A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

A Federated EU is naturally bad for Russia. The Union State's interests inherently lie in a divided Europe with which Moscow can negotiate in a one-to-one basis.
But it would good to have economic competition though since the US under Trump would start focusing on China on the so-called "Trade Wars."
But it would good to have economic competition though since the US under Trump would start focusing on China on the so-called "Trade Wars."
We can compete economically with the whole world, there's no need to have a political nemesis for it. Russia always suffered each time Europe was unified, be it under Hitler or Napoleon. America is on the other side of the world, Europe is just around the corner.

If Europe is unified, we are going to have to spend our energy trying to fragment it. And if Europe is permanently unified, this is going to cause us headaches for generations to come. It's a continent of five hundred million people, we are going to be pressed amidst giants in the West and East. Definitely not a good situation.

Russia should aim to kill the European Federation on it's crib.
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We can compete economically with the whole world, there's no need to have a political nemesis for it. Russia always suffered each time Europe was unified, be it under Hitler or Napoleon. America is on the other side of the world, Europe is just around the corner.

If Europe is unified, we are going to have to spend our energy trying to fragment it. And if Europe is permanently unified, this is going to cause us headaches for generations to come. It's a continent of five hundred million people, we are going to be pressed amidst giants in the West and East. Definitely not a good situation.

Russia should aim to kill the European Federation on it's crib.
True but I'd still like to have them federalize.
1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?

Of course, we'll cooperate with our allies and friends in taking forward that one small step. It shall be a global walk that is lockstep with fellow people of the world.

2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS

I see no reason we should disengage from a unifying international project. Our Space Race is no sole competition. We seek the stars for the betterment of humanity, not national pride.

3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?

Be a thorn in the side of those Western organizations. Prevent federalization of the EU and create a bloc of nations opposed to Western efforts to keep them disunified. Sabotage NATO modernization efforts by voting against them and wasting time with complaints. Be as useless as a partner could be while delivering us information on the two organizations' happenings.

Also, I'm ticked off that Lukashenko dismissed Prime Minister Nabiullina without our advice. She has been a popular figure for her stellar work against the Great Recession, and choosing now of all times to remove her with your obvious puppet is going to rile the people against us. I feel we must rejuvenate our political leadership and continue to move the Union forward.
1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?
1.I concur with @Empress_Boogalaboo and @Gaúcho Maldito statement, especially for the first landing...if there is any followup landings (which will happened anyway IMO) then there would be a consideration for a "cooperation" with India (China have to wait until 2019, which perhaps could suit them anyway since it would be the 70th anniversary of the PRC)
2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
B) Russia should build its own space station
2.I concurred with @Gaúcho Maldito suggestion, and I would like to proposed a timeline where the proposed construction should start on the 10th anniversary of the first of the Russian moon landings...
3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?
Well, I were originally want to concur with @Gaúcho Maldito proposal for this part, but his further opinion on the EU make me want to reconsider a few things....
Be a thorn in the side of those Western organizations. Prevent federalization of the EU and create a bloc of nations opposed to Western efforts to keep them disunified.
Agree wholeheartedly....
Sabotage NATO modernization efforts by voting against them and wasting time with complaints. Be as useless as a partner could be while delivering us information on the two organizations' happenings.
...actually, perhaps there is way where be a friendly member could ask for a requirement in the NATO modernization programme, which then could turn into a bureaucratic jobs creation programme...and the proposed location of the weapons factories are places that are desirable for Russia (yes I am talking about doing industrial espionage obviously)....that being said, could we play the "join NATO" card during the Trump presidency as "a way to counter China"?

Out of topic, I do wonder if the fate of Libya will be the same as IOTL....?

P/s: Is the Union State human right record that bad that it is a concern...? I feel like it should be definitely be better ITTL (even better than Indonesia as a comparison perhaps)....
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1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?

2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
B) Russia should build its own space station

3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?
1. I second @Empress_Boogalaboo
2. A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
3. A combination of @TheImperialTheorist and @focus9912
1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?

In cooperation, but only with former Soviet countries. Ukraine and Kazakhstan in particular, considering the former has the rocket production facilities, and the latter has the spaceport. As for China and India...I would only support mutual technological sharing. They want our expertise, they have to trade fairly and equally for it.

2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
B) Russia should build its own space station

Both; we're already in the ISS, so might as well stick with it to the end, but we should also build new space stations of our own.

3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?

Like a rotten apple in the EU and NATO, of course, blocking anti-Russian actions and pushing our narrative and interest forward from within.
P/s: What is the status of EU membership of Serbia and Albania? Could we actually encourage their membership as a way to build an (actually viable) proper pro-Russia majority in the EU parliament...?

that being said, could we play the "join NATO" card during the Trump presidency as "a way to counter China"?
Actually, if both of those are successful...perhaps combining EU and EAU (perhaps forming a Kaliningrad bloc) could be slowly entering the realm of possibility...
1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?
Definitely should do it alone at first, since this would show the true rise of Russia especially in the space sector, if they were able to do this alone it would make partners nation be more willing to let Russia lead them in a joint program
2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
B) Russia should build its own space station
Build a space station of their own in the future, I mean if Russia could gain more information by helping build the ISS, it would be great and also it would allow them not to spend so much money on the research part of it once they build their own
3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?
Do it like Hungary and turkey
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1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?

2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?
A) Russia should continue to participate in the ISS
B) Russia should build its own space station

3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?
1.In cooperation with China,India,CSTO,EAEU allies
2.A,while trying to simultaneously achieve B by 2025
1. Please write down, how Russian Moon landing should be handled - alone or in cooperation with countries like Ukraine, China and India?

I would say that as @Empress_Boogalaboo said we should first prove that we can go there on our own and more importantly given that new space race is on so is claiming of future resources, to that end we must stake our claim independently.

Still i agree that we should pursue cooperation with CIS/EEU/CSTO countries (of which Ukraine is a member) and more importantly those states are aligned with us and are in a way confederated with us and are part of our sphere of influence.
So yea we should cooperate with them, but we should still take leadership role for the first mission. Maybe allow Ukrainian Cosmonaut with double citizenship and proven loyalty to Union State.

In case of China and India? I would say we could share research results like environment on the moon, our experiences, extracted materials and pledge support for future joint mission.

2. Should Russia continue to participate in the International Space Station (ISS) or build its own space station?

We should still continue participation in the spirit of international cooperation, but we should definitely seek to build out own Space station, not as a vanity project but as a confirmation of our ambitions in Space. This is also a strategic approach to secure our own independence and uninterrupted presence in Space independent of geopolitical struggles down on Earth.

So i would say mantain A as long as it's possible but start working on B.

International cooperation is important, but security of our own interests even more.

3. Please write down how should presence of de-facto Russian puppet state of Moldova in EU and NATO be utilized by Moscow?

I would generally let it do what it wants, but i would utilize it to prevent policies that are damaging to us like blocking expansion of NATO in ceartin direction (our borders), or use it to gain leverage in negotiations with EU as a pro Russian voice with close ties to Russia economically.

I would also direct it to aling with Germany diplomatically (as long as it doesn't conflict with our interests) and counter anty Russian voices in EU.
Oh man I wonder what the climate change laws the USA will have
I will be covering Obama administration in each chapter, and Al Gore will be man responsible for this area.

P/s: Is the Union State human right record that bad that it is a concern...? I feel like it should be definitely be better ITTL (even better than Indonesia as a comparison perhaps)....
No, its good i would say, not perfect but more definitely much better than OTL.

P/s: What is the status of EU membership of Serbia and Albania? Could we actually encourage their membership as a way to build an (actually viable) proper pro-Russia majority in the EU parliament...?
Since 1999 Albania is in EU and Serbia is member of all Russian-led factions.
Isn’t Serbia still part of Yugoslavia also what Yugoslavia news in this world is it just Serbia Montenegro and Kosovo only ?

What's left of Yugoslavia is basically Serbia carrying Yugoslav name. Montenegro is like Belarus to our Russia and Kosovo is basically Chechnya with some autonomy.

I'm assuming that being member of CSTO basically secured Serbias hold over Kosovo.

On positive note with Kosovo in Yugoslavia and if we get Macedonia and Greece to agree we can build a canal to connect Danube to Aegean Sea thus diminishing influence Turkey has with its control of Bosphorus.
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What's left of Yugoslavia is basically Serbia carrying Yugoslav name. Montenegro is like Belarus to our Russia and Kosovo is basically Chechnya with some autonomy.

I'm assuming that being member of CSTO basically secured Serbias hold over Kosovo.

On positive note with Kosovo in Yugoslavia and if we get Macedonia and Greece to agree we can build a canal to connect Danube to Aegean Sea thus diminishing influence Turkey has with its control of Bosphorus.
Macedonia would be easy to convince while isn’t there a proposal for a Greece, Bulgaria and Russia pipeline if this came to pass in this world, it would be easy for the Russia to convince Greece to let them build a canal. Also Greece probably happy to screw one of their neighbors