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  • stirlingdraka

  • Thanks for the follow back. I love your TLs but I just never posted on them I`m sorry. I did buy your book In and Out of the Reich and I love it. If you ever publish anything else I`ll buy it.
    • Like
    Reactions: varyar
    varyar 1
    Thank you! I have a few books up on Amazon, in fact. If you ever check them out, please let me know and maybe drop a review or two on Amazon! That'd really help me out. Take care!
    stirlingdraka 1
    No problem. Will do. I`ve posted a thread on science fiction I`m working on in the writer`s forum if you would like to check it out.
  • TheMolluskLingers


  • Hey, so a couple quick questions: 1) the opposite of the Bear-Turtle Beam would be Rat-Fish, right?

    2) is there any canon info as to what locations said beam might travel along?

    I ask because I'm planning to write a Dark Tower fic myself, set alongside the (possibly) final loop of Roland's quest - but not featuring him. The stars of this particular fic are one Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and Carrie White.
    varyar 2
    Cool - as far as Roland's ka-tet goes, I've always imagined it's a different trio each time. F'instance, a closeted 1950s lesbian housewife, a black NYPD 2020s cop and... some kind of Jake analogue. New Amsterdam instead of New York, maybe?
    TheMolluskLingers 1
    I actually saw a WMG on TV Tropes concerning that - each time the loop begins again, the ka-tet is different (it'd kind of defeat the purpose of Susannah's happy ending otherwise, wouldn't it?)

    On that note, I figure Ebony and Carrie may end up forming a tet of their own. Here's who I see:

    -Edward Cullen (or perhaps Cedric Diggory)

    -Danny Torrance

    -Sue Snell, mayhaps?
    Sounds good.
  • Igeo654

  • Hi, Vary. Saw your post about your writer's block and left you a couple of suggestions. Trust me. Know how you feel about the whole writer's block thing. It's a real pain in the neck, isn't it? :S
  • OldNavy1988

  • If you liked my version of Crystal Skull, feel free to check out the rest of American Magic.
    varyar 1
    I will! It's a long thread, but I'll try and work my way through it.
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