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  1. EasternRomanEmpire

    AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    Your challenge, if you accept it, is to make the Entente's performance better with a POD no earlier than 01/01/1916. Note: Please keep your propositions as realistic as possible.
  2. EasternRomanEmpire

    Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    I've seen some persons on this forum that the Spring Offensive is destined to fail, but with the US joining ww1 as per OTL can the Germans succeed? And if the US stays neutral?
  3. EasternRomanEmpire

    De-colonization of Brazil if Pedro I sided with Portugal?

    Question is in the title. Had Pedro I decided to side with Portugal and not with the Brazilians how much longer would Brazil remain a part of Portugal? @Aluma @Taunay .
  4. EasternRomanEmpire

    Indochina War if the KMT wins in the CCW

    Before Chinese support to the Viet Minh, they only held a narrow strip of land in the mountainous regions of Northern Tonkin; had the KMT won the Civil War how would the Indochina war unfold?
  5. EasternRomanEmpire

    Xi'an Incident kills Chiang Kai-Shek

    The Xi'an incident took place in Xi'an when generals Chang and Yang from the North-Eastern Army took hostage Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek because they disagreed with Chiang's policy of trying to defeat the CCP before focusing his attention on Japan and since he repeatedly refused their request...
  6. EasternRomanEmpire

    Without Manzikert would the Crusades still happen?

    If the Battle of Manzikert was to never happen or unfold differently meaning that the Seljuks never manage to get into Anatolia would the Crusades still happen?
  7. EasternRomanEmpire

    Khrushchev's reforms succeed

    Remaking this post IOTL Khrushchev was reform-minded and he genuinely wanted to make the Soviet people's life better. His time in office, known as the Khrushchev Thaw, was a period of relative relaxation of government censorship and repression with some economic reforms. However in the end his...
  8. EasternRomanEmpire

    Barbarossa without the Great Purge

    POD is Sergei Kirov not being assassinated, I know Stalin still could've purged everyone but just assume he doesn't. The Red Army has officers however it still has some other issues such as outdated equipment. I assume the Red Army would be able to conquer Finland ITTL. Would Hitler still launch...
  9. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: Belgium didn't exist

    Belgium remains part of the Netherlands. What happens to the Congo? Effects on WW1? Effects on WW2?
  10. EasternRomanEmpire

    How could've Trotsky took power?

    After the October Revolution and during the Russian Civil War, Trotsky was de facto Lenin's second-in-command. At multiple times Lenin offered Trotsky high positions which could've given him the power inside the party to outmanoeuvre Stalin (first deputy of Sovnarkom, Vice-Chairman of the Soviet...
  11. EasternRomanEmpire

    Expansion of Revolutionary France without Napoleon.

    Say Napoleon falls sick in the Egyptian campaign and dies. What would be the goals of another French government? Would they try to conquer more territories or would they be fine with trying to maintain the status quo?
  12. EasternRomanEmpire

    If the Tokugawa Shogunate survives would the Qing collapse?

    After the loss in the First Sino-Japanese War, the Qing created the New Army which was the best trained & equipped, the revolutionaries managed to infiltrate the ranks of the army and played an essential role in the rebellion that overthrew the Qing in 1911 and created the Republic of China. If...
  13. EasternRomanEmpire

    How could've the KMT won the CCW after WW2?

    How could've the KMT won the CCW without changing anything on the campaigns of encirclement? Meaning that you can change some policies or actions made by Chiang Kai-Shek but without changing the situation of the CCP before 1945.
  14. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: The Second French Republic survives

    What if Napoleon III didn't do a self-coup and elections are held in 1952? Would this republic be more stable than the Third French Republic? Could Nap III be influential in the politics of this France? Would the Crimean War still happen? How do Franco-British relations continue? Will Bismarck...
  15. EasternRomanEmpire

    AHC: Make WW1 a stalemate

    Is it possible that WW1 ends in a stalemate?
  16. EasternRomanEmpire

    Would a fascist US join Nazi Germany?

    Fascism was never a unified ideology, every fascist government had a different interpretation of it and having a similar ideology doesn't mean you are automatically on the same team (ex. Yugoslav-Soviet split). In your opinion would a fascist US be on the same team of Nazi Germany, on the side...
  17. EasternRomanEmpire

    What really is the future of the CSA?

    When there is a scenario about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War there often is the thread that the CS and US inevitably hate each other,(sometimes the CS does the Golden Circle thing,) the US inevitably joins the CP, the CS always joins the Entente, the CS is always weaker than its...
  18. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: No Punic Wars

    Before the Punic Wars, relations between Rome and Carthage were very good and the two had strong commercial links. The First Punic War was caused because the Mamertines, a group of mercenaries who controlled Messina, expelled the Carthaginian garrison of the city and replaced it with a Roman...
  19. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: Kruschev did reforms?

    What if Kruschev had completely reformed the USSR, removing all of the things that pulled the Soviets back such as ridiculous planned economy, too much bureaucracy, corruption... Without being couped Basically an alternative Soviet Union which has already removed the most important of his issues...