A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

I propose that in the Presidential Line of Succession the post of Minister of Emergency Situations shall be swapped with that of Minister of Foreign Affairs,making the Minister of Emergency Situations 4th in the line of succession instead of 10th.

You see,continuity of government is important,and for that reason we have a rather security-heavy PLoS. So,if it ever comes down to the fourth in line -Which God may prevent-than why should a Foreign Affairs man or woman be responsible instead of someone who’s title explicitly states his duty,and I would say that this would be quite the Emergency Situation!
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Should Transnistria and Gagauzia be allowed to join the Union State?

B) No

South Ossetia and Abkhazia are now part of our Georgia puppet state.
I was thinking of voting for A,but only if Ukraine in its entirety joined the Union State (perhaps a date would be set where Crimea would be transferred into Russia, while Transnistria (I doubt that Gaugazia would be even considered since they aren't ethnically Russians or Ukrainians) would be inserted into the federation of Ukraine...but I think Moldova would probably negotiate for it's insertion into NATO as an exchange....

As such...in any other cases (even with just a minor change)... I will be voting for B

P/s / Edit:

Reading into the African update, specifically in regards to the economic cooperation...perhaps it would be great if perhaps there would be I would like to propose that a free trade/association agreement between the Union State and Mercosur (in a similar vein with the EU-Mercosur Agreement or even a closer agreement) to be included in the agenda for the next presidential term...it would be really funny if the Union State could negotiate faster and as a result ratify and implement the agreement with Mercosur even earlier than the EU...
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I was thinking of voting for A,but only if Ukraine in its entirety joined the Union State (perhaps a date would be set where Crimea would be transferred into Russia, while Transnistria (I doubt that Gaugazia would be even considered since they aren't ethnically Russians or Ukrainians) would be inserted into the federation of Ukraine...but I think Moldova would probably negotiate for it's insertion into NATO as an exchange....

As such...in any other cases (even with just a minor change)... I will be voting for B

P/s / Edit:

Reading into the African update, specifically in regards to the economic cooperation...perhaps it would be great if perhaps there would be I would like to propose that a free trade/association agreement between the Union State and Mercosur (in a similar vein with the EU-Mercosur Agreement or even a closer agreement) to be included in the agenda for the next presidential term...it would be really funny if the Union State could negotiate faster and as a result ratify and implement the agreement with Mercosur even earlier than the EU...
Moldova is too weak, they wouldn't dare to join NATO. Their reaction would be the opposite of that of Sweden and Finland.

We can keep Gagauzia inside Moldova to help keep them in line by not humiliating them completely.

But Transnistria needs to be part of Federal Ukraine.
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Reading into the African update, specifically in regards to the economic cooperation...perhaps it would be great if perhaps there would be I would like to propose that a free trade/association agreement between the Union State and Mercosur (in a similar vein with the EU-Mercosur Agreement or even a closer agreement) to be included in the agenda for the next presidential term...it would be really funny if the Union State could negotiate faster and as a result ratify and implement the agreement with Mercosur even earlier than the EU...
That is very good idea!
Moldova is too weak, they wouldn't dare to join NATO.
They already are.
They have a separatist region which they claim but do not control.
Transistria and Gagauazia are independent states, recognized internationally/

Basically due to our actions which involved sanctions and heavy support for separatist regions in the 90s Transnistria and Gagauazia got their independence in exchange for us allowing Moldova to unite with Romania (union failed in the end).

But outcome remains the same. Transnistria and Gagauazia are independent state's and Moldova joined NATO.