
  1. The Gamer Sunflower

    AHC: Have SEGA win the Console wars while Nintendo lose the Console War.

    Your challenge is to have SEGA win the console war while remained in Console wars but what about Nintendo? Nintendo should beat SEGA in both UK and Brazil but SEGA Beat Nintendo in USA and Japan and everywhere except UK, Brazil. Also, Nintendo should go Third Party after The GameCube Bombed...
  2. MegaToon1234

    A Mouse in the House of the Big N: A Collaborative TL

    January 1980: Plans for a Popeye arcade game Nintendo is working on fall through. November 1980: Nintendo acquires the video game rights to Disney's beloved characters. Probably for dirt cheap, given the stuff Disney was going through at the time. August 1981: Mickey Mouse debuts in arcades...
  3. The Gamer Sunflower

    What if SEGA and Silicon Graphics, Inc. had agreed to make a SEGA Eris?

    Okay guys. I had a weird idea concerning SEGA and Silicon Graphics, It doesn't help the fact that Nintendo 64 was almost a SEGA Console but what if it isn't? here is a quote from Wikipedia's Entry for Nintendo 64 Entry: and here is the Video Proving that: How would it affect Nintendo as a...
  4. WI: Instead of Phillips, it’s Sony who gets the rights for Nintendo characters in the 90s?

    There was a thread last month about screwing both Sega and Nintendo in the 90s, to the point where both would leave the console market. In there I had an idea that I thought would be interesting for a thread of its own: In retrospect, it seems Nintendo really dodged a bullet with their...
  5. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Have Nintendo and Sega Swap Successes

    So, your challenge here is to have Nintendo and Sega swap successes. Ideally, Nintendo would leave the console market in the sixth generation and become a third-party developer, with the Mario franchise going downhill, leading to game journalists like IGN viewing Mario in a overly negative light...
  6. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Screw over both Nintendo and Sega

    With a POD no earlier than 1988, your challenge here is to screw over both Nintendo and Sega, to the point where they leave the console market in the sixth generation of game consoles and become third-party developers.
  7. MegaToon1234

    AHC: Screw over Sega before the Saturn (REDUX)

    Reposted version of this.: The only rules I have for this is that Sega has to had released the Genesis before your POD and Sonic has to be released as well. (And if you want, Nintendo can buy them out...
  8. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo-Sony-Philips partnership

    In 1988, Nintendo signed a contract with Sony to develop a CD-ROM add-on for the SNES. However, in 1991, Nintendo decided to partner up with Philips instead to develop the SNES-CD. Nintendo and Sony then attempted to sort out their differences, however, the rift between the two companies was...
  9. WI: Nintendo Never Creates Donkey Kong?

    Originally Nintendo was planning to create a game based on the popular Popeye the Sailor cartoons and movie but lost the license. Shigeru Miyamoto felt the game they were designing was sound and was given permission to develop the game as a new IP. From that Donkey Kong and Mario were created...
  10. The Gamer Sunflower

    Would SEGA Not having 32X or SEGA CD still lead to SEGA going Third-Party?

    Yeah, I know the "SEGA wins the console wars" Trope is a overused trope in Alternate History but would SEGA not having any 32X and SEGA CD still lead to Sega Third-Party? let's talk the context of the "SEGA Wins the Console Wars" trope, While Assuming that SEGA of America and SEGA of Japan gets...
  11. AHC: Nintendo Amusement Park

    Let's say that during the early 2000's, Nintendo decided to open an amusement park somewhere in the United States wholly dedicated to their IPs. You get a land area roughly half the size of Walt Disney World. Let's assume that you have total control over what gets added into the park. What...
  12. CrashBandicam

    WI: Mario was a Sega franchise

    I'm sure that most of us know about the Mario franchise by Nintendo, starring that Italian plumber who goes on adventures with his brother Luigi and their sidekick Yoshi and saves his love interest Princess Peach from the evil Bowser, right? Well, the question here is what if Mario was a Sega...
  13. MegaToon1234

    WI: Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) was split into two separate projects?

    Inspired by this.: You know the story of how Super Mario Bros. 2 was different depending on where’s you are at, whether it be the Lost Levels (the Japanese SMB2) or an edited version of Doki-Doki...
  14. CrashBandicam

    WI: The Nintendo Switch was a failure

    I'm sure that most of us know about the Nintendo Switch. It's a hybrid console that was released in 2017 after the failure of the Wii U and has since became a success, with it and the Nintendo Switch Lite having sold more than 89 million units worldwide. So, what if the Nintendo Switch was a...
  15. The Gamer Sunflower

    What If Nintendo had Embraced Fan games with SEGA's Mindset while SEGA is a copyright-loving Company with Nintendo's mindset?

    While Nintendo is a Copyright-Loving Video Game company that sued Fan games and other fan games content in the past while SEGA Completely Embraced Fan games and other fan-made stuff but what if it isn't the case? We're talking the Current Nintendo and Current SEGA but I apologize if It was in...
  16. MegaToon1234

    AHC: A Completely Different Super Mario Franchise

    NOTE: I originally made a thread on this, but now that it's been a year I thought I'd revisit it. Here is an alternate history challenge about what a completely different Super Mario franchise would look like. Please note that every Super Mario game from 1981 to 1985 will stay the same ITTL...
  17. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Make the Virtual Boy successful

    We all know the Virtual Boy, a 32-bit tabletop portable video game console from Nintendo released in 1995. It was a critical and commercial failure, for its high price, monochrome display, unimpressive stereoscopic effect, lack of true portability and health concerns, therefore earning its place...
  18. CrashBandicam

    AHC/WI: Sega took Nintendo's place in the 80's

    Okay, so back around the start of this year, I came up with a idea for a TL where the NES failed, causing Nintendo to stick to just cards and Sega to take Nintendo's place. I soon scrapped it for other TL ideas, but here's the question. What if Sega took Nintendo's place as a big video game...
  19. MegaToon1234

    DBWI: Bowser and Donkey Kong Switch Roles

    Of course, since 1988, when Super Mario Bros. 3 came out, things started to become very unusual. It was the start of having Donkey Kong as the main villain of the Super Mario series. As for Bowser (the main villain of SMB1)? He fell to obscurity until Rare came along and brought him back as the...
  20. MegaToon1234

    WI: Nintendo and SEGA BOTH Become Third Party Developers and Publishers Back in 2002?

    [It's an idea by @The Gamer Sunflower.] We all know how Sega became a third-party developer and publisher back in 2002. Right now, the console developers are always Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. However, what if Nintendo and SEGA BOTH become third party developers and publishers back in 2002...