Alternate World War II films?

The Final Countdown

An RAF sqn of Typhoons finds itself back in time at Biggin Hill. The sqn cdr is under sever pressure to have his advanced fighters put the fear of God and Satan into the Luftwaffe by way of an AMRAAM and ASRAAM tear up!

He has to decide whether to possibly change the course of history and alter events before he or any of his fellow officers were born....
Operation Rossbach (1960) A German film about the succesful Panzer counter attack against the Allied bridgehead in Normandy June 1944, It is a German film that focuses on the leadership or Erwin Rommel (late President of Germany) It also features the frontline ro;e of a group of Das Reich Panzergrenadiers during the battle althugh it downplays the SS/Nazi oertyones in line with the Rommel governments denazification policies and those of later German governments. In the light of the post war revelations about the Holocaust Operation Rossbach has oftwen been criticised by commentators.

A British film, Talisman (1960) directed by Richard Attenborough starts by overing the same events as Operation Rossbach but the main part of the film concentrates on he final failed Allied offensive. It also portarays the assassinaion of Hitler along with much of the Nazi top brass i Operation Teutoburger Wald which led to the ceasefire that endedd hostilities in hwe West.

The German film Rommel (1962(dramatses the succesful 1944 - 5 defence of Germany against the Red Army during which the Wehrmacht fought the Red Army to a stalemate. Rommel's role is greatly exaggerated by the movie.who retired as President in 1962 shortly befre the film was made


Head of the Serpent (1946) - a Soviet propoganda film about the coup which removed Hitler from power in early 1943, following the unmitigated disaster that was 1942 for the German army. Scenes of the Wolf's Lair are contrasted with the frontline, which was under pressure for the whole of the 1942-3 winter, and the failure of Operation Hurrikan is shown as the last straw.
Unusually for Soviet-era propoganda, it employed a subtle touch by humanizing the German enemy - contrasting the German soldier at the front, who was obeying orders, with the behind-the-lines Fascists at the level of Major and above.
Dad's Army (1964)

Very loosly based on the defence of Folkstone during the unsuccessful German invasion of Britain, it depicts the efforts of a Home Guard unit defending the fictional town of Walmington-on-Sea. It was a remake of the 1943 propaganda film Look, Duck and Vanquish.

The film has a number of memorable scenes, such as the montage where Corporal Jones improvises a number of weapons using material procured for him by Private Walker. Most moving was the scene where Private Frazer reassures a young Private Pike after they've been captured by German paratroopers. "Nae worry, Lad. By tomorrow night, they'll be our prisoners - they're doomed, they're all doomed!"


A documentary that focuses on Korea's desire for independence, the start of the 20th century was unkind to the Korean people, foreign powers competing to control Korea's abundant natural resources. But ultimately it would Korea's long time foe Japan who would be master for the next 40 years. As Korea is forcibly exploited for Japan's benefit, one man rises to lead the Korean people towards their freedom : Kim Il-sung. This documentary pays special attention to how a group of ragtag Korean rebels manages to battle the might of Japan later the most powerful nation on Earth the United States. America's defeat in Korea amounted to be one of the humiliating defeats she has ever been forced to endure. It also focus the implications of America's defeat.

Nick P

Disaster at Dunkirk (1962)

A grim telling of the entrapment and capture of the British Army on the beaches of France in 1940 as the German Army stormed forward in a final surge to end the war. The special effects team won that years British Film Award for the way they portrayed the destruction of the Royal Navy rescue ships by the Luftwaffe.

The scenes of the SS Panzer Division machine gunning surrendering British troops on the beach caused a diplomatic row, but it did lead to the long promised international inquiry into the event.

Nick P

Fighting for the Shamrock (1942)

A propaganda film following the men of the South Irish Horse as they fight in the desert campaigns of North Africa alongside the British and American Armies.
Shot mostly from the back of a truck, it was advanced for the time in that the camera crew took great risks in getting close to the front line besides the tanks and Bren gun carriers of the cream of Irelands fighting forces.
We spend most of the film with a small troop of men who clearly represent different aspects of Irish society, such as the poet and the farmer and the scholar, yet are ready and willing to do their part in the Second World War.

The Devils Own (1944)

The Connaught Rangers were reformed into a Commando unit in 1940 following Irelands entry into the Second World War. They served with distinction carrying out raids on Axis bases and harbours that would famously lead to Rommel declaring them to be 'a nuisance that should be stamped out'.
The grand portion of the movie is the landing in Normandy on D-Day. Again the film crew went up close and took their cameras onto the landing craft and in one great example, on the hull of a tank.

This black and white propaganda film was later made into a blockbuster in 1967. Despite the all-star cast, widescreen Technicolour and great effects, the original is considered to be the better for the immediacy and urgency of the combat scenes!
el llanto a San Jacinto

Mexcian movie about the victorious battle at the San Jacinto when national hero Santa Anna beats the Texans decisively, but dies on wounds sustained during the battle.
4 bloody months/싸우면서 죽는다 (2001)
One of the first South Korea-US co-produced films. The film dramatises the 4 months' battle of the newly restored Korean government against the invading Soviet Union. US ambassador Franklin D. Roosevelt is seen sympathising with the Korean cause, requesting his government to supply Korea's military with weapons and munitions. While the film ends when the Soviets enter Seoul and Roosevelt greets the Soviet army, an epilogue scene shows the Koreans continuing to battle until the last man for months later. Featuring Ahn Sung-ki as wizened leader Hong Beom-do and Robin Williams as ambassador Roosevelt, the film set multiple box office records and remains one of the highest grossing films for both South Korea and the United States. Most of the filming, surprisingly, took place in Munich.
Death is lighter than a feather(2012)
Based on the book with the same name about the invasion of Japan that ended WW2

The second Alamo(1988)
Based on the Wake Island invasion by Japan and it´s faliure(hint, TL here)
Red Dawn (2014)

Featuring comeback performances from Nicholas Cage, Tom Cruise, and John Travolta this big budget block bust lacks people with Russian accents but it portrays the harrowing tale of how the Ukrainian front broke through to save a surrounded US-British army in Greece in 1945. As we all well know US bravery against impossible odds, with the USSR's assistance, led to a brokered peace with German President Himmler who called soon afterwards for a cessation of war and a withdrawal to May 1941 boundaries in the East, and the liberation of most of France.


War in the Pacific: It Begins (US, 1987)

An epic war movie showing the devastating effects of the 3 Japanese attack waves at Pearl Harbor and the naval battles that ensue as the scattered US forces attempt to strike back at the withdrawing Japanese fleet. The scenes of the destruction of the oil farms and the dry docks are considered truly phenomenal.

Note: The overall movie would come out similar to Gingrich's "Pearl Harbor" series.
The Hunters

Based on the novel by James Salter (a fighter pilot himself - based on his diary) this 1960 film depicts the life of P-88 "Voodoo" pilots over "Focke-Wulf Alley," it starts Robert Mitchum as Captain Cleve Connell and portrays his conflict with a younger pilot played by Robert Wagner.

The film is famous for its authentic air combat scenes, created both with P-88 gun camera footage from 1947/48 as well as mock dogfights between surviving Voodoo trainers and RAF Supermarine Attackers posing as the dreaded Ta-287 Sturmvogel.
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Eagle Day Universal Studios, 1997.

Stars Tom Cruise as Colonel Edward Rickenbacker, commander of the 122nd USAAF Fighter Squadron, and his and his squadron's exploits in single handedly saving England during the Luftwaffe Adler Tag offensive and won the Battle Of Britain. It also shows his aerial duel with Adolf Galland from which after downing 3 ME109Es Rickenbacker then managed to fly and fight his Kittyhawk to bring down the celebrated Nazi ace. The film finishes with a touching portrayal of his romance with Elizabeth Windsor, (played by Liz Hurley), the older sister of the future Queen Margaret, who abdicated the throne in order to Marry the dashing American officer.
From my timeline:

The Amewican Pwesident (1971): Cordell Hull (George MacReady), 33rd President of the United States, has to overcome his greatest obstacle - a speech impediment. After being heavily mocked for his difficulties in trilling, infamously being repeatedly caricatured as cartoon character Elmer Fudd, Hull hires the services of reknowned speech therapist Charles van Riper (Simon Oakland), with the film's climax being a certain speech in early December, 1941...


Film still from The Amewican Pwesident (1971).

Remade in 2010 by Ron Howard with William Devane as Hull and Phillip Seymour Hoffman as van Riper.
All Nighter (2010)

A historical drama based loosely around a joint Korea-US attack on a Japanese garrison on Jeju Island. The main plot revolves around Brigade VII, who were trained to all sleep at day and fight at night; their attack into the Japanese garrison throughout the night and the breaking of dawn over the battle is the highlight of the film. The film was accused by the South Japanese government of "producing counterfactual history" over "a highly controversial issue".
Three films from a world where Hitler was deluded enough to attempt the unmentionable sea mammal.

Our Finest Hour (1966)

Classic WWII film about the decisive Battle of Britain, the successful defense against the attempted German invasion. The film follows a group of British soldiers who must work with a local militia and villagers to protect a key point on the GHQ Line. The soldiers, weary and increasingly fatalistic after their experiences in France, find the determination and courage to defend the townspeople who they come to befriend. The film builds up to a climatic battle and ends with the soldiers and villagers working together to defeat the advancing Germans. An epilogue highlights how the British victory on their shores was the major turning point of the war and in the words of Winston Churchill was Britain's finest hour. Featuring Alec Guinness, Sean Connery, and Christopher Lee.

The Taming of the Sealion (1998)

Documentary about the attempted Germany invasion of Great Britain. Highlights the sheer folly of the invasion, owing to the hubris of Hitler and his generals after the Fall of France. Points out the impossibility of it succeeding without proper navel cover, the make shift fleet of barges the Germans hastily cobbled together, and lack of proper logistics. Gives the verdict that Hitler should've considered alternatives, such as an earlier Mediterranean strategy or Goering's proposed air campaign against Britain.

The Bitter Siege (2008)

An alternate history film where Hitler never attempted to invade the British isles, opting instead to bomb the British into submission. Outnumbered, the RAF was easily defeated and German bombs rain night and day over London. With death raining continuously form the sky and no hope of relief or victory in sight, Churchill's government collapses. The film ends with the first meeting of the new government under Lord Halifax in an underground bunker, the sound and impact of bombs non-stop as the distraught Halifax declares his intention to seek terms with Hitler.
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Of course, two of the earliest AW movies IOTL had alternate 1940s in them

It Happened Here was about Nazi-occupied Britain.

Quest For Love was set in the then contemporary Britain, but one in which there had been no WWII. As a result technology was not as advanced and, for some reason, Everest hd never been climbed.
Question, would miniseries count? If so, here is one I feel like posting based off an idea I had for a story (and started working on before I froze up on it...)

Spearhead's Gauntlet (2002-2003)

Published by PBS, the miniseries, Spearhead's Gauntlet, lasting a total of fourteen episodes tells the tale of the 2/33rd Armored Battalion, of the famous Third Armored Division in the long slug through Europe, stretching through Operation Cobra, to the Race Through France, Operation Blue Hurricane [1], the Battle of the Bulge, and the final battle of the war in Europe, the Battle of Berlin. Considered a masterpiece in terms of a portrayal of the 2/33rd in the slug through Europe, it won nine Primetime Emmy Awards.

[1] The name for a major paradrop operation launched into the Southern Netherlands, which saw a limited success, but directly led to the Battle of the Bulge.
Flags of our Fathers. (2010) Japanese film by expatriate Aryan States of America director Klint Ostwald providing, for a Japanese film, a suprisingly sympathetic portrayal of American forces during their last ditch and hopeless defense of Alcatraz Island during the 1946 Siege of San Francisco. American actor Bradrick Pitt received the coveted Berlin Kultur award for Best Actor as the doomed American commander, Colonel John Wayne.

Ok, I want to see this made tomorrow as an AH film.