AHC: Best Possible World for Animation

Considering the news about recent events over the past year regarding the animation industry, I decided to make this thread as a way to explore, experiment, and discuss animation, specifically about what has gone wrong, and also what can go right.

With no changes from before January 1st, 1901, try and help to put the world of Animation in a better spot and place than it is now IOTL as of the present day. Whenever it be more general, broad phenomena or individual events being changed, certain people living longer than they did IOTL, different people being in charge or not, cartoons that were cancelled too soon running on for longer, show pilots that weren’t picked up being given a chance, cancelled movies being fully produced and released, problematic tropes being nipped in the bud, or decisions that hurt animators and their projects being stopped and not going through as a result, whenever it is 100% realistic or not, as long as it’s not outright ASB, the goal of this thread is simple: Help make the best possible world for animation fans, animators, and animation as a whole. Whenever it be a full timeline or just stuff you individually would like to be changed, anything is welcome.

Obviously animation is art, and art is subjective, so please try and remember to be civil down bellow and be respectful of other peoples opinions. Am I trying to make a Utopia, no, but am I trying to make something close to it? Pretty much yes.
Considering the news about recent events over the past year regarding the animation industry, I decided to make this thread as a way to explore, experiment, and discuss animation, specifically about what has gone wrong, and also what can go right.

With no changes from before January 1st, 1901, try and help to put the world of Animation in a better spot and place than it is now IOTL as of the present day. Whenever it be more general, broad phenomena or individual events being changed, certain people living longer than they did IOTL, different people being in charge or not, cartoons that were cancelled too soon running on for longer, show pilots that weren’t picked up being given a chance, cancelled movies being fully produced and released, problematic tropes being nipped in the bud, or decisions that hurt animators and their projects being stopped and not going through as a result, whenever it is 100% realistic or not, as long as it’s not outright ASB, the goal of this thread is simple: Help make the best possible world for animation fans, animators, and animation as a whole. Whenever it be a full timeline or just stuff you individually would like to be changed, anything is welcome.

Obviously animation is art, and art is subjective, so please try and remember to be civil down bellow and be respectful of other peoples opinions. Am I trying to make a Utopia, no, but am I trying to make something close to it? Pretty much yes.
Here are some of my personal ideas;
  • The Owl House is not cancelled and shortened down by Disney, being given 5 full 10-20 episode-long season’s top flesh out it’s story and characters.
  • The circumstances that led to Netflix cancelling many of their animated shows in the 2020s doesn’t happen, with several shows and upcoming projects not being cancelled as a result.
  • Constant Payne and The Modifyers are both picked up by Nickelodeon.
  • Spongebob Squarepants, after an additional two seasons consisting of the better later episodes of OTL, ends with the movie in 2005, before coming back in 2015 with a revival.
  • Moral Orel is not cancelled by Adilt Swim in 2008, with the show being allowed to continue on for two more seasons, exploring the characters and their stories, growths, and arcs, coming to an end with the proper and true finale in December 2010.
  • David Zaslav and Bop Chaprk both don’t reach the positions of power they did IOTL. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Satoshi Kon is still alive as of 2022, still contributing to the world of Anime.
  • Phil Hartman isn’t killed by his wife in 1998, still being alive as of 2022 and contributing to the voice acting world, alongside his live-action work aswell.
  • Megamind and Rise of the Guardians both do better at the box office in 2010 and 2012 respectively, which doesn’t lead to Dreamworks cancelling many of their then-upcoming films such as Me and My Shadow.
  • The Emoji Movie doesn’t make it far into production before being scrapped, being considered a unique curiosity of what could’ve been by the animation community, ala Superman Lives.


With no changes from before January 1st, 1901, try and help to put the world of Animation in a better spot and place than it is now IOTL as of the present day.
Have animation more than just anthropomorphic funny animal shorts between features in the '30s.


Gone Fishin'
Stop the bizarre trend of adults hyper-fixating on shows and movies designed for children - prevent the rise of a generation of online misanthropes who refuse to graduate from kids media.

Animation, and popular media in general, could benefit from a reality check.
Stop the bizarre trend of adults hyper-fixating on shows and movies designed for children - prevent the rise of a generation of online misanthropes who refuse to graduate from kids media.

Animation, and popular media in general, could benefit from a reality check.
Hey, what's wrong with older folks watching kid's animation?

Surely better than some of the "QuoTE oN qUotE" "MatooRe KareToOnz"......


Gone Fishin'
Hey, what's wrong with older folks watching kid's animation?

Surely better than some of the "QuoTE oN qUotE" "MatooRe KareToOnz"......

After a certain point people need to graduate from media quite literally designed for children.

I'm not overly keen on adult animation either but at least it's designed with the audience in mind. Marinating in a nostalgic stew of kid's shows isn't healthy and I find it stunts people.
Stop the bizarre trend of adults hyper-fixating on shows and movies designed for children - prevent the rise of a generation of online misanthropes who refuse to graduate from kids media.

Animation, and popular media in general, could benefit from a reality check.
Also we got one thing to prevent: Adult Animation absolutely need to grow up and have recently changed to have actual good Adult show until they got canceled for no good reason!!!

Absolutely we need to have adult cartoons to be mature Instead being childish and ironic have kid shows be a lot more mature to them until the 2010s
You'd have to go back to the 50's/60's in order to see this really come to fruition. After the Golden Age of animation that saw Disney and Looney Tunes get their start, the move to television and away from the big screen saw budgets being slashed and things severely limited as a result. You'd need to maintain the momentum of animation from the Golden Age in order to allow the creative freedom to go forward and not get it locked onto the idea of it just being for kids and all the hang ups that came from it. How you can do this, I'm not sure, unless Disney lives a little longer perhaps, or there is someone who is able to give his company a true vision moving forward after he passes.
Also we got one thing to prevent: Adult Animation absolutely need to grow up and have recently changed to have actual good Adult show until they got canceled for no good reason!!!

Absolutely we need to have adult cartoons to be mature Instead being childish and ironic have kid shows be a lot more mature to them until the 2010s
I think that's a western cultural problem. I think the failure of a true 'adult' series(and Hollywood's reluctance to show real adult problems, like unemployment, alienation,racist,sexism,etc). The Simpsons were right there before becoming more family-friendly, South park whole sthick was being shocking but that damage more than helped but Duckman rant asides, was the same.

We need, using an anime term, a Seinen Like series took over real adult problem with all the tact but strength to show it and have to be on popular network, so everyone take notice
Here are some Internet divergences:
  • Edd Gould overcoming his blood leukaemia and lives in 2012, going on to continue his popular webseries Eddsworld, and helping co-create Super Average alongside his friend TomSka. Meanwhile, the Eddsworld channel, becoming a major leader and glue in the online animation community, would host plenty of fan content, such as the gender swapped AU.
  • Toonsmyth Productions manages to survive his diabetes in 2014, continuing his Cartoon Hunger Games and other animated works.
  • Colin Wyckoff survives his leukaemia in 2015, and continues to make his signature style of Gmod and gaming videos, with Garry’s Mod enjoying a resurgence in popularity for the game alongside other classics such as Minecraft in the late 2010s and early 2020s.
  • Scott Yawichuk doesn’t pass away in 2015, continuing to voice act for Element Animation and others into the present day.
  • Monty Oum doesn’t pass away in 2015, where he still contributes to RWBY till this very day.
  • JibJab makes Year in Review videos for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 like they did from 2005 to 2014 and again in 2020.
  • The Purge of Machinima, Inc. in 2019 is announced publicly beforehand so as many people as possible can archive and save as many videos as they can. This includes all of their animated works aswell, with fans of those series’s also archiving those works aswell.
  • Zaix and AngelXMikey both don’t pass away in early 2019, continuing to contribue to their respective communities to this very day.
  • JelloApocalypse’s Epithet Erased is more successful on YouTube, which helps it successfully secure a second season, which begins sometime in 2022.
For starters a lot of what you are changing is subjective. While you might enjoy the shows its just as likely people thing they are shit and not watch them leading them to be cancelled or forgotten until a you-tuber or whatever equivalent exist in the timeline makes a video about it. Also in terms of troupes/content the reality is that what you like is not going to be liked by everyone. I mean when you say problematic someone else would disagree and misses when shows were like that. So trying to make animation better in that way is not going to work.

However I will say a way to avoid having animation being what it is today would be to make it so that animation does not become dominated by Disney and that it does not have the stigma it has now. However Disney did dominate in part because the US was the only nation to actually create cartoons and because animation is expensive. Having more nation actually make good animation would help.
There is another problem in that not that many people like animation and that animation is more expensive than live action. So having another situation like Japan where animation is outsourced to and it dominates the local market will make animation seem less childish and will create a market to exploit which would drive the demand for animation.
I think that's a western cultural problem. I think the failure of a true 'adult' series(and Hollywood's reluctance to show real adult problems, like unemployment, alienation,racist,sexism,etc). The Simpsons were right there before becoming more family-friendly, South park whole sthick was being shocking but that damage more than helped but Duckman rant asides, was the same.
I mean why have animation when you can have real actors and do cheaper and faster? There is no real reason to have adult animation when actual film exists.

I am trying to be civil. I said some people would think those are bad, not that they are bad. Really what I meant is that while those shows might be made that is no guarantee for success either monetary or critical. This also assumes the shows do not overstay their welcome and lose their support, like how the Simpsons or RWBY have lost most of their charm in the online space.
As for an actual timeline I think having McCarthy going harder against Hollywood to the point some major studious shut down might help. While the situation would eventually improve having him damage the film industry while not going after animation would give animation a bigger audience mostly for lack of choice which even when film begins to dominate again would have gotten more views and more demand. We can push it even more if the film studios go for art house films rather than the big block busters which would allow animation to take more of a share of the market as mass appeal to the public.

Also avoiding the Comic Book code would help as the market can expand and contract on its own and not become dependent on Superheroes and more on horror and crime stories which would eventually change to something else leading to a healthier market.
Here are some involving corporate people and directors.
  • Argentine animation director and cartoonist Quirino Cristiani’s films El Apóstol (the world's first animated feature film), Sin dejar rastros, Firpo-Dempsey, and Peludópolis are never lost in fires, being fully preserved and archived, with Cristiani’s contributions to the world of Animation never being lost and helping to contribute to Argentina’s culture.
  • Walt Disney himself lives longer until passing away in 1994.
  • Don Bluth doesn’t end up leaving Disney in 1979, with him releasing his films The Secret of NIMH (1982), An American Tail (1986), The Land Before Time (1988), All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989), and Anastasia (1997) while working with the company and having greater influence alongside Tim Burton.
  • Henry Selick is able to make The Shadow King and The Graveyard Book in the 2010s.
  • Roy Edward Disney doesn’t die from pancreatic cancer in 2009, being still alive and active in the Walt Disney Company as of today.
  • Abigail Edna Disney, Roy Patrick Disney, Stanley Gold, and Dick Cook are all still involved with the Walt Disney Company as of today.
  • President Frank Wells doesn’t die in a helicopter crash in 1994, which I think could be possible through butterflies, although I’m honestly not sure what exactly would happen as a result as I don’t know too much about Wells.
  • The 2009 Astro Boy movie is better made and written, with it being well received by critics and audiences, which as a result doesn’t lead to Imagi Animation Studios going defunct in 2010, which leads to Gatchaman being released in 2011, followed by Tetsujin 28 in 2012, both of which are also met with critical and financial success.