Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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What happened?
Now, I don't know if you know this, little buddy, but a big deal happened in the United States on September 11, 2001. Two planes hit the World Trade Center and another hit the Pentagon. This attack, organized by Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was the most dangerous terrorist attack on US soil. What you may not know is that there was another plane headed to hit the White House, but the brave passengers took back the plane and crashed it in Pennsylvania. Presumably, the POD here is that the plane does reach the White House and kills the President and Vice President. You can also presume that Speaker Dennie Hastert was also killed, perhaps he was visiting the White House or another plane hit Congress. Now, because of the Presidential Succession Act, the next in line is President Pro Tempore who at this period was Strom Thurmond, a United States Senator from South Carolina and Dixiecrat Presidential candidate in 1948.

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Gone Fishin'
Now, I don't know if you know this, little buddy, but a big deal happened in the United States on September 11, 2001. Two planes hit the World Trade Center and another hit the Pentagon. This attack, organized by Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was the most dangerous terrorist attack on US soil. What you may not know is that there was another plane headed to hit the White House, but the brave passengers took back the plane and crashed it in Pennsylvania. Presumably, the POD here is that the plane does reach the White House and kills the President and Vice President. You can also presume that Speaker Dennie Hastert was also killed, perhaps he was visiting the White House or another plane hit Congress. Now, because of the Presidential Succession Act, the next in line is President Pro Tempore who at this period was Strom Thurmond, a United States Senator from South Carolina and Dixiecrat Presidential candidate in 1948.

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I think you covered it rather elegantly.

However, I raise an issues; Strom was not PPT at the time, Robert Byrd was.
I think you covered it rather elegantly.

However, I raise an issues; Strom was not PPT at the time, Robert Byrd was.
Huh, that's a glaring oversight if I've ever seen one.

I'm looking at the list of Presidents pro tempore now and it's a bit odd since it kept switching during 2001. Were there a lot of Senators passing away and the opposite party appointing their replacements during this time?
Huh, that's a glaring oversight if I've ever seen one.

I'm looking at the list of Presidents pro tempore now and it's a bit odd since it kept switching during 2001. Were there a lot of Senators passing away and the opposite party appointing their replacements during this time?
No, Senator Jim Jeffords left the GOP, giving the Democrats control of the Senate.
Now, I don't know if you know this, little buddy, but a big deal happened in the United States on September 11, 2001. Two planes hit the World Trade Center and another hit the Pentagon. This attack, organized by Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was the most dangerous terrorist attack on US soil. What you may not know is that there was another plane headed to hit the White House, but the brave passengers took back the plane and crashed it in Pennsylvania. Presumably, the POD here is that the plane does reach the White House and kills the President and Vice President. You can also presume that Speaker Dennie Hastert was also killed, perhaps he was visiting the White House or another plane hit Congress. Now, because of the Presidential Succession Act, the next in line is President Pro Tempore who at this period was Strom Thurmond, a United States Senator from South Carolina and Dixiecrat Presidential candidate in 1948.

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Wasn't Bush in Florida at the time, though?
Here's an election infobox from my Socialist Britain, Constitutional Russia TL.

Here's an election infobox from my Socialist Britain, Constitutional Russia TL.

Ah, Sergei Witte. If you've done IB History with focus on Europe, then likely you've written countless essays on variations of "Could Witte and Stolypin's reforms have prevented the Russian revolution?"

After a while, just for originality, I started to advance the thesis that Witte and Stolypin's reforms may well have accelerated the forces that led to the Russian Revolution.
Evidently, here a) he wasn't in Florida and b) Jim Jeffords stayed in the GOP until September.
Never do more than one POD! That's a golden rule. We have to come up with a completely different earlier contrivance that creates massive butterflies to create those two changes.
Ah, Sergei Witte. If you've done IB History with focus on Europe, then likely you've written countless essays on variations of "Could Witte and Stolypin's reforms have prevented the Russian revolution?"

After a while, just for originality, I started to advance the thesis that Witte and Stolypin's reforms may well have accelerated the forces that led to the Russian Revolution.

This election isn't the POD. Nicholas Alexandrovich lived to become Tsar in this TL, and became came to admire the Westminster system after staying in Britain in 1864-1865.
He instituted democratic reforms, founding a British-style parliament called the Imperial Duma in 1894.


Gone Fishin'
Never do more than one POD! That's a golden rule. We have to come up with a completely different earlier contrivance that creates massive butterflies to create those two changes.

Jim remaining sufficiently butterflies away the Florida trip, or at least the time of the attacks to later, when Bush and everyone else was at the White House for a BBQ. Let's just say Thurmond was feeling under the weather and couldn't make it.
This election isn't the POD. Nicholas Alexandrovich lived to become Tsar in this TL, and became came to admire the Westminster system after staying in Britain in 1864-1865.
He instituted democratic reforms, founding a British-style parliament called the Imperial Duma in 1894.

That may be a big enough POD for a constitutional monarchy Russia, although personally I would have called the parliament the "Imperial Council", because council in Russian is "Soviet".:D

More seriously, I don't see how Britain can become socialist. If by socialist you mean social democratic, Labour is the route to that. If by socialist you mean revolutionary, I don't see how that's possible with a Russian POD. With a British one, that's possible, as FaBR has shown us, but not with a Russian one.
More seriously, I don't see how Britain can become socialist. If by socialist you mean social democratic, Labour is the route to that. If by socialist you mean revolutionary, I don't see how that's possible with a Russian POD. With a British one, that's possible, as FaBR has shown us, but not with a Russian one.
I assume the PoD is back enough to create ripples.
That may be a big enough POD for a constitutional monarchy Russia, although personally I would have called the parliament the "Imperial Council", because council in Russian is "Soviet".:D

More seriously, I don't see how Britain can become socialist. If by socialist you mean social democratic, Labour is the route to that. If by socialist you mean revolutionary, I don't see how that's possible with a Russian POD. With a British one, that's possible, as FaBR has shown us, but not with a Russian one.

Well, Conservative Minister Pyotr Durnovo instituted a policy of forging alliances with Germany and the United States. When WWI came along, Russia chose Germany over France as an ally, and eventually pulled America in on the Central Powers side after a British ship sank the Lusitania.

With German industry, Russian manpower, and American war funds at their disposal, the Central Powers come out on top at the Treaty of Versailles, leading to the Allies (Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire) to become politically unstable.
France and Britain suffer massive inflation, the Ottomans fight a civil war, and Austria-Hungary splits into two nations. In Britain, the working classes are forced to suffer great poverty, while the upper classes, many of whom transferred their money to the American dollar to avoid the inflation, carried on as usual.
In 1918, a group of rioters near Westminster were shot at, and this news ignited a furor among the working classes. They became receptive to the ideas of the British Worker's Party, a fledgling group of left-wingers who had left the Labour Party and the Socialists in 1915, and advocated overthrowing the monarchy.
The following year, armed rebels took over major industrial cities, and many soldiers, having fought a war for aristocrats who seemed to not care about them, joined the revolution. A rump government was formed in Scotland, but that was soon crushed.
Britain officially went socialist in 1921, but it took several years to fully control the British Isles.
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