Map thread for the most implausible TL of all - ours

Couple of nitpicks for your 20th century maps:

1. Not sure Goa has the right color, looks more like Chinese green than Portuguese green
2. You should have New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Pondichéry and Chandernagor, French Polynesia, and the French West Indies as blue dots
3. In 1942:
3a. Madagascar is British in the Norther quarter and Vichy for the rest
3b. French Guyana and the French West Indies are Vichy, but in custody of the US
3c. Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Reunion, Pondicherry et Chandernagor, New Caledonia, Polynesia are Free French
3d. Axis forces are all the way East to El Alamein
3e. Indochina is Vichy, except for some Cambodian territories ceded to Thailand, with basing facilities for the Japanese
Eurasia before Genghis

Here's a map I found on wikipedia, showing Eurasia before Genghis Khan started conquering everything he could get:
