color supplies

I dont know about you, but, I am sick about how limited the number, and shades of a color is in paint! I know you can make customizable colors, but that could take a while, and some people just dont have the time to experiment with new colors when they have an ahha moment, and rush to the computer to make a map with many nations. I only have 28 colors in my pool, 26 excluding the black and white, which are sometimes used as backgrounds and borders. Then, there are the maps with a beutiful border color scheme you want to keep, and/or a background. When I am hit with that, I only have 20 colors, and some of them could be difficult to see, makeing the total 10-15. I checked, and I cant find a similar thread like this, so, here we go.

my favorite color I made with paint.

Hue: 37
Sut: 190
Red: 235
Green: 223
Blue: 84




If you wanna sit down and make a good map, you might as well make your own color set.

If you know how to tweak the values, it's really not that hard.