ahc plausability query Mexico powerful with big Irish populatio

Wi Mexico, with maybe a better leadership than in otl Had won at San Jacinto. Texas stayed in Mexico. Maybe Britain was less close to the US than in otl. Could Mexico be the place Irish Emigrants went from the 1840s on?
Mexico was the destination for a chunk of Irish immigrants. So it isn't outrageous to think they could have gotten a bigger chunk. What Mexico needs to attract more immigration is stability and jobs. I think Mexico had historically suffered from regional labor shortage. With stability, and with it, a more robust economy/job market, there will be even more of an attraction for migration. Job availability, even more so than land availability, is the driving factor for immigration, so it is going to take more than just retaining Tejas to turn the tide.

USA is closer/cheaper to get to, and has the advantage of a familiar language, but there was also animosity toward the Irish.

Things have to go a lot better in Mexico in order for it to be THE go to place.
If you combine greater stability and victory at San Jacinto with a successful Know-Nothing Party, including electing one or several presidents and passing restrictive immigration laws, then Mexico would probably become the go-to destination for the Irish not willing to emigrate to an area of the British Empire.
I don’t think that Irish immigrant will significant benefit Mexico. The benefit of European immigration was mostly the skilled immigrants who brought their know how with them, of course the standard of skilled was different then than now, groups with high literacy rates, high apprenticeship rates and for people being self owning farmers rather than tenants or serfs were the best groups.