AHC: Make Playstation completely fail

As the title says, have Sony lose the console war and be forced to stop making consoles (like Sega OTL). Also Sony has to be the one to release the console, it can't be some partnership with Nintendo or something.
One way to make this happen: Sony fails to utilise the CD-ROM format and sticks to cartridges, thus hamstringing its game developers and increasing its manufacturing costs. Perhaps Nintendo hits on the idea instead of them.
1. They make the hardware needlessly complicated to program for.
2. The third party license fee is higher than what Sega/Nintendo/Atari/ 3DO's.
3. The moneyhats that Sony throws to the Capcom 's and EA's aren't enough to keep exclusivity for their top tier games.
1. They make the hardware needlessly complicated to program for.
2. The third party license fee is higher than what Sega/Nintendo/Atari/ 3DO's.
3. The moneyhats that Sony throws to the Capcom 's and EA's aren't enough to keep exclusivity for their top tier games.
These are good ideas.
  • Have the architecture very difficult to make games for. In OTL, the PS1 was far easier to make games for compared to the Saturn and N64, which had difficult architectures to work with. Saturn was especially bad during this era, as Sega was unsure to go 2D or 3D, and ended up having architectures for both. PS1 was designed with 3D in mind. Funnily enough, it was Sega's Virtua Fighter that made Sony go all in on 3D, while Sega ended up divided between its console and arcade divisions wanting to be unique. Have the inexperienced Sony be the confused one and Sega make things simple, and Sony has a problem.
  • Have Sony partner with the 3DO company. Sony actually considered getting on board with their idea of licensing out a common console, alongside Panasonic and a couple of other players. Have Sony join the crowd with this PS1-3DO and you have a flop on your hands.
  • Have Squaresoft and Enix stick with Nintendo or go to Sega. Final Fantasy VII and Dragon Quest VII were very big. FF7 is what enabled PS1 to beat Saturn in the Japanese and N64 in the American market and the console began outselling both consistently after it came out. Square flirted with going to Sega before ending up with Sony. Enix stuck with Nintendo longer, hoping Dragon Quest could be on the ill-faited N64DD, before going to Sony. Nintendo/Sega with those titles could conceivable change the console war.
  • PS3 lost tons of money for Sony OTL, losing all the profits made from the PS1 and PS2 generations entirely! They managed to recover by the end of the generaion due to Microsoft and Nintendo flaming out, which means to kick Sony out of the console market, we gotta make things even worse for them and not let the PS3 recover. To do this, I'd have Nintendo make the Wii in the same ballpark as Xbox 360 and PS3. Nintendo did consider doing this but went in a different direction in OTL, just have them go with the original plan of making it stronger. We know from OTL that the Wii would have still sold out even with the higher price that the increased power would have brought. The Wii is now capable of getting all the multiplatform games of the generation, which kills the PS3 in Japan entirely. Both the the HD twins get hit bad in TTL, but PS3 even worse. The Wii could theoretically get Final Fantasy if Sony refuses to pay for exclusivity, which they didn't OTL. This Wii won't burn out as fast, and if they follow up with another success (not the Wii U), then Sony will not be able to recover and have to leave after more money is lost.
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  • Have the architecture very difficult to make games for. In OTL, the PS1 was far easier to make games for compared to the Saturn and N64, which had difficult architectures to work with. Saturn was especially bad during this era, as Sega was unsure to go 2D or 3D, and ended up having architectures for both. PS1 was designed with 3D in mind. Funnily enough, it was Sega's Virtua Fighter that made Sony go all in on 3D, while Sega ended up divided between its console and arcade divisions wanting to be unique. Have the inexperienced Sony be the confused one and Sega make things simple, and Sony has a problem.
  • Have Sony partner with the 3DO company. Sony actually considered getting on board with their idea of licensing out a common console, alongside Panasonic and a couple of other players. Have Sony join the crowd with this PS1-3DO and you have a flop on your hands.
  • Have Squaresoft and Enix stick with Nintendo or go to Sega. Final Fantasy VII and Dragon Quest VII were very big. FF7 is what enabled PS1 to beat Saturn in the Japanese and N64 in the American market and the console began outselling both consistently after it came out. Square flirted with going to Sega before ending up with Sony. Enix stuck with Nintendo longer, hoping Dragon Quest could be on the ill-faited N64DD, before going to Sony. Nintendo/Sega with those titles could conceivable change the console war.
  • PS3 lost tons of money for Sony OTL, losing all the profits made from the PS1 and PS2 generations entirely! They managed to recover by the end of the generaion due to Microsoft and Nintendo flaming out, which means to kick Sony out of the console market, we gotta make things even worse for them and not let the PS3 recover. To do this, I'd have Nintendo make the Wii in the same ballpark as Xbox 360 and PS3. Nintendo did consider doing this but went in a different direction in OTL, just have them go with the original plan of making it stronger. We know from OTL that the Wii would have still sold out even with the higher price that the increased power would have brought. The Wii is now capable of getting all the multiplatform games of the generation, which kills the PS3 in Japan entirely. Both the the HD twins get hit bad in TTL, but PS3 even worse. The Wii could theoretically get Final Fantasy if Sony refuses to pay for exclusivity, which they didn't OTL. This Wii won't burn out as fast, and if they follow up with another success (not the Wii U), then Sony will not be able to recover and have to leave after more money is lost.
  • Have the architecture very difficult to make games for. In OTL, the PS1 was far easier to make games for compared to the Saturn and N64, which had difficult architectures to work with. Saturn was especially bad during this era, as Sega was unsure to go 2D or 3D, and ended up having architectures for both. PS1 was designed with 3D in mind. Funnily enough, it was Sega's Virtua Fighter that made Sony go all in on 3D, while Sega ended up divided between its console and arcade divisions wanting to be unique. Have the inexperienced Sony be the confused one and Sega make things simple, and Sony has a problem.
  • Have Sony partner with the 3DO company. Sony actually considered getting on board with their idea of licensing out a common console, alongside Panasonic and a couple of other players. Have Sony join the crowd with this PS1-3DO and you have a flop on your hands.
  • Have Squaresoft and Enix stick with Nintendo or go to Sega. Final Fantasy VII and Dragon Quest VII were very big. FF7 is what enabled PS1 to beat Saturn in the Japanese and N64 in the American market and the console began outselling both consistently after it came out. Square flirted with going to Sega before ending up with Sony. Enix stuck with Nintendo longer, hoping Dragon Quest could be on the ill-faited N64DD, before going to Sony. Nintendo/Sega with those titles could conceivable change the console war.
  • PS3 lost tons of money for Sony OTL, losing all the profits made from the PS1 and PS2 generations entirely! They managed to recover by the end of the generaion due to Microsoft and Nintendo flaming out, which means to kick Sony out of the console market, we gotta make things even worse for them and not let the PS3 recover. To do this, I'd have Nintendo make the Wii in the same ballpark as Xbox 360 and PS3. Nintendo did consider doing this but went in a different direction in OTL, just have them go with the original plan of making it stronger. We know from OTL that the Wii would have still sold out even with the higher price that the increased power would have brought. The Wii is now capable of getting all the multiplatform games of the generation, which kills the PS3 in Japan entirely. Both the the HD twins get hit bad in TTL, but PS3 even worse. The Wii could theoretically get Final Fantasy if Sony refuses to pay for exclusivity, which they didn't OTL. This Wii won't burn out as fast, and if they follow up with another success (not the Wii U), then Sony will not be able to recover and have to leave after more money is lost.
Wow I wasn't even considering that they could've lost in the seventh gen. Wonder how the future would've looked with only 2 consoles...