Clinton pulls a Putin?

If the 22nd Amendment simply said that only 2 terms could be consecutive (the idea being the next President would fight to keep his/her/it/zombie seat), would anyone have an idea if Clinton would run in 2004 against Bush? Clinton seemed tired after 2000, but 4 years might reinvigorate him... I do not know how liberals would view his return though.

Feel free to think aloud about FDR; my thoughts on that is he doesn't run in 1944 (has to sit out 1940, too sick in 44), so wonder if Byrnes or someone else gets it. I realize the 22nd was because of FDR, but this is the only time I can think of a possible Putin return (minus the puppet strings)... unless Obama 2020???

For 04, I guess Bush wins: Rove, alt-swiftboaters, etc. but I don't underestimate the Comeback Kid. If Democrats unite, Clinton wins; if he has to fight for the nomination, Bush wins. Anyone's thoughts?
I don't think FDR was well enough to live until 1948, even without the strain of office. He successor in 1944 would be an interesting question. I don't think Northern liberals would accept Byrnes. Clinton running in 2004 would be interesting. He be a more skilled candidate than Kerry, who didn't lose by all that much. There is the public memory of the scandal. Bush still has the terrorism and gay marriage isssues to help him though. I don't think however that Bill Clinton would run. It is Hillary's turn to run in four years.
might be harder thank I thought... or not

Clinton would have to take 17 EC votes to win, and going off of Kerry's wins, New Mexico and Iowa might go for him, but that is 12... just looked up Ohio. Forgot about the 2% win margin (was out of country for the election). That easily seals the deal.

Any guesses whom he would pick for VP? Edwards, although any scandals would be bad with Clinton's history. Obama is too inexperienced, but can in 2012 or 2016 run. Dean, to solidify liberals and antiwar? Feingold, Gephardt (sp?), Gore for kicks and giggles? Can't remember anyone else who ran, or could attract liberals, antiwar, blue collar, etc.

He would have to sit out in 1940 if only 2 terms, and he picked a warm body to step down in 4 years. That means 1944 he would run, but he was pretty sick OTL. I was driving to work, bored, and wondered if we had a Putin here (2 terms, "leaves," new guy graciously steps down), how it would shake out. Reagan is too sick in 1996, LBJ in 1972 would be fun, but not happening due to primary changes. Ike in 1964 means less of a lanslide, but still lose. Might work for Teddy, as taft might agree to a placeholder in return for Chief Justice. Could lose the general election, but probably the only other possible.
clinton's long postponed quadrouple bypass surgery was performed in 04

even if he had the surgery and changed his habits in 2001 (in terms of eating exercising and sleeping) his heart could never handle the rigors of a campaign or administration again
Perhaps, but I wanted 3+ terms, only 2 at a time, no limit. If this ATL 22nd, and Obama wins re-election, could he run in 2020 (just shy of 60?)? Any Democrats have an opinion on the plausibility of it? I figure very low to none...

In Putin Russia, yes men are a dime a dozen. In America, every senator, representative, governor, and dog catcher wants to be president. So finding someone to step down after 1 term is hard (Hillary? she might be tired after a single term, ready to retire, just in time for Obama... but that is all I can think of).
Part of the problem is that your proposed amendment really wouldnt fly. If you are going to go through the difficult process of amending the us constitution, you want to make the effort worthwhile.

The traditional benchmark was ,,two terms,, not ,,two terms at a time,,.

Edit. And that significant a political change almost certainly butterfies away clintons presidency. The governor of WHERE?
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