DBWI: Where should we move the nation's capital to?

Okay, with the Confederate States of America on the verge of war with us, the nation's leaders have decided to move the capital of the United States. Where should we move it to so that it would be hard for the CSA to invade it?


I've always heard good things about Salt Lake City, but I think they might not be so welcoming to a large number of non-Mormons.
New Orleans is the largest city in the CSA. If the Confederates can convince the British and French to intervene, New Orleans would be entirely out of the Union's reach due to its inability to conduct any major naval operations. Also, a bonus for the Confederates is that the CSA would not be cut in half at the Mississippi.
Okay, with the Confederate States of America on the verge of war with us, the nation's leaders have decided to move the capital of the United States. Where should we move it to so that it would be hard for the CSA to invade it?

Cowards!!!! We should not move the capital - never or ever. Besides, who's going to pay for it?
Gee guys, it's right on the damn border. You don't at all think we should keep the people who run this country safe? Or should we all die in a fire of mindless patriotism?

My vote would be for Seattle.

I've always heard good things about Salt Lake City, but I think they might not be so welcoming to a large number of non-Mormons.

Hasn't there been an insurgency there since the late 19th Century?
Instead of Seattle, move the Capital to Everett!.. no wait, I don't want politicians in either of those cities. How about somewhere in the middle-of-nowhere, North Dakoda or Minnesota.
Philidelphia... that is if my opinion counts. Maybe even to... wait, which states are in the CSA?

I think that'd be your best bet. And to answer your question, North and South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, 'South' Virginia, 'West' Tennessee, and whatever that Indian State is calling itself now. It may be a separate nation, but we all know it's a CSA puppet. There may be some I've missed--I'm not from America, and it's hard to keep track of which part of the border states are controlled by which nation(which is why I guess they're fight a war!) I use the quotation marks because it depends on where your from for what you call the states. People from the CSA and Britain don't usually add the regional identifiers.
Cowards!!!! We should not move the capital - never or ever. Besides, who's going to pay for it?

I agree. As President Roosevelt said to the Grand Army of the Republic, NOT ONE STEP BACK!!!!!!

Gee guys, it's right on the damn border. You don't at all think we should keep the people who run this country safe? Or should we all die in a fire of mindless patriotism?
Duh! No, not US, just the politicians. Sheesh! (OOC: :))


Oy. What is this diplomatic spat about this time? Neither of your nations have had slavery for over 120 years, you both share a language and you both cherish your independence, so why do you keep fighting like this?

You've only just repaid the reconstruction loans that were offered as part of the Marchelle Plan following your 1933-38 war, and now you're going to have to ask the Alliance of the Four Empires to pay your way again if you start firing at each other now!

So Yankees, keep your capital in Washington, because as far as this Londoner can see, the only thing stopping your politicians from dragging you into another pointless war is the fact that they fear that they themselves may get shelled as soon as it starts. So no, stay where you are and just learn to co-exist damn it.
New York, or Boston perhaps.

But... meh, as long as the politicians are kept east of the Mississippi, I don't guess I care too much.
Oy. What is this diplomatic spat about this time? Neither of your nations have had slavery for over 120 years, you both share a language and you both cherish your independence, so why do you keep fighting like this?

You've only just repaid the reconstruction loans that were offered as part of the Marchelle Plan following your 1933-38 war, and now you're going to have to ask the Alliance of the Four Empires to pay your way again if you start firing at each other now!

So Yankees, keep your capital in Washington, because as far as this Londoner can see, the only thing stopping your politicians from dragging you into another pointless war is the fact that they fear that they themselves may get shelled as soon as it starts. So no, stay where you are and just learn to co-exist damn it.

YES DAMMIT! Don't expect to use Portugese Timber, British Coal, French Iron, and Russian workers to fix your country again!

Four times is four times too many!
Seriously, give it a rest. Even the Russians have had less civil wars than you have.

Technically it's not a civil war if they are separate nations. Incidentally, I was looking at a map and I know where the US should have their capital! The District! Looking at the map, I was reminded how much larger and more powerful the USA is than the CSA. If the capital is moved, it would be a massive propaganda victory for the military junta in Richmond. That's all this is anyway, a war to get the junta support. I'm sure if the politicians in Washington started talking about a total war and an end to the CSA, the junta would find another enemy to gather support. Perhaps they could try to go against Spain again.