western allies

  1. Operation Unthinkable goes ahead - how much longer does the war last?

    I have been looking into a number of threads about Operation Unthinkable as the idea has quite taken me, though something barely anyone seems to touch on is just how long a war between the Western allies and the Soviet Union in 1945 would last... Regardless of whether people believe it would be...
  2. Could Greater Finland survive a WAllied victory without the USSR?

    In a scenario where the USSR is defeated in WW2, but the Western Allies still defeat Germany years later (Finland is neutral again at this point), would they allow Finland to keep the territories it took from the Soviet Union? If it survives, the SU would be very weak, so I guess it'd be up to...
  3. How will modern Europeans react to a 1st world Assyrian country deep within Central Europe?

    What if some ancient Assyrians went and settled deep within Central Europe before the first Persian empire even existed then they fully established a classic powerful ancient Assyrian civilization there with a classic ruthless brutal professional ancient Assyrian military? They were unconquered...
  4. Best Case scenario for Western Allies in WWII

    What is the absolute most territory the western allies could've liberated in WWII? Were there any otl plans that had the possibility of a major western push? The only two countries I see as inevitably Soviet spoils are Poland due to it's unfortunate location and East Germany due to commitments...
  5. WI: Kursk submarine disaster averted

    I was reading about the Kursk submarine and how the Russian government refused any foreign help with the rescue. All Russian sailors tragically died. It made me think, what if they accepted foreign help. Would Russian/Western relations be better for the help or worse because the Russians would...
  6. Chances of a negotiated peace between the WAllies and Germany if the Soviets quit the war

    Let's posit a scenario like the one in this TL I wrote two years ago. The TL;DR version is that Case Blue is highly successful because Hitler doesn't divert the Fourth Panzer Army to the Don Crossing, which results in the fall of Stalingrad in summer 1942. Stalin subsequently wastes men and...
  7. Old1812

    PC/WI: Westwall actually built?

    For the record, I have read A Storm of Steel and Fire, but just wanted to ask this anyway, considering how little I know about WWII. Besides, I've already raised the usual "Kaiser Bill attacks east, defends west" question, may as well round things out. Anyway, what set of circumstances would...