Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

  1. Danny Devito still works as a more traditional Penguin.
  2. I was going to suggest Nimoy as the Riddler but I realize there's a villain he'd be better suited for. Ra's Al Ghul. Anyone familiar with his work as Xehanort from the Kingdom Hearts games would know that he'd be perfect to bring the scheming immortal to life. Even if David Warner is the One True Ra's in my book.
  3. Robert Englund as Scarecrow seems to be a good choice even if the movies that'd make him such a perfect choice wouldn't exist in TTL.
The beauty of the Bat is how extensive and distinctive his rogue's gallery is.

Odd thought then if you have Nimoy as Ra's Al Ghul have a Bane based more around the Nolan version with a twist Bruce was the chosen replacement Bane the disregarded one who grew jealous and takes over after Ra's death but is driven by the need to beat The Batman and prove to himself he is the true heir and have him played by a young Liam Neeson I'm picturing Darkman sorta.
Batman Casting Retcon
Greetings all! In response to some wonderful feedback and advice that I've received from you, my amazing audience, I have decided to issue a minor retcon concerning the casting of the Joker in TTL's 1984 live action Batman film. :) Because of his strong live action career as a star ITTL, I am going to have Mark Hamill play the Joker in TTL's Batman and any other appearances in its sequels (and animated spin-off series!).


This makes the new main cast for 1984's Batman:

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Kevin Conroy
Dick Grayson/Robin - Kiefer Sutherland
The Joker - Mark Hamill
Vicki Vale - Sean Young
Alexander Knox - Robert Wuhl
Police Commissioner James Gordon - Tom Skerritt
Harvey Dent - Billy Dee Williams
Alfred Pennyworth - Jon Pertwee

I look forward to casting more movies with you all in the future as TTL moves forward! :D
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This makes the new main cast for 1984's Batman:

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Harrison Ford
The Joker - Mark Hamill
Vicki Vale - Sean Young
Alexander Knox - Robert Wuhl
Police Commissioner James Gordon - Tom Skerritt
Harvey Dent - Billy Dee Williams
Alfred Pennyworth - Jon Pertwee
.....Holy shit..! I want to see this movie!
Looking back to the plot of TTL's 1984 with Superman and Wonder Woman approaching Batman, I wonder how a Justice League of America film would materialize. That would likely necessitate films for The Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman. Personally, with the popularity of Star Trek: Phase II and Star Wars, I would go for Green Lantern to follow Batman. With the minority-led ST: Phase II in mind I would nominate Denzel Washington as John Stewart. (Not a knock on Hal Jordan, but I think Denzel would kill it as GL and he's at about the right age in in the mid-80s.)
Greetings all! In response to some wonderful feedback and advice that I've received from you, my amazing audience, I have decided to issue a minor retcon concerning the casting of the Joker in TTL's 1984 live action Batman film. :) Because of his strong live action career as a star ITTL, I am going to have Mark Hamill play the Joker in TTL's Batman and any other appearances in its sequels (and animated spin-off series!).

This makes the new main cast for 1984's Batman:

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Harrison Ford
The Joker - Mark Hamill
Vicki Vale - Sean Young
Alexander Knox - Robert Wuhl
Police Commissioner James Gordon - Tom Skerritt
Harvey Dent - Billy Dee Williams
Alfred Pennyworth - Jon Pertwee

I look forward to casting more movies with you all in the future as TTL moves forward! :D
This movie sounds awesome. Glad you made Hamill the Joker. I also like how the actor playing the Third Doctor in OTL is playing Alfred since his son played him in the show Gothan.
I agree with those who also want Mark Hamill to play the Joker in the inevitable Batman live-action movie; either him or Crispin Glover (aka George McFly in Back to the Future).
I've mentioned it before, but Crispin Glover would honestly be a much better 1980's Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

Like the mention of Sharon Tate, especially with the release of Once Upon A Time in Hollywood IOTL; she's married to Ted Kennedy and has twins?!?
Literally just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and it was completely fantastic. Instantly one of my top three Tarantino films ever. And yes, here Sharon Tate is married to Ted Kennedy and now has twins. And yes, one of them is named Gwen, though admittedly it's suppose to be after Sharon Tate's mother, Doris Gwendolyn Tate. It wasn't until after I wrote that bit for @President_Lincoln that I realized the coincidence considering the whole Kennedy Camelot connect and the tie to Queen Guinevere of Camelot.

Greetings all! In response to some wonderful feedback and advice that I've received from you, my amazing audience, I have decided to issue a minor retcon concerning the casting of the Joker in TTL's 1984 live action Batman film. :) Because of his strong live action career as a star ITTL, I am going to have Mark Hamill play the Joker in TTL's Batman and any other appearances in its sequels (and animated spin-off series!).

This makes the new main cast for 1984's Batman:

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Harrison Ford
The Joker - Mark Hamill
Vicki Vale - Sean Young
Alexander Knox - Robert Wuhl
Police Commissioner James Gordon - Tom Skerritt
Harvey Dent - Billy Dee Williams
Alfred Pennyworth - Jon Pertwee

I look forward to casting more movies with you all in the future as TTL moves forward! :D
While I love Hamill as a live action Joker (plus I can totally see him being willing to come back and do the animated voice as well later on), I admittedly don't know about how to feel about Harrison Ford as Bruce Wayne. He's a great actor, but I can't imagine Batman when I see him, funny enough (Bruce Wayne, yes, not Batman though). That and him working with Mark Hamill three times in a row ITTL is a little weird and convenient.

Personally, if I had to cast alternate 1980s Batman, I'd go with either Bruce Greenwood, or if you want to go really meta, cast a then small time actor by the name of Kevin Conroy. They're both the best Batman animated voices in OTL, and at the time would both be unknowns (like Christopher Reeve was before Superman), so both would be perfect.

Young Bruce Greenwood:



Young Kevin Conroy:

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Don't know about Harrison Ford as Bruce Wayne though. He's a great actor, but I can't imagine Batman when I see him. That and him working with Mark Hamill three times in a row ITTL is a little weird and convenient. I'd personally go with either Bruce Greenwood, or if you want to go really meta, cast a then small time actor by the name of Kevin Conroy. They're both the best Batman animated voices in OTL, and at the time would both be unknowns (like Christopher Reeve was before Superman), so both would be perfect.
Oh my God yes!!!!
Kevin Conroy as Batman for real would be amazing!!!
The alternate "Star Trek: Phase II" was fun, and very interesting decision to go with Nicholas Meyer's flak jackets (my second favourite uniform of all of Trek) with Roddenberry as showrunner/EP---considering that he opposed as far as I understand it---almost all of Meyer's decisions to militarize Starfleet. I wonder who on this alternate staff would come up with those suggestions? Xon wearing command gold is a bit weird---but great! Also love the idea of George Takei leading this series as Captain Sulu, and Morgan Freeman being Deckar. Tremendous job both of you on this.
Very cool set of updates there @President_Lincoln and @Nerdman3000

Star Trek Phase II sounds fantastic with that cast. Great to see Xon made it this time! Not convinced by that Enterprise model but I’m sure I’d have grown to love it eventually.

Are there cameos from the old series to the new from the other cast before the movie? Does TMP’s V’Ger plot get used in the series as originally intended? Who are the writers- any new faces?

RIP Doctor King.

Nice tease on Star Trek Phase III- it that after a few movies?

Star Wars- sounds like I’d still enjoy it. Great cast list there. The changes make it sound stronger than OTL. Do Wells and Prowse meet? Be nice if ‘the Vader’s’ got on, esp as Prowse was not aware he was going to be dubbed. Be cool if Prowse could go on to better things than OTL as he is a very nice chap who deserved better.

Tom Sellick as Indiana Jones? I can see that.

Mark Hamill as the Joker and Robin Williams as the Riddler please. Williams as a cartoon Spider-Man would be fun too.

Will you be doing more Superhero (all media) updates soon?

Such a great timeline!
Just a thought, but if there are other variations of the Joker ITTL (just like there have been OTL) other than Hamill Joker please oh please let Willem Dafoe and/or Tim Curry as the Joker.

Hell maybe you could make Jim Carrey as Green Goblin?