AHC : SEGA beats Nintendo in the 1st Console War

In our timeline, SEGA is known as the lesser Nintendo by many, not really releasing consoles as opposed to releasing games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Puyo Puyo, Wonder Boy, Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage, etc, etc while Nintendo has many more classic titles such as Mario, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, etc, etc. At the same time, SEGA has given up on ever releasing consoles following the failures they had gone through in the 90s after early initial successes while Nintendo has become a top competitor in the Console space, though no longer as top of the world as they were thanks to the introduction of Microsoft's XBOX and SONY's Playstation. My question and challenge here is what are some PoDs that can lead to SEGA eventually toppling the Nintendo behemoth before it has to deal with the Microsoft and Sony behemoths that rose shortly after with the releases of Microsoft's Halo : Combat Evolved in November of 2001 and Sony's many titles with the Playstation? What would a decent timeline of events for this alternate console war look like? How should management change for SEGA to improve its chances?
SEGA needs the following:
1.They need a CEO that can convince everyone that what works for one region doesn't necessarily work for the other regions.
2. They need to make sure that at the very least both sides of the r&d teams can compare notes.
3. Make more of an effort to market a general audience.
SEGA needs the following:
1.They need a CEO that can convince everyone that what works for one region doesn't necessarily work for the other regions.
2. They need to make sure that at the very least both sides of the r&d teams can compare notes.
3. Make more of an effort to market a general audience.
1. Who do you think would be a good person who could fit the slot of the CEO that can fix the mess and incompetency between SoJ, SoA, and SoE? It would likely have to be a Japanese person just from the sheer nature of Japanese businesses.
2. Any idea how to do that effectively?
3. I have seen proposals for that and how there are thoughts that instead of going for a general audience (which Nintendo has always done), SEGA, had it survived and continued, likely would've taken Microsoft's place in the marketplace. Microsoft execs never wanted to make the XBOX after all, and so if SEGA's mistakes are fixed and they are able to do better than expected, maybe they beat the XBOX in sales (iirc, the DREAMcast did outsell the Gamecube when it came out) and make an agreement to be the console port for Microsoft games with exclusivity to SEGA consoles (so like imagine Halo 3 on a Sega Console ittl). Meanwhile, their games are slightly more mature, not going full on M but having more depth and seriousness in their tones that led to Microsoft and Sony overtaking the marketplace otl. Don't know if this is a good or bad idea for them, but it might definitely be interesting.