A new way to play a Nintendo and pop culture story

Chapter one point of diversion V1
Nintendo You probably Heard about them before, you know One of the oldest living companies still alive today one of the big "Three" creators of some of the most innovative consoles and owners of some of the biggest IPs of all time Yeah that Nintendo, But I'm very sure you have never heard of Minoru Arakawa which is a shame because why you probably don't recognize him You should know that this man help Nintendo rise to juggernaut status steered the SS Nintendo Though terrifying Lows glorious highs and creamy middles.

From 1993 to 2020 me and My gaggle of lunatics are going to tell a tale a tale of one man's quest to have a little bit of everything All of the time, So sit back grab something to eat to drink or something in between and prepare yourselves For the Arakawa era, So how does it start Like all good stories with some random old guy dying from a stroke.
–first line of dialogue from YouTube video titled the akawata era part 1 by
Matt Mcmuscle– released July 8 2023.

Hiroshi Yamauchi was not happy and why should he be first the deal with Sony was a disaster after that he got play a fool by Philip's incompetents And they were planning to do God knows what with there IPs And now he was hearing rumors that Sony were entering the console business Hiroshi Yamauchi was at his limit and that was just in two years.

So that's why he was grateful that his wife was willing to listen to him rant while she went and make some tea for them.

Hiroshi: The entire tech industry has betrayed me Michiko first thoses rats at Sony then Thoses Neanderthals at Phillips At this point I would not be surprised at Apple tries to murder me in my sleep.

His ranting was cut short as he had to hold his head in pain, he had no idea what was happening to him at this point at first he (not unjustifiably) Thought it was just seasonal allergies making him have blurred vision That idea was throw out the window when he was suffering a one two punch of a headache That made him feel like there was a jackhammer to his skull and losing at random the feeling in his legs That was a month ago and at this point Hiroshi Was starting to think This might be worse than just a seasonal allergy or getting sick on the job.

Michiko: Hiroshi Are tea is ready and it's your favorite.

Hiroshi: thank you Mucho You're a wife paver.

Michiko: What? honey I think you're meant to say Life saver and Why did you Call me mucho?

Hiroshi didn't listen As he felt That the headache was stronger than ever, Even his blurred vision was worst he fought no it can't be I'm too important to die to this, What will Nintendo do without him he needed help NOW with the last remains of his strength he spoke one last time to his wife.

Hiroshi Yamauchi: Michiko CALL
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Nice start buddy
Thank you so much I should hope for me have the next chapter uploaded next week? Maybe
Holy crap.............
Yeah Holy crap's pretty accurate.
It's a good start, but it could use some more description and prose.
In my defense this is my first time fully writing something that wasn't like a two sentence horror.
Oh Lord, what is about to happen here?
Buckle up buckaroo Because you're (hopefully) in for a ride.
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The whole thing as there are tons of grammar mistakes, but it is nothing too major.
that's confusing like.
there are a ton of grammar mistakes,
but it's nothing too major.
Which is it then?
I'm Sorry if I come off as rude it's just I want to know what I'm doing wrong here.
that's confusing like.
there are a ton of grammar mistakes,
but it's nothing too major.
Which is it then?
I'm Sorry if I come off as rude it's just I want to know what I'm doing wrong here.
Don't know, maybe the sentence structure? and the last line break suddenly

Also when will be next chapter?
Yo, can you make me editor for this thread? I want to fix the grammar and spelling errors present in this thread, as well as alter and change around some words and sentences.
So @ToastyPancakes How Can I Make you My editor for this, since you so graciously are willing to donate your time to help me.
Do I have to do something first Like do I just press a button to give you control as well?
Just have him type the updates and post it, but you do the threadmark and he mentions you. Tell him what you want for the chapter. That's one easy way.