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  1. 1556: Battle of Panipat, a Mughal Screw POD?

    This is one of those hinges on which the world turns. I admit that pre-colonial Indian history seems to be a bit of a "niche" on this forum, but I thought this was an interesting "idea". Emperor Hemu was a shrewd strategist as well as very good with economics (he was born to a trading...
  2. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    ...why there was never any consideration of simply allowing him to retain the grand duchy of Frankfurt (minus the actual city/fortress of Frankfurt*). This is actually one of those decisions that is so simple it's difficult to believe nobody went for it. The OTL solution of garrisoning Frankfurt...
  3. PC: July 1830 POD

    The Third Ordinance referred to above is of the infamous six ordinances of Charles X July 1830 that caused the July Revolution. Obviously this didn't happen and the ordinance went through in the form that led to the Revolution. Contrary to popular history portraying the revolution being caused...
  4. Brazil Fractures During the Philippic Era (1580-1640)

    As it says on the tin. During the Philippine Era in Portugal the Portuguese colonies (like Brazil, Angola and Sri Lanka) due to Spain's commitments elsewhere, found themselves put on a sort of back burner. It was also during this time that the Dutch took them over, with a newly independent...
  5. WI: Egypt's Independence is Achieved Under Ali Bey the Great?

    When most of us think of Egyptian independence from the Ottoman Empire, we think of Muhammed Ali and the 19th century. However, Egypt revolted against Ottoman rule several times in the 18th century, before the French or even the American Revolutions were thought of. The British Levant Company...
  6. WI: Franco-Burgundian War in the League of Cambrai

    OTL, the Low Countries went reasonably unmolested by French arms from the Treaty of Arras until well into the 1520s/1530s. Now, it's easy to understand in Charles VIII's situation, him being more interested in Naples and Louis XII being more interested in Milan. However, did the French miss a...
  7. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    What it says on the tin. Louis XVI made the "mistake" at the outset of his reign of restoring the French provincial parlements. After the praise which his grandfather had received for finally abolishing them just a few short years earlier, this was very much a regressive move. My question is...
  8. PC: More Battenberg-type families?

    By this I mean that the children/descendants of a morganatic marriage manage to climb their way back to marrying into the highest levels of the royal hierarchy. I'm unaware that any other fruit of a morganatic marriage managed to do this to the extent that the Battenbergs were able to do this...
  9. How Would an Ottoman 1848 Look?

    OTl, the Ottomans avoided the spate of revolutions that hit the rest of Europe in 1848, although there was significant opposition to the Tanzimat period's policy of centralization and modernization. But what if there had been one? The cholera epidemic of 1847-1848 that swept across the empire...
  10. WI: Poland and Lithuania Remain Separate

    By this question, I don't mean that Wladyslaw Jagiello never becomes king of Poland, but rather that the thrones remain independent of one another rather than in the PU of OTL. There were several instances where this could've happened, but fortunately/unfortunately in all the instances, the...
  11. Oliver Cromwell Lives Until December 1660: Effects on Europe

    ...So what if he'd lived to die in the same smallpox epidemic that carried off Mary, Princess Royal and Henry, Duke of Gloucester in December 1660?* This is not to look at what would happen in England, whether Cromwell would finally declare himself king/emperor or whatever. Rather, it is to...
  12. WI Napoléon II: Bourbon Hostage?

    ...looking like a Corsican bandit, perhaps wouldn't be the craziest case of transference for her to convince herself he resembles her murdered brother*. *not saying she's crazy or anything, but it's been over twenty years since she would've seen her brother. Allowances can be made for...
  13. WI: Ibrahim Pasha's Health Hadn't Been Ruined?

    The Ibrahim Pasha I'm talking about is this guy,the son of Muhammad Ali, first ruler of an independent Egypt. However, there doesn't seem to be much on the type of policies he would've favored had he lived. In fact, most things I can find online quote the Wikipedia article and say "his health...
  14. WI: No Magna Carta?

    Given the importance of this document to the history of the English speaking world, I imagine this will unleash a butterfly storm but here goes. What if King John actually manages to defeat the Barons- despite what the common thought says, John was actually a capable military commander, plus he...
  15. How Similar Would Methodism and Hussitism Be?

    Forgive the ASB'ish sounding title, but I asked this questions in the miscellaneous thread, but it got no answers. So I decided to create a separate thread for it (and couldn't think of a better way to phrase it). Out of curiosity how "recognizable" would Methodism/Pietism be to a Hussite...
  16. How Recognizable Would The Methodists Be To a Hussite?

    Forgive the ASB'ish sounding title, but I asked this questions in the miscellaneous thread, but it got no answers. So I decided to create a separate thread for it (and couldn't think of a better way to phrase it). Out of curiosity how "recognizable" would Methodism/Pietism be to a Hussite...
  17. WI: Crown Prince Umberto Is Assassinated in October 1929

    ...Aimone (also Tomislav II of Croatia). Sadly, Aimone would die in January 1948. Leaving a five-year-old, Amadeo, 5e duke of Aosta as "king of Italy"*. Given how a regency fared for both in Bulgaria and Romania, could the Italian monarchy have held out? *assuming that the monarchy somehow...
  18. PC: Napoléon's "Lycée/École des Princes"

    In my sig'd TL, Frankie Goes To The Hofburg, a dying Hortense de Beauharnais mentions that Napoléon planned to establish a school- similar to what Frankie does- in Paris. Where the princes of the empire would come/send their sons to be educated. The proposed location was- from what I could find-...
  19. AHC: Wettin Spain in the 16th Century? War of the Spanish Succession? a cousin who goes into Spanish service à la Jordi of Darmstadt) winds up in Spain and marries the king of Spain's eldest (surviving) daughter* What would the effects be? *this could probably be either similar to how the Habsburgs inherited Spain (oldest daughter and only son predecease...
  20. WI: George III Died in 1804?

    OTL, in the same year that Napoléon crowned himself emperor, George III suffered from what would be his final mental collapse. It was triggered, not by the threat of a French invasion, but rather by discord in his own family- namely the betrayal of both Queen Charlotte and the Prince of...