AHC: More countries in the world adopt English as their official language.

impossible post-1800 and pre-1900. By 1800 French is the dominant diplomatic language

latest POD possible is hundred years war. England wins that, they'd be powerful enough to become the diplomatic langauge, though it would likely be dominant French-style English that we wouldn't understand (and England would likely be culturally abosrbed by France , just with English kings)

I do think we're currently on a path to having English being the effective official language due to globalization, but we'd need another generation or two of the US as a hyperpower for that.
- The US takes Mexico and holds onto Cuba for longer, and by the time they both achieve independence they're already English-speaking
- Franco-British Union during WWII connects The UK and France economically, diplomatically and militarily until France adopts English as a second language, shortly followed by it's colonies
- Depopulation and Allied recolonisation of Eastern Europe following either a nuclear exchange or a much more extreme holocaust
With a POD not earlier than 1800 CE, how can more European, Asian, African, Oceanian, American countries adopt English as an official or national language?

All the countries here have English as an official language or their language of wider communication.

Some of the countries on that map don't actually have English as the official language as it is.

Might see the Sudanese and Somali governments keeping English as an official language when they gain independence.
Similar with other former British colonies at the point of independence, like the Maldives.

Could always have other countries swept up by the British Empire and keeping the English language after independence too.
Might see the Sudanese and Somali governments keeping English as an official language when they gain independence.
Why would the Somali? The European language most widely spoken there was Italian... heck, some elder people in Somalia still speak Italian today, IIRC.
Egypt, Iraq, Myanmar and Cyprus were all colonies, so they might adopt English after independence. Nepal too, due to being culturally tied to India which was under British rule.