video games

  1. DakotaTimeTraveler

    WI Atari Sold the Famicom in the US?

    The Famicom (the Japanese name for the Nintendo Entertainment System) was originally going to be sold in the USA by Atari. At the time in 1983, Atari was still considered the Big Man on Campus for video games, in spite of the industry slowdown just before the 1984 crash. That's why Nintendo...
  2. Dragonmeat on Rye

    Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It: A Collaborative 90's TL

    Hello and welcome to Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It! The 90's TL where anything about the 90's is up for grabs, whether it be pop culture, politics, sports, or fads. Let's begin! January 1990 In Sports - Crimson Tide wins the Sugar Bowl January 1st - Life is just a bowl of sugar for the Alabama...
  3. Suzon

    Altendo: A Nintendo Timeline

    Welcome to Altendo: A Nintendo Timeline In this TL, a sudden and tragic death leads to a whole array of changes for Nintendo, the video game industry, pop culture, and life as we know it. Table of Contents Prologue Part One Part Two Part Three Chapter One Part One
  4. Mr. Orwell

    Realistic Kaiserreich

    Hello and welcome to what in my opinion, what would've happened following the 1936 start date of the mod for Hearts of Iron, Kaiserreich. Chapter 1: Ain't I Right "Everywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy 'Cause summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the...
  5. Of Discs and Drives - A Gaming TL
    Threadmarks: One (1991)

    One (1991) 8:59 6.1.91 Tokyo, Japan The day had finally arrived. After months of waiting and developing, it was finally time. It was time to reveal a project almost finished, it was time, to reveal Project Mark 5.5, the SEGA-CD. Lights came on for the booths, Hayao Nakamaya and Tom Kalinske...
  6. Nagisaki

    Could Tales of Phantasia have been popular in the US?

    What it says on the tin. The Namco game Tales of Phantasia for the Super Famicom was never localized in any other country until the crappy GBA version of it was released. If it had been localized for the Super Nintendo, voices and all, would it have sold well in the US? Could it become as...
  7. WI: The N64 Multimedia Device was Released?

    Through old patents someone found an old unreleased peripheral for the N64. Supposedly it had infra-red remote controllers, it could also use an internet service that sounds pretty much like Randnet (allowing you to connect to the internet, and download games that would be stored on an internal...
  8. Tons of Bits and Bytes - A Gaming TL
    Threadmarks: August 1996

    Well, I'm rebooting my gaming TL again. (To see an older version look here: Of Bits and Bytes ) I'm going to be starting out a little differently. I'm writing this differently, and including some new stuff. So, again for the third time, here we go! (Sorry about redoing this TL so many times. :/)...
  9. WI: The SNES-NDD was released?

    The SNES-NDD was a device to be made by Nintendo, Philips, AND Sony. (It came out of an October 1992 plan between the 3) It uses a 32-bit co-CPU RISC @ 21.477 MHz, 8 Mbit of RAM, can display 16.7 Million colors, and is CD-i compatible. What if the device was released in 1994 (like planned) or...
  10. WI: Sega-CD was successful

    What if the Sega-CD was a success? How would this happen? And how would this change Sega? (Would they still make consoles?)
  11. WI: N64DD released on March 1998

    What if the Nintendo 64DD (an add-on to the N64 that used magnetic disks) was released on March 1998 for Japan like originally planned? Would it be more successful? Could it even see an American release? Would planned software titles like Super Mario 64 2, Cabbage, multiple Mario Artists, and...
  12. American Magic: A Different History of Disney
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Preface: A special thank you to Neamathla for the suggestion on the POD. After the Second World War, the Walt Disney Studios was in dire straits, sinking in almost $4 million USD in debt. But things would not be bleak on Dopey Drive for too long. When 1949 gave way to 1950, the studio’s...
  13. Massively Multiplayer: Gaming In The New Millennium
    Threadmarks: A New Era Begins

    Welcome to Massively Multiplayer! This is a joint video game/popculture alternate history timeline written by Nivek and myself, with contributions from many different members! What is Massively Multiplayer? Massively Multiplayer is the sequel to the timeline Player Two Start, with the basic...
  14. Petike

    Dagger of Ways : The Shadowy World of an Unmade Reboot (A popcultural timeline)

    Dagger of Ways The Shadowy World of an Unmade Reboot (A computer game popular culture timeline) - - - - Prologue ---- (...) "I often hear this misconception that we or the guys at Eidos wanted to milk the brand name dry, and the subsequent fallout from Dagger of Ways was our comeuppance...
  15. Petike

    Game WI: Reboot the Myst series to make it more consistent from the get-go

    I'm not necessarily interested in a scenario where Cyan Worlds reboots the series themselves, or some developer partnered with them will do the same. I'm just interested in how you'd do a reboot of the original series, a few years after its official conclusion in 2005. I think this series would...
  16. Plausibility Check: Sony enters videogame industry early with Betamax addon

    Plausibility Check: Sony enters videogame industry early with Betamax addon What if Sony decides not to concede defeat to VHS in the format war and decides to release a Betamax VCR with video game capability? Betamax GameStation VCR-VGC Released: Japan: Mid 1985 North America: Mid 1986 ...
  17. Petike

    Air Power : Battle in the Skies

    Anybody heard of this old 90s DOS flight sim from Rowan Software ? It's basically a hard fantasy version of Crimson Skies. With dieselpunkish monarchies and whatnot (kind of like some of the older projects Krall has made for his...
  18. Petike

    Best computer and console games never made...

    Thief - highly acclaimed adventure game series created by Shiny Brass Studios, showing the hilarious exploits of a bumbling cleptomaniac. Gears of War - an original new take on WWII strategies : The first management game of a WWII arms factory. Become the ultimate war-time tycoon ! It gets...