Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

Ares is being his OTL self. In any case, he will soon be out of job, since after the Italian Armistice, the only obvious line of defence for the Axis will be roughly the pre-war greco-jugoslav border.

I agree with the guys above, I think we just saw the TTL Mincemeat. And this is where things get interesting: I take it for granted that the Allies will manage to capture Sicily and an armistice will follow. However, in contrast to OTL the Mediterranean Theater barrel has more holes than the Germans have divisions to plunge in the gaps. They will have to prioritize, since there are more active fronts than the OTL single one (italian landings). There will be Allied armies in Italy, advancing north from Ioannina to Albania, breaking through Macedonia and Turkey is facing three different fronts and a kurdish uprising.

I think the easy part will be Albania: there is no railroad connecting it to Jugoslavia and after the armistice the Germans won't be able to use the ports to supply an army there. Hence I think Albania will be a total right off. I have no idea of the internal albanian politics of the era, but with an Allied occupation things will be very interesting.

The it is Italy: do they try to hold the Allies in the south or economize forces and form an early Gothic Line to protect the vital Po Plain? Even in OTL this debate took place.

What about Turkey? Sivas is trying to find a way out of the war, but the Germans don't know that. I think they have to choose between a number of options. They can turn the Simav Plateau into a bastion and fortify the narrow coastal plain north of Lake Uluabat. This way they can hope to protect Bithynia and maintain an anatolian core of Turkey. Or they can write off Anatolia and try to hold only the european shores of the Straits. In the former case, the pros is that they still have access to some chrome and keep Turkey in the war forcing the Allies (WAllies and USSR) to keep field armies there. The drawback is that it would need a lot of forces, specially considering they need to form another field army to plug the gaps in the Greek Front.

So they can either:
a) Economize forces in both Italy and Turkey.
b) Economize forces either in Italy or Turkey
c) Go for both the South Italian and the Anatolian Options.
d) Try one of the above and then change their minds without an overall plan from the beginning - perhaps the worst action.
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Genuine leak or deception ?
Given the hindsight we have as readers, just because of the needed shipping for 5-7 divisions, it's reasonable to assume a deception.
Obviously, that could serve as a distraction from Sicily, but I'd think this might also serve a purpose of immobilizing Turkish and German reserves away from the Ionian front, reserves that otherwise would be used to counter any Allied push or breakout north from Smyrna (with Sicily oncoming, I assume it more likely the constraints on shipping will impose a landward approach to the straits if any is to be attempted).

Just a thing though, what is the timetable for the landing the Axis got their hand onto? And the timetable the Allies have planned for the Sicily landings?


I just finished a game in "Making History:WWI", playing as Greece, and I had conquered almost the whole world!
It was fun, but not as fun as plausible AH.
So, even if many of us would love to see Greece gaining a colonial empire, or everything of a strategic importance in the Eastern and Central Mediterranean, I guess we have to stick within the author's lines, respecting his thorough work and writing skills.

IMHO, having Greece claiming Pantelleria, Jerba or the Griko communities, is near ASB, as it would require a supernatural power to replace the minds of the Greek political establishment, or the appearance of a new political party with a Musolini-style agenda, and there is no time for that.

Claiming Sason (Sazan) is not impossible, but again, it requires knowledge not available at the time. I mean, the only reason why Greece would be interested in the islet is for not letting it be used by another power in the future. One case is of course if Greece gains the whole Northern Epirus, so Sason would be useful as an OP on the flanks of Albania. In this case Greece wouldn't have much problem to acquire the islet, as it formally belonged to Italy at the time.
ITTL Greece already possesses North Epirus, as a result of winning the Kemalists in the Anatolian campaign decisively, Greece was awarded North Epirus in addition to the treaty of Sevres. Look it up !here!

So yeah, claiming Sazan makes perfect sense...
ITTL Greece already possesses North Epirus, as a result of winning the Kemalists in the Anatolian campaign decisively, Greece was awarded North Epirus in addition to the treaty of Sevres. Look it up !here!

So yeah, claiming Sazan makes perfect sense...
I’m just wondering why though? Isn’t it just territory for territories sake?
I’m just wondering why though? Isn’t it just territory for territories sake?
There are only two reasonable cases for taking Sazan in my opinion.

1. The border moves north and contains part or all of the Bay of Vlorë. At that point you’d want to make sure you controlled Sazan so you control what enters and exits.

2. If it looks like the post war Albanian government is going to be hostile to Greece, it would make sense for Greece to claim it for the exact same reason. More or less having a knife to the throat of the second largest port and third largest city of Albania is certain to deter any cavalier attitudes in the Albanian government.
2. If it looks like the post war Albanian government is going to be hostile to Greece, it would make sense for Greece to claim it for the exact same reason. More or less having a knife to the throat of the second largest port and third largest city of Albania is certain to deter any cavalier attitudes in the Albanian government.
I do think Albania would be a reluctant ally of Greece with the Albanian citizens hating the fact that they're allied with Greece and the political classes knowing that Greece has too much power compared to them.
I think Greece would be much better off just getting bithnyia and Caria more than anything.

Tbf it's an automatic Turk screw when Turkey loses its most industrially capable lands but it's a more plausible Turk screw if anything? I could see sinope and more importantly Cilicia be it's main regions industrially speaking.
That Turkey loses Smyrna... well it's baked in the POD and I'm willing to argue that TTL is more plausible than herbivorous monkeys going around biting people in a country without monkeys. Overall from the likely outcomes OTL is not the worst plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way, nor TTL is the best plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way. Reverse for Turkey since most plausible outcomes in that era are something of a zero sum game.
Are many Greeks even aware of the Griko population in Italy at this point? Seems a bit far fetched that anyone would push for this.
Interesting question. The first mention to the Griko I've seen is in Paparigopoulos "History of the Greek Nation" but I cannot remember if it's written by Paparrigopoulos itself or in the commentary added by Paul Karolides for the 1930 edition. Either way this was a set of books (the Karolides edition runs at 8 books) that could be found in many homes among the educated classes. So there is at least some awareness that "hey there are still some Greek speaking villages out there in Magna Greacia".
Too good to be true... Perhaps we are looking at TTL's Operation Mincemeat ?
Are we? Perhaps we are. Then perhaps we aren't? :angel:
Very cool,

hope this TL continues into the alt-Cold War (if there is one!)
In the broadest outline I have an idea where Greece and Turkey roughly are in the modern day. And certain other aspects of the world. Obvious issue as you keep getting away from the POD butterflies inevitably keep multiplying...
If it’s not I’m going to be incredibly surprised. I suppose it cold be accurate though.
The uhm beauty of the thing is that someone can very easily picture Winston Churchill making this very argument, why I expect he DID make the argument TTL. So has he managed to convince everyone of putting a knife in the soft underbelly of Europe? Or he failed and the proposal is a deception?

To be honest I had forgotten about the Polish considering the Greeks have kinda claimed the secondary power spotlight for the Allies. I wonder if you’re going to change the ill fate of Sirkorski? I guess it depends on wether you think it was really poor maintenance or sabotage, one being significant easier to butterfly away easily. Because even if the sabotage was corrected there would likely be later attempts to get him out of the picture. I’m not sure how much his survival would change in reality sadly. He would have the best chance of negotiating at least a partially free Poland.
If he survived, I can see Poland's eastern border following Curzon line B thus retaining Lwow. This could well come at the cost of Breslau in the west though. Now was he assassinated? That the likes of David Irving support the conspiracy theories do not predispose me very well on them. That Britain apparently still keep classified documents on his death 80 years after the fact on the other hand is... concerning.

Amazing update and a lot faster than I expected to!

At least in Epirus the Greeks are really pushing up close to the pre-war border.
The OTL pre-war border the TTL border is somewhat further north but yes.
I wonder if they make an attempt to retake Corfu as they start to take more ports along the Adriatic coast. It would be risky but if they can pull it off and hold it it long enough to build an airbase or 3 it would cripple Axis supplies lines in the southern Adriatic.
In naval terms things are distinctly brighter for the Allies in the Mediterranean and they weren't exactly bad by this place even in OTL. Between Free France and Greece you have 3 more modern battleships, about a dozen modern cruisers and a large number of cruisers and destroyers around. Which starts having impact elsewhere, frex the US had one more battleship at Guadalcanal than OTL...
How convenient that this lowly secretary would be contacted by a major who has all these plans and was able to smuggle them out and I'm sure make sure he was able to lose any and all tails. /s
Hey a lowly secretary, particularly one not British, given the racism of the time is the right low profile agent you want...
I think this shows more than anything how desperate Turkey's position has become. Most importantly they don't even seem to be trying to cross reference being given a literal gold mine in intelligence where before they have had minimal to no success. All war Turkey's intelligence services have been minimally effective and now suddenly they just randomly found out not only where the allies are planning to attack next but even in their strength!
Correction, the Turkish and the Italian secret services have been reasonably effective throughout the war, the Turks in particular given former imperial contacts and religious affinities, the caliphate is still around after all, have been well placed both in the Arab countries and in the Caucasus. Granted on the other hand "better than the Germans in intelligence" is a pretty low bar.
That last line though reminds me of the saying "It takes only one to make war but everyone to make peace". Turkey would gladly accept ante-bellum peace at this point I'm betting but doesn't want to accept further losses of territory or restrictions and I am guessing the allies demanded some type of restrictions that Turkey is not ready to accept. Honestly I could see this spiral slowly right to the end of the war where every time Turkey is ready to accept the peace deal from 3 months ago their position has deteriorated so much since than that the previous deal is off the table. Turkey keeps trying to accept deals that are just beyond what the allies are demanding over and over in a cycle until Turkey ends up having to surrender unconditionally because there is no one left to fight and all their cities are occupied.
Turkey at this point controls significant Greek and Soviet territory, never mind Constantinople much of which it considers part of the fatherland. At the same point both the Soviets and the western allies are probably making demands not just on full return of that but also additional territorial concessions, the Greeks will want Constantinople and almost certainly a more defensible eastern border, whether they get any of that is a different question, the Soviets even in OTL wanted access in the straits and various degrees of territory east from their 1914 border to all of Sevres Armenia, the British back in the desperate days of 1941 had to make promises to the Kurds, unleashed Lawrence and the SOE in Kurdistan and have armed a Kurdish army, it will not look well to the British and American public if they throw the Kurds to the wolves after two years of propaganda about the gallant Kurdish freedom fighters. Overall Turkey's situation is not unlike OTL Finland in this regard.

Well that is for the Albanians chams
TTL there is also an even more sizeable Albanian minority in North Epirus, close to 95,000 people. And given OTL it seems pretty certain to me they would be receiving the Italians as liberators or at least as a better alternative to the Greeks. Which is pretty likely to backfire once the Greek army marches back to the area.

Ares is being his OTL self. In any case, he will soon be out of job, since after the Italian Armistice, the only obvious line of defence for the Axis will be roughly the pre-war greco-jugoslav border.
Depending on holding part of the Olympus or not, in theory you can put a line of defence at mount Vermion, then further east on the Axios river before falling back on the WW1 lines. Of course the problem of these are that the defending forces have their backs to the sea and the Aegean is an allied lake by this point, the Turkish navy at the start of 1942 had a light cruiser and 8 destroyers, but the Greeks alone had a battleship, 2 cruisers and 17 destroyers. And while the Greeks lost 5 destroyers during 1942 they've also received 8 more, while the Turkish navy has no source of new ships.
I agree with the guys above, I think we just saw the TTL Mincemeat. And this is where things get interesting: I take it for granted that the Allies will manage to capture Sicily and an armistice will follow. However, in contrast to OTL the Mediterranean Theater barrel has more holes than the Germans have divisions to plunge in the gaps. They will have to prioritize, since there are more active fronts than the OTL single one (italian landings). There will be Allied armies in Italy, advancing north from Ioannina to Albania, breaking through Macedonia and Turkey is facing three different fronts and a kurdish uprising.
For the moment the Germans have as many divisions in the Balkans as they did in OTL plus 5 divisions not destroyed in North Africa. All of which are being attrited to hell of course but that's a different question. After all the German forces in the Balkans in OTL peaked to something like 700,000 men and 25 divisions, so you could see 30 divisions committed in the Balkans just with the OTL forces. Of course these 30 divisions need to handle TTL both partisans and an active front...
I think the easy part will be Albania: there is no railroad connecting it to Jugoslavia and after the armistice the Germans won't be able to use the ports to supply an army there. Hence I think Albania will be a total right off. I have no idea of the internal albanian politics of the era, but with an Allied occupation things will be very interesting.
Albanian politics are... an issue. You have the Communist LNC and the nationalish Balli Kombetar. And some loyalists to king Zogu who are apparently negligible in numbers and outright collaborators. Technically BK supposedly start as a resistance organization against the Axis with contacts with the British. Only problem, it wanted to retain the borders of greater Albania created by Italy and viewed the Greeks and Yugoslavs as the primary enemy for this, nevermind Greek claims to North Epirus. End result when the Germans showed up at the time of the Italian surrender it threw its lot with the Germans. So whom are the Greeks supposed to be working with TTL? The Ballists are just as likely to turn against them as the reverse. The LNC are communists, Greece would not much like a communist Albania if they can avoid it. The Zogists who are outnumbered by everyone else by huge margins? Stop on the TTL Albanian border and let any retreating Axis forces alone?

Genuine leak or deception ?
Given the hindsight we have as readers, just because of the needed shipping for 5-7 divisions, it's reasonable to assume a deception.
The shipping s available in the Mediterranean. :angel:

I’m just wondering why though? Isn’t it just territory for territories sake?
Sazan, or Sason island for the Greeks is useful as a naval base, it was a Soviet submarine base in OTL. Also there are some politics involved, the island had been part og the Ionian state, when the latter united with Greece in 1864 everyone forgot about it, till 1912-13 when it became an issue when the Greeks advanced north and Italy and Austria-Hungary realized that the Greeks had a legal claim on it and it could be used as a naval base, which meant a British naval base in wartime. So pressure was extended, the Greek government gave up its claim... and was promptly accused by the opposition that it was relinquishing national territory.
In naval terms things are distinctly brighter for the Allies in the Mediterranean and they weren't exactly bad by this place even in OTL. Between Free France and Greece you have 3 more modern battleships, about a dozen modern cruisers and a large number of cruisers and destroyers around. Which starts having impact elsewhere, frex the US had one more battleship at Guadalcanal than OTL...
In that case, I wonder what garrison the Germans have in Sardinia and whether it will manage to get out as in OTL.
That Turkey loses Smyrna... well it's baked in the POD and I'm willing to argue that TTL is more plausible than herbivorous monkeys going around biting people in a country without monkeys. Overall from the likely outcomes OTL is not the worst plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way, nor TTL is the best plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way. Reverse for Turkey since most plausible outcomes in that era are something of a zero sum game.
Well otl is a Greek screw soooo
Sazan, or Sason island for the Greeks is useful as a naval base, it was a Soviet submarine base in OTL. Also there are some politics involved, the island had been part og the Ionian state, when the latter united with Greece in 1864 everyone forgot about it, till 1912-13 when it became an issue when the Greeks advanced north and Italy and Austria-Hungary realized that the Greeks had a legal claim on it and it could be used as a naval base, which meant a British naval base in wartime. So pressure was extended, the Greek government gave up its claim... and was promptly accused by the opposition that it was relinquishing national territory.
I can defo see America thinking that sason being Greek is a good thing and pushing it on the drawing of the state lines post WWII ittl.
If he survived, I can see Poland's eastern border following Curzon line B thus retaining Lwow
How? It depends from Soviets and I can't see Stalin's refuse from Lviv. It's a more more important city than Bialystok and modern Lviv oblast had oil and Ukrainian majority unlike Bialystok oblast. Also Polish-German territorial conflict was useful for Stalin because it makes Polish government more loyal for Moscow
How? It depends from Soviets and I can't see Stalin's refuse from Lviv. It's a more more important city than Bialystok and modern Lviv oblast had oil and Ukrainian majority unlike Bialystok oblast. Also Polish-German territorial conflict was useful for Stalin because it makes Polish government more loyal for Moscow
It has been argued in the past that of the Polish leaders of the government in exile Sikorski was the only one with some degree of actual influence in western capitals and a degree of ability to get some concessions from Stalin. How much that's worth in actual terms is an open question, but supposedly Stalin had told Sikorski that "he wanted the prewar Soviet-Polish frontier changed a little (Tchout-Tchout), adding that he would not, in any case, claim the town of Lwow, which was ethnographically Polish." (source Foreign Affairs, July 1947). Of course that was back in 1941.

As for the western Polish border the argument as late as 1945 was whether it should follow the Western or the Eastern Neisse or somewhere in-between. The Soviets were willing to compromise... so were the Americans and Byrne accepted the Western Neisse ahead of the Soviets offering their own compromise...
town of Lwow, which was ethnographically Polish."
The nuance is Lviv was Polish city in Ukrainian rural area in the beginning of urbanisation. Modern Lviv oblast (territory between Line A and Line B) had 60% of Ukrainian population in 1931 so Polish Lviv has the same sense like Chełm annexation project by Soviet Ukraine government. Grodno is more possible Polish acquisition on the east from Curzon Line. It had Polish majority and close to Poland enough to no including large Belarusian population.

should follow the Western or the Eastern Neisse or somewhere in-between
I hope Eastern Neisse border means Czech Kłodzko for aesthetic reasons
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The nuance is Lviv was Polish city in Ukrainian rural area in the beginning of urbanisation. Modern Lviv oblast (territory between Line A and Line B) had 60% of Ukrainian population in 1931 so Polish Lviv has the same sense like Chełm annexation project by Soviet Ukraine government. Grodno is more possible Polish acquisition on the east from Curzon Line. It had Polish majority and close to Poland enough to no including large Belarusian population.

I hope Eastern Neisse border means Czech Kłodzko for aesthetic reasons
Arguing that Stalin would see an ethnic population imbalance between the rural and urban population as a bad things seems inaccurate, seeing as changing borders to cause long term ethnic strife seems to have been a hobby of his. I honestly could see him giving Poland most of their eastern land back for that very reason. It was majority Polish but would have significant ethnic minorities. Anytime Poland started acting up the Soviets could support those minorities and cause problems for the Poles, forcing them to back down. It’s a long term solution in a way the German population in the west isn’t as they aren’t going to stick around.

From my reading the Polish border was only preliminarily settled at the Tehran conference. The British pushed for more at Yalta but the Soviets refused. If the border gets pushed East at ATL Tehran that’s likely where it stays. So it depends on how Stalin feels. The greater success of the Western Allied power could just as easily make him more conciliatory or as it could make him more hardline. It might also make him more willing to wheel and deal.
changing borders to cause long term ethnic strife seems to have been a hobby of his
It is incorrect description of the Soviet ethno-territorial politics. Most of the time it was pretty logical

significant ethnic minorities
IOTL Stalin blessed ethnic cleansing and population exchange on both sides of Ukrainian-Polish border and I don't see why Stalin would make other solution

The British pushed for more at Yalta but the Soviets refused. If the border gets pushed East at ATL Tehran that’s likely where it stays. So it depends on how Stalin feels. The greater success of the Western Allied power could just as easily make him more conciliatory or as it could make him more hardline
I can't see reasons why Stalin would have made more concessions to Poland after OTL-like Stalingrad. Communist Poland means Curzon Line A border because it's was closest to the ethnic border and compromise between Ukrainian and Polish claims. Non-communist Poland means Soviet desire to make Poland weaker and annex Chełm and Prżemysl (Bialystok was annexed by Soviets in 1939)
PS I see no ways to save non-communist Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania ITTL
Really enjoying the speculation in the last few pages of this thread, and @Lascaris' insightful answers to it!

Overall from the likely outcomes OTL is not the worst plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way, nor TTL is the best plausible outcome for Greece though it tilts that way. Reverse for Turkey since most plausible outcomes in that era are something of a zero sum game.
This raises some interesting thoughts. TBH, I agree that OTL is indeed a relatively bad "plausible outcome" for Greece if viewed from the timepoint of the POD, but if seen from 1910, let alone 1832 or 1821, the Greek state has done rather well for itself in consolidating lot of the land it wanted into a reasonably secure (compare with Armenia) and relatively prosperous sovereign state (although if you're looking at the quality of life for people within that state, OTL from 1941 on may seem like a bit of a screw).
As for the Greek people as a whole, that's more complex. They are now at the helm of an independent state, freed from the nastier side of Ottoman rule and other forms of oppression...but only at the cost of being ethnically cleansed from a lot of places they used to live in (so for Greek subgroups like the Pontics OTL has been a massive screw), lost their place in an Ottoman state that was sometimes quite useful to them, and had to endure (and dish out) decades of violence and massacres even to get to OTL's partial win. Ultimately, it's a value judgement.
Really enjoying the speculation in the last few pages of this thread, and @Lascaris' insightful answers to it!

This raises some interesting thoughts. TBH, I agree that OTL is indeed a relatively bad "plausible outcome" for Greece if viewed from the timepoint of the POD, but if seen from 1910, let alone 1832 or 1821, the Greek state has done rather well for itself
Certainly. As said there are probably TLs out there where Greece in on the Olympus... or the war of independence ended up in disaster. There are probably also TLs where the Ottoman empire collapsed in the 1810s or closer to the POD the Greek National Schism never took place and WW1 was decided at Gallipoli. And anything in-between.
in consolidating lot of the land it wanted into a reasonably secure (compare with Armenia) and relatively prosperous sovereign state (although if you're looking at the quality of life for people within that state, OTL from 1941 on may seem like a bit of a screw).
OTL post WW2 in terms of quality of life looks more like a wank than a screw arguably. Converging with first world not just in economic terms but also in political freedoms? Not a given in 1945...
As for the Greek people as a whole, that's more complex. They are now at the helm of an independent state, freed from the nastier side of Ottoman rule and other forms of oppression...but only at the cost of being ethnically cleansed from a lot of places they used to live in (so for Greek subgroups like the Pontics OTL has been a massive screw), lost their place in an Ottoman state that was sometimes quite useful to them, and had to endure (and dish out) decades of violence and massacres even to get to OTL's partial win. Ultimately, it's a value judgement.
That brings the question whether something like the Young Turk movement in the form it took OTL under the three pashas was inevitable between European cultural influence and the pressures the Ottoman empire was under or not. I'm inclined towards saying it was more likely than not given OTL but that's a matter of opinion.