In the late 2000s, Nickelodeon was reportedly working on a live-action movie trilogy that would be a big-screen adaptation of its hit animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. But as I'm sure we all know, these plans never came to fruition.

Why exactly it was scrapped remains a mystery. Little information is available, and what details there are have been subject to debate. There are rumors that James Cameron had something to do with it, whether directly or indirectly (he was, of course, working on that other franchise known as "Avatar"), but these rumors have never been confirmed.

If these movies had actually been made, how good might they have been? How well might they have done? Would we have still gotten a fourth season for the TV show?
In the late 2000s, Nickelodeon was reportedly working on a live-action movie trilogy that would be a big-screen adaptation of its hit animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. But as I'm sure we all know, these plans never came to fruition.

Why exactly it was scrapped remains a mystery. Little information is available, and what details there are have been subject to debate. There are rumors that James Cameron had something to do with it, whether directly or indirectly (he was, of course, working on that other franchise known as "Avatar"), but these rumors have never been confirmed.

If these movies had actually been made, how good might they have been? How well might they have done? Would we have still gotten a fourth season for the TV show?
Nick Scrapped it as the effects for bending not where there and not director liked the franchise to work with, M Night Shamlyan did was interested but was too busy to work on it.

We did got the tv movie of the promise so was far better anyway
The TV show had pretty much wrapped itself up by the third season finale. The overall threat was the expansionist Fire Nation, and that was resolved by new leadership and a new direction. A new season would have had to shoehorn in a new threat.

As much as I loved the Avatar: Legend of Aang series, I don't think the movies would have worked. And I'm not sure Shyamalan would have been the best choice for it.

Seriously, though, some comics series filling in the gaps would help show what happened after the war.


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There are rumors that James Cameron had something to do with it, whether directly or indirectly (he was, of course, working on that other franchise known as "Avatar"), but these rumors have never been confirmed.
WI ATLA live action film was made by James Cameron?
The TV show had pretty much wrapped itself up by the third season finale. The overall threat was the expansionist Fire Nation, and that was resolved by new leadership and a new direction. A new season would have had to shoehorn in a new threat.

What are you talking about? There was a fourth season.

As much as I loved the Avatar: Legend of Aang series, I don't think the movies would have worked. And I'm not sure Shyamalan would have been the best choice for it.

If they'd been long enough, I think they could have. But I agree that Shyamalan was a questionable choice at best. Something like this would've been pretty far outside his wheelhouse, even if he was a fan of the show. Not sure why he was tapped, considering the state of his career at the time.
What are you talking about? There was a fourth season.
TV movies don't count as a season(the same for you Futurama fans).

If they'd been long enough, I think they could have. But I agree that Shyamalan was a questionable choice at best. Something like this would've been pretty far outside his wheelhouse, even if he was a fan of the show. Not sure why he was tapped, considering the state of his career at the time.
At least he liked the IP, other director would not care and just do a quick job for the money. Yeah M Night getting a second boom make it hard to take time for ATLA