left: If Hitler Died in 1923

    Well the OTL split is the key IMO. In TTL they reabsorbed them, which in due time meant that the "former" Communists together with the extremist wing of the SPD became the tail that was wagging the dog. It still calls itself the SPD, but is now the KPD in all but name except that people like the...
  13. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    In some ways they will. At least at the beginning. For example no proper noble officer is going to lie down in the mud, just because some shells and bullets are flying around. They are going to stand straight and proud a gallant figure of.....
  14. WI: The IRA assassinateQueen Elizabeth II?

    What makes you think they get a vote in the matter? The UK isn't some State in the United States Of Europe. No matter how much the ECHR likes to pretend otherwise they aren't the EEC equivalent of the US Supreme Court. Parliamentary Supremacy is the name of the game in the UK. As long as the...
  15. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Unless our esteemed author wrote some hints I missed, we don't really know yet if/when the OE will join in the GEW and on which side. That's going to massively influence it's fate in the 20's.
  16. A (late) Central Powers Victory: Some Musings

    Regarding Russia I think the discussion so far has neglegted one thing of paramount importance: Money! Regardless of whether the Whites or the Reds win the Civil War they'll almost certainly default on both their pre-war debts to France as well as their war-debts to Britain as the Reds did in...
  17. Wars that could have happened, but didn't.

    Many people in the USA were isolationist until December the 6th 1941. Then they were attacked and a few days later the American DoW passed nearly unanimously. If Swedish conservative and pro-German establishment somehow managed to join the CP with some minor PoD, then your point would stand. If...
  18. What Now? - The Question that Defined A Generation

    I find that highly unlikely. With Europe being under the Nazi jackboot there wont be an international sanctions regime against Apartheid. The Nazis wouldn't care and even the Democracies might not dare to lest they drive SA into aligning itself with the Nazi Empire instead of being neutral in...
  19. A Late Central Powers Victory with an Earlier, Less Harsh Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    I've always envisioned a late CP victory Germany mostly akin to OTLs Britain: Looking very powerful on paper, but actually very exhausted with a very war weary population and military. If the gouvernment tried to intervene directly in the Russian Civil War there'd be mutinies and I think they'd...
  20. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    You know that actually brings an interesting scenario to mind. Not that we don't already know that it wont happen, just to think about: What if after the nominations are done, the Democrat candidate is actually cought with the proverbial dead girl or live boy and Lowden wins a surprise victory...