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  1. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    Does she expect to inherit Norway? Such a union of crowns seems rather a stretch. Furthermore, she hasn't seen Norway in ten years. IIRC, she hasn't even seen a Norwegian for ten years. If she is any sort of potential heir to the crown of Norway, there would have been numerous Norwegians...
  2. Presidential system: Separate Head of State and Head of Government. Possible?

    Not quite. In in 1996, 1999, and 2001, Israel had direct elections for Prime Minister, while retaining the office of President as head of state. The Knesset (parliament) retained the power to dismiss the Prime Minister and force new elections. (I'd guess new elections were required, unlike in a...
  3. What if Germany found out that the First United States Army Group (FUSAG)was fake

    It could have happened. A very large part of the FORTITUDE deception was misinformation passed by Abwehr agents in Britain under the control of the Double Cross System - notably GARBO. The Abwehr "handlers" of these agents were mostly in Spain. One of them (Johnny Jebsen, British codename...
  4. If the Nationalists/Kuomintang won the Chinese Civil War, would/could China have eventually become a democracy?

    Yes, obviously. The RoC held elections in 1947. These elections were very confused and often manipulated by various elements (mostly by the ruling KMT party), but hundreds of delegates were elected from other parties, and there were contests between rival KMT factions. The important point here...
  5. Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Very much like the USSR, and very much unlike US, UK, France... That's different, to be sure. When did "the people" have anything to say about "the direction and goals of the economy" in any Communist state? While total state control of the economy was not a fundamental element of "Red"...
  6. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    The Allies would happily buy the nickel to deny it to the Germans and cover Finland's operating expenses. Given the importance of the nickel to Germany (gun barrels, armor plate, engines, ball bearings), they would insist. Also, the Allies would want the mine returned to its original developer...
  7. WI Mongke Khan Lived Longer

    ???? Korea fell to the Mongols in 1270.
  8. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    This many casualties by the end of 1941? 1945 (OK) 2M soldiers (1.1M Axis, 890K Allied) (1M Axis, 890K Allied, 123K Italy - on both sides). 1.5M civilians (211K Axis, 1.3M Allied) I note Allied casualties include the Italian campaign. What about German and Italian casualties? And Italian...
  9. Cubans vs Israel

    But a helluva lot more than I ever imagined. It's well over the "advisors" and well into full-on combat force. 50,000 is lot. But if the Soviets decided it was a good idea, it's not ASB. I don't think it would be determined just by the personal relationship between Castro and whoever is...
  10. Realistic multi-party parliamentary USA (Johnson impeachment POD)

    Presumably, this election takes place when each newly elected Congress convenes. Given the improvements in communications and transport since the Founding, might there be a provision setting the starting/ending date in early January? Also, leaving the election of the VP to Senate separately...
  11. Church-State relations in a world with no Reformation

    Huh? The 1527 sack of Rome was committed by troops in the service of Emperor Charles V. There were some Lutherans among the Germans, but all the Spanish and Italian troops were Catholic.
  12. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    It diverts German attention to the west and in Stalin's view is another reason for Germany to delay invading the USSR. Also, if the Republic is Communist-influenced, but not controlled, the Germans will crush all the non-Communist elements in the government while the Communists go underground...
  13. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Stalin expected a war with Germany at some point. In 1939, he told the Politburo that the reason for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was to enable Germany to attack Soviet enemies (such as Poland, obviously, and France and Britain, less obviously but still on the "enemies list"). That would lead to...
  14. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    1943 is too late for Germany to make truly effective use of anti-Soviet sentiment in the occupied USSR. (Or Poland: Poles were very anti-Soviet, but would they ever fight for Germany?) OTL, Germany did recruit a substantial number of Osttruppen and "Hiwis", which added to the Wehrmacht's...
  15. Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

    Not really more awkward than Spain and France allying after the Bourbon succession - when they had been almost continual enemies for about 60 years.
  16. Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

    So what sort of ships did Siam field for this conflict? Have they started building European-style warships, as Japan has?
  17. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    By mid-1943 the Allies are winning on all fronts. They've cleared Africa, they're about to take Sicily, they've broken the U-boats, they're massively bombing Germany (Operation MILLENIUM was in mid-1942), and they're driving the Germans back all along the Eastern Front. The most a post-Hitler...
  18. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    That's an exaggeration. Bad weather could do it (and nearly did). Or Double Cross could blow up (it nearly did), exposing FORTITUDE and directing German attention to Normandy. Hitler could wake up early and authorize immediate counterattack by XXI Panzer. Remember that Ike composed a message...
  19. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    Operation FLASH succeeds? Not going to happen. By early 1943, the Soviets have won at Stalingrad, the US/UK are about to win in North Africa, and the US/UK have issued the "unconditional surrender" demand. There is very little that "better military strategy" can do to to save Germany from...
  20. The Solar Storm of August 1972

    "Please do not post Evolution/Geologic/Climatatological/Cosmological POD T/L in pre 1900. " This is in post-1900. So I left it up to the OP.