
  1. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo-Sony-Philips SNES-CD?

    (This is a revisit of a old thread that I made a year ago. Click here to see the old thread: So, what if the SNES-CD was made by both Nintendo, Sony AND Philips? How would that happen? How would that...
  2. Jaiken

    A Keen Eye: A Nintendo Ultimate Timeline
    Threadmarks: Yamauchi's Vision

    Yamauchi, head Preisdent of Nintendo, has one request to those running the company: Make Nintendo the best it can ever be. To do this Yamauchi instructed his company to further expand into game development by investing profits into Nintendo itself to ensure growth. As long as profits were good...
  3. Jaiken

    Going Rabbid: Nintendo And Ubisoft Timeline

    The year is 1996 and Ubisoft is looking for investors to donate to its growth. Knowing they could use a developer to further their grip in Europe alongside Rare the Big N decides to invest into the company. A start up company like this would be going places; especially, after hearing of...
  4. CrashBandicam

    WI: Earlier Nintendo-Philips partnership?

    So I'm sure that some of you have heard of the SNES-CD by now. It was going to be a collaboration between Nintendo and Sony, with Sony making a all-in-one hybrid console called the PlayStation, until Nintendo dropped Sony out of the project, and instead went with Philips to make the add-on...
  5. CrashBandicam

    WI: Non-video game characters in Super Smash Bros.?

    So, what if at a certain point into the Super Smash Bros. franchise, Masahiro Sakurai decides to pull the "Game characters only" rule and lets characters from all kinds of pop culture (ranging from TV to movies to comics and whatnot) in Smash? How would that happen? I mean, I could see...
  6. Jaiken

    A Humble Nintendo: What if Donkey Kong Failed?

    The idea was simple, launch the Donkey Kong arcade game and let it see how the American market would react. Instead, the game had a bug that made the game play terribly or simply not at all, Donkey Kong would have to be shelved. With all the monitors now needing to be recalled something had to...
  7. Jaiken

    East Meets West: Nintendo Partners with Microsoft in 1992
    Threadmarks: Nintendo and Microsoft: East Recruits West

    It is the year 1992 and Mario Paint is selling the SNES Mouse like hotcakes. That is when Hiroshi Yamaouchi comes up with a new idea to bring advanced hardware to Nintendo's platforms. Why not bring the company Microsoft on board to develop hardware technology to help compete with Sega and Sony...
  8. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo partnered with Panasonic on the SNES-CD

    As you may know, Nintendo was going to team up with Sony on a CD-ROM add-on for the Super NES, as well as a hybrid console named the PlayStation. However, the partnership would have granted Sony more creative control, which Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi began to grow wary of, and deemed...
  9. Jaiken

    A New Legacy: Nintendo acquires Midway timeline
    Threadmarks: Nintendo and Midway: the Start

    It is early 2003 and Midway is about to shutdown Midway Games West, company with the name associated with the old Atari, until a certain Mustached Plumber buys their parent company. Premise: Nintendo decides it wants to acquire a company that has these qualities: 1) Good arcade multiplayer...
  10. 'Minus World: New Game Plus' — A Successful Philips SNES-CD Timeline

    (This thread started by getting spun off from the relevant part of my post in the 'Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga' thread for any further discussion.) Current maintainer/moderator/Facilitator-in-Chief: RandomDSdevel — that is: me, the OP. Update Frequency...
  11. MegaToon1234

    Of Mice and Plumbers: A Nintendo-Disney Timeline
    Threadmarks: Let's Start Things Off

    Somewhere in January 1980, Nintendo had plans for a Popeye arcade game. However, said plans fell through, leaving Nintendo with something else to do. Now, IOTL, Nintendo turned it into “Donkey Kong”, where it stars Mario/Jumpman, Lady/Pauline, and of course, Donkey Kong. However, this begs the...
  12. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo and Sony were on the same team

    As you may know, Nintendo made a deal with Sony in 1988 to develop a CD-ROM add-on for the SNES, as well as a SNES-compatible CD-based console called the PlayStation. However, Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi began to grow wary of Sony and deemed the deal unacceptable upon realising that it...
  13. Ninja2006

    More Than Meets the Eye Redux
    Threadmarks: Welcome

    This is basically a new version of this thread: The timeline's getting rebooted, so yeah...... Also, for discussion and stuff like that, this...
  14. What if game developers made multi-cartridge games for the N64?

    So the Nintendo 64 quite infamously did not make the jump to optical discs, hamstringing the potential of its system due to reliance on low-storage carts. Thus among the genres underrepresented on the console are JRPGs, which really needed CDs. That gave me an idea- what if game studios just...
  15. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Nintendo and Sega more powerful than Sony

    So, your challenge here is to have Nintendo and Sega be more dominant in the console market than Sony, with Nintendo winning the console wars in 1st place, Sega in 2nd place and Sony in 3rd place.
  16. TheDetailer

    No Disney, Nintendo, or Apple?

    Disney, Nintendo, and Apple are some of the most influential companies on the planet, having changed the worlds of media, entertainment, and popular culture in so many ways that it’s hard to imagine a word without any of them, from animation, to video games, to technology. But what if these...
  17. CrashBandicam

    WI: The Nintendo-Philips SNES-CD was released

    For those who are living under a rock, the SNES-CD was originally going to be developed by Nintendo and Sony. However, Nintendo dropped Sony in order to work on the add-on with Philips instead, with Nintendo announcing their partnership with Philips at the Summer CES 1991, just one day after...
  18. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo competes more directly with the Sega Saturn and the PS1

    What if instead of releasing the Nintendo 64, Nintendo released a next-gen successor to the SNES at the same time the Sega Saturn and the PS1 came out, and this ATL SNES successor would be CD-based and have equal power to the Sega Saturn and the PS1? How would this happen? How would this affect...
  19. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Have Nintendo win the console wars

    So, your challenge here is to have Nintendo be the winner of the console wars.
  20. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo-Sega partnership in the early 90s

    This might sound ASB-ish, but what if Nintendo and Sega stopped being rivals in the early 90s and joined forces to develop a new console? (the Neptune?) How would this happen? How would it affect Sony and Microsoft? How would it affect Silicon Graphics and Hitachi? What would happen to the 32X...