Wow! So fast! It's beautiful ! Thank you!

What's the original picture of Massoud book?
So curious

What happened to former vice president Dick Cheney at the top of left ?

Thank's again! This is really impeccable !

Bush/Cheney lost in 2004.

I know
But Cheney wants to revenge ?
Yeah, in the timeline Geronimo, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lost the 2004 United States presidential election to John Edwards and John Kerry.

I guess Dick Cheney is going to run in the 2008 US presidential election or is at least seen as a potential Republican candidate for 2008.

Back in OTL 2008, he didn't run and even if he did, he'd probably lose in a landslide due to his unpopularity at the time.

Without the War on Terror or the Iraq War, Cheney isn't hated as much in the US and around the world and he'd probably be just seen as another politician.