A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

1. The first summit between the European Union and the Russian Federation is about to begin in Rome. One of the discussed topics would be expansion of the EU to the East. The question is how should Russia react to this development?
A) Agree for expansion of the EU to the east, we must abandon imperialism in Central and Eastern Europe;
B) Agree for expansion of the EU to the east, but only on condition that Europe will invest tens of billions of dollars in Russia in upcoming years;
C) Don't agree for any expansion - Central and Eastern Europe is our sphere of influence!
B) If they want to expand into our terf, they can at least pay for the privilege. I also agree with @Lord Enot that we should draw a line at former Warsaw Pact countries joining NATO.

2. Please write down how should the government deal with widespread alcoholism in Russia?
I second the plan by @ruffino.

3. Please write down, how the tax system in Russia should be reformed?
I recommend implementing...

Luxury tax
Mansion tax
Progressive income tax
Value Added tax
Land Value tax
Severance taxes including Carbon tax
Tax on the buying
Capital Gains tax
1). I'm with Kriss on this one; while we can afford to let countries like Poland and Romania go, we shouldn't simply let the EU have all of the ex-WARPAC; beyond making them pay for it all, we should also try to keep on those countries that, to my knowledge, maintained relatively cordial relations with the USSR during the Cold War, such as Bulgaria, alongside present countries who can prove to be very strategically valuable, like Ukraine.

2). Kriss' suggestion is what I'd go with. Treat alcohol like cigarettes; specifically, how Australia treats cigarettes.


1. The first summit between the European Union and the Russian Federation is about to begin in Rome. One of the discussed topics would be expansion of the EU to the East. The question is how should Russia react to this development?
B) I'll give my support to the plans of @Kriss and @ruffino with the amendment by @Lord Enot
2. Please write down how should the government deal with widespread alcoholism in Russia?
I'll add my support to @ruffino's plan.
3. Please write down, how the tax system in Russia should be reformed?
I'll add my support to @ruffino's plan.
1. The first summit between the European Union and the Russian Federation is about to begin in Rome. One of the discussed topics would be expansion of the EU to the East. The question is how should Russia react to this development?
B) I'll give my support to the plans of @Kriss and @ruffino with the amendment by @Lord Enot
2. Please write down how should the government deal with widespread alcoholism in Russia?
I'll add my support to @ruffino's and @Kriss's plan.
3. Please write down, how the tax system in Russia should be reformed?
I support @Dude-a-Buck's plan, but expand the land value tax to a natural resource tax and cut income tax on lower and middle-class households.
1. B, Kriss and ruffino plan mixed with Lord Enot
2. Mix of ruffino and Kriss plan
3. Dude-a-Buck plan mixed with TheImperialTheorist plan
1. B)
It is likely going to be difficult to stop the spread of the EU eastward, but we should look to maximise the gain we can make from this. Additionally, we should look to utilise these funds in ensuring our agriculture sector becomes as productive as it can so that food is available cheaply and abundantly for our people. This will likely need to be coupled with investment into automobile and tractor industries to allow us to bring food to table quicker. We will also need to improve our road network with this money for transport again. Although ideally we should look into improving rail connectivity as rail can transport much more food more easily, focusing on roads will allow our citizens to also be able to move around easier.

@Kriss and @ruffino have nailed the issues here. Expanding on what Kriss wrote, we should look to boost up 40% vodka to double the price and look to introduce 15% vodka at the old price of 40% vodka - making it comparable to wine in alcohol content. We also need to classify anything over 2% alcohol as alcoholic (Russia OTL only managed to do this in 2011!). And we need to encourage beer consumption instead - if our people want to drink, we cannot stop them, but at least they should be much more productive with beer compared to vodka. Additionally, we are going to have cheeky farmers make their own moonshine. We should look to create a festival showcasing their talents rather than try to crack down on it - and levy high taxes so the prices of "craft moonshine" are expensive. This should hopefully create a novelty aspect to the whole thing (less consumption) and encourage a higher quality moonshine that isn't so damaging to our people. Farmers who then have the highest sales over say 5 years should then be offered an opportunity to expand their business with an eye on export, turning our problems into an opportunity.

Additionally, we supercharge our tea culture. Any government meetings telecast should feature tea as the main beverage at the event. We also create a state owned tea company (with a focus on quality, our officials will want good tea), whose tea the government is shown to be drinking. Just because the government will lose money over vodka doesn't mean we can't make money off another beverage instead.

Tax breaks for a couple who marries
. Tax break on married couples who have had a child, with increasing tax breaks on the greater number of children you have - capped at 6. We should look to not give out revenue collected, taking in less revenue is better as we can reduce corruption compared to if we give money to families who have children - distributing that money opens it up to corruption. We should also introduce a Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax (at 25%). This will likely be our best source of income - and this can be used to tackle the alcohol problem from 2. as well (in the same vein as how tobacco is incredibly highly taxed). Otherwise, we need to create a robust entrepreneurial sector which can make use of the vast lands of Russia available. We need our citizens of all levels of prosperity to have money - we can look to regulate and implement things such as progressive taxes and taxes on capital gains and industry when our economy has more money in circulation. So 15% flat income tax for the whole population (we need to make sure the rich don't leave). Anyone found to be keeping more than 30% of their assets outside Russia however, will see a tax rate of 60%. Russian wealth stays in Russia. On that note, we introduce tariffs of at least 100% on imported luxury goods. We should however, come back to this in 5 years. Kriss mentioned this before:

Support formation of new companies/business and offer low, or no tax rate for new business for next 3 years
Which remains a great idea.
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more than 30% of their assets outside Russia however, will see a tax rate of 60%.

We are actually implementing Capital controls like China and India which means that it's really hard, to impossible to bring out the assets outside of the country and such actions will generally result in a loss as a flow of money going outside the country is strictly regulated. This measure is necessary due to inflation, low number of forgein reserves etc. not to mention keeping money in the country and to control flow of investment, for example EEU/CIS countries being an expectation as we want to gradually encourage investment there. So yea we could implement those measures for CIS/EEU.

This was also done in a hindsight to prevent a backlash from financial crisis in 2008 hitting us to hard. Idea had come from the fact that India and China were able to come relatively unscathed following Asian financial crisis in 1997 thanks to Capital controls.

Which remains a great idea

Honestly i thought we implemented that, guess not , so yea we should revisit this.

Otherwise yea, i agree with extensions.
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1. The first summit between the European Union and the Russian Federation is about to begin in Rome. One of the discussed topics would be expansion of the EU to the East. The question is how should Russia react to this development?
A) Agree for expansion of the EU to the east, we must abandon imperialism in Central and Eastern Europe;
B) Agree for expansion of the EU to the east, but only on condition that Europe will invest tens of billions of dollars in Russia in upcoming years;
C) Don't agree for any expansion - Central and Eastern Europe is our sphere of influence!
B,In addition, NATO should never expand eastward
2. Please write down how should the government deal with widespread alcoholism in Russia?
Improving the economy will naturally solve this problem
3. Please write down, how the tax system in Russia should be reformed?
Agree with @Kriss ‘s plan, but increase income taxes on high income person.
1)B, But also make a deal that none of the former Warsaw Bloc countries should join NATO

I will say that this is weary, weary hard to achieve, especially with some countries like Poland and USA itself is quite likely to push for it.

But I'm supportive of taking this course and voicing our opinion, as well as bringing up the question for security architecture of Europe after cold war.

Honestly this won't work, but what it may achieve is USA backing down on some other issues like Yugoslav wars etc. To avoid unnecessary complications with process of NATO Eastward expansion. As well as offering us more money to look the other way around.

Similarly with Bulgaria, making our intent clear is good and while we are unlikely to get some concrete agreement besides of "if Bulgarians want it" that's fine as EU might lessen its pivot towards Bulgaria (which was weak anyway).

And we should gradually plan our own plans of Bulgarian integration, as well as some new reforms for CIS/EEU.
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Also given that it will happen i believe we should think about how we want new Union State between Russia and Belarus to look like.

My idea is to adopt modified Soviet state model,or British model, or better said we have a privileged annexation.

Generally instead of building new State institutions for the Uniin State we simply absorb Belarus into the state institutions of Russian Federation with some extras.

For example we don't have office of Vice President, so we may have President of Belarus serve as Vice President of state union (in honorary function which isn't unusual for even many Presidents across the world) and we put him second (after President), or third in the line of succession (after Primeminister). Otherwise President of Russian federation ,Primeminister and Parliament will serve as official institutions of Union State as well (similar how Communist party of USSR was governing Russian SFSR and how England doesn’t have its own Parliament).

Other thing where we make a concession is in Council of Regions, but instead of modeling it along Soviet lines ( every republic gets equal number of seats), we can model it by expanding seats in council of Regions so that Belarus gets 20 to 30 % of the seats there which will give it disproportionate representations taking account of Belarusian population in contrast to population of Russian Federation, but still not the equal status to the rest of Russian federation.

We could give it right to secede as that could potentially be one of Belarus conditions, but only through majority in Belarusian Parliament and approval of Belarusian President, other conditions/offers will probably be that Belarusia will be able to maintain its political system (basically Presidential republic), autonomy of its own police force, autonomy/privilege in coursts (basically Belarusian President will probably appoint judges in Belarus and at least one judge in equivalent of Russian Federation/Union states supreme court). Other is that Belarusia will probably have its own unit's in the army.

Some deal that state property in Belarus and its natural resources are subjected to Belarusian institutions etc.

Otherwise most of other institutions should be commonly represented.

We also may try to have Belarus keep its UN seat like Ukraine and Belarus did as member states of USSR giving USSR three seats in the UN.

We could try to get that concession as a part of the deal that seas NATO expands east, or some other deal. We may negotiate but i don't know will it work. Thpugh they could certainly get observer seat like Vatican and Palestine.
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