A Humble Nintendo: What if Donkey Kong Failed?

The idea was simple, launch the Donkey Kong arcade game and let it see how the American market would react. Instead, the game had a bug that made the game play terribly or simply not at all, Donkey Kong would have to be shelved. With all the monitors now needing to be recalled something had to be done to recoup losses. Enter Genyo Takeda Nintendo programmer who had the idea of making a boxing game never seen before, Punch Out!!.

With Genyo Takeda's programming expertise the game was a Smash hit and put Nintendo on the map in the western markets. Failure to launch perfectly stuck with the higher ups at Nintendo and instilled the idea that no game should be shipped haphazardly and needed to do something to ensure their brand name was met with quality.

Shigeru Miyamoto was to be given another chance to create a game for the home console market that would wow audiences for the planned launch of the Nintendo Entertainment System; however, Genyo Takeda would be given some liberties on what titles should be released in the west as well. It was the start of a very peculiar time for the company.

POD: Donkey Kong Arcade game becomes unplayable in 1980 so Punch Out needs to be rushed to Arcades, how will Nintendo react?

Butterfly Effect: Donkey Kong is not known for Nintendo's quality, but instead Punch Out and leaves other game developers in the forefront of the Western Market as of now. Genyo Takeda will be more involved at Nintendo in future titles and will change the overall viewpoint on how the average gamer sees Nintendo.

Future Threadmarks

Hey Little Mac
Hello from Japan
A Bolder Nintendo

Note: Some ideas credited to @TheFaultsofAlts
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Hey Little Mac
With the Arcade division of Nintendo under cover with Punch Out!! Hiroshi Yamauchi issued Genyo Takeda, Shigeru Miyamoto and his other top developers to bring titles to the soon to be released Nintendo Entertainment System in 1984.

The title that caught North America's eye was none other than a game about boxing.

video credited to nesguide

Without any breaks Little Mac was inside the home console market and was bringing a storm alongside him.

Another title was shown off that showed what platforming was all about:

video credited to nesguide

Shigeru Miyamoto was always willing to prove himself despite the odds and his hard work paid off.

This success got Hiroshi Yamauchi thinking what more titles could be brought over to the North American market to capitalize on their consoles newest success? He would have to ask all of his staff what titles they thought were best.

Butterfly Effect: Punch Out!! and Super Mario Bros are the titles that Nintendo is known for ITTL and Nintendo President wants more titles to be brought over from Japan to capture even more of the North American audience.

Note: Idea to release NES in early 1984 credited to @TheFaultsofAlts

Next Threadmarks teasers

Hello from Japan
A Bolder Nintendo
Aiming for Europe
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Hello From Japan
The years progressed until 1988. Nintendo was doing ok for themselves. Yamauchi requested that more titles be brought over to test in the North American market in hopes that another Punch Out would be found.

video credited to petsasjim1

video credited to World of Long plays

video credited to gaming adventures

video credited to Nintendo Complete

video credited to World of Longplays

Nintendo Wars, Detective Club, Sukapon Battle Mechs, Mysterious Murasame Castle and Fire Emblem Blade of Light proved to popular with the North American audiences; especially, Nintendo Wars, Detective Club, Fire Emblem and Murasame Castle.

Another title was released called Mach Rider Renegade. This title was a one player run and gun shooter similar in style to Contra were players could control the Mach Rider motorcycle to mow down the alien threat.

This success taught Nintendo that many different types of games can appeal to the American market.

Nintendo decided that now was the time to acquire some developers and they set their sights on a certain RPG manufacture.

Butterfly Effects: Nintendo's titles proved successful in the West and changed their attitude about acquiring more studios.

Nintendo's DevelopersPlanned Subsidiaries
Nintendo's Internal DevelopersHuman Entertainment
Square Soft
Intelligent Systems

Note: Idea for Nintendo to acquire Square Soft contributed to @TheFaultsofAlts

Next Threadmarks

A Bolder Nintendo
Aiming for Europe
Nintendo's Disc Based Console
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Thanks. That means a lot.
You're welcome!

Have you read the Player Two trilogy?

These could give you LOTS of ideas and inspirations for any future gaming TL you choose to make!

These are basically considered one of the best TLs on this site!
You're welcome!

Have you read the Player Two trilogy?

These could give you LOTS of ideas and inspirations for any future gaming TL you choose to make!

These are basically considered one of the best TLs on this site!
Those sound awesome. I will check them out later.
A Bolder Nintendo
After having seen what their newest partners in the gaming industry was capable of Nintendo decided to acquire three companies:

1) Human Entertainment for their work on the Clock Tower and Mysterious Murasame Castle Series.

2) Intelligent Systems for their Fire Emblem and Nintendo Wars series.

3) And lastly, Nintendo saw promise in SquareSoft.

SquareSoft was interesting. The man whom was currently working there had worked for Nintendo's Japanese division with the Famicom Disc System. Nasir Gebelli had worked on the original three Final Fantasys and was set to release the Secret of Mana game. An action RPG with real time combat and had real time cooperative play with up to three players with the SNES multitap.

A certain man was also making headway in the company, a mister Tetsuya Takahashi, who was known for working on big projects like the opening to Final Fantasy 6 and helping on the project Chrono Trigger.

Nintendo saw some promise in Mr. Takahashi and asked him if he would like to head his own company. The deal was settled and Monolith Soft was born.

Nintendo was looking to the future with their newest acquisitions and sought the help of Dolby to supply audio for their newest Super Famicom Machine. Sony had tried to make an offer to Nintendo, but Dolby seemed to be the best deal for the moment. Maybe Sega would use Sony's expertise in the future for hardware based technology? Regardless, Nintendo was determined to capitalize on their new found success with Super Mario Brothers 3, Super Mario World and Super Punch Out.

Not everything was going fine though as Sega had released Sonic the Hedgehog to critical acclaim and was doubling their earnings in the European market. Maybe Europe would be the next place to do business? What company could they use to appeal to the European Market? Time would tell.

Butterfly Effects: Nintendo does not make a disc based system for the SNES and instead is focusing on working with Dolby to provide support for audio instead of Sony's chips. Monolith Soft is formed and Sony is making deals with Sega.

Nintendo's Developers and Subsidiaries
Nintendo's internal developers
Intelligent Systems
Human Entertainment
Square Soft
Monolith Soft
credit to @TheFaultsofAlts and @Nivek for ideas.
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Also, having Monolith Soft be founded in the 90s does show some hope.

But I just realized something: If Nintendo still partners with Rare, what would they do without Donkey Kong? Could they be more willing to treat Rare's DKC franchise as their own in the 2000s? Could Banjo-Kazooie come sooner?