AHC: Kurt Cobain and Kristen Pfaff

As many people know, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, took his own life on April 5th, 1994, becoming part of the infamous 27 Club. What fewer people remember is that another artist would end up joining the 27 Club just over two months later, when Kristen Pfaff, the bassist for Courtney Love's band Hole, died from a heroin overdose.

Some have speculated that the two might have had an affair, and while I don't think that was the case, I feel seem like there possibly could have been something between the two, at least if the following quote from Cobain is anything to go by:

“She’s a fucking talented musician, she’s also a beautiful soul. I think she’s so beautiful, but if I ever told her that, and Courtney found out, it would be hell.”

Could their be a scenario where the two end up not dying and becoming a couple? And how would their legacies, Pfaff's in particular, be different?
As many people know, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, took his own life on April 5th, 1994, becoming part of the infamous 27 Club. What fewer people remember is that another artist would end up joining the 27 Club just over two months later, when Kristen Pfaff, the bassist for Courtney Love's band Hole, died from a heroin overdose.

Some have speculated that the two might have had an affair, and while I don't think that was the case, I feel seem like there possibly could have been something between the two, at least if the following quote from Cobain is anything to go by:

“She’s a fucking talented musician, she’s also a beautiful soul. I think she’s so beautiful, but if I ever told her that, and Courtney found out, it would be hell.”

Could their be a scenario where the two end up not dying and becoming a couple? And how would their legacies, Pfaff's in particular, be different?
Maybe Love introduce them and before he feels In love with Courtney realize he likes Kristen More?