DBWI:Who's seen the Great Dictator?

One of Chaplin's best. The speech scene with the faux-Russian is hilarious, although in hindsight some of the labor camp jokes are a bit distasteful, but nobody could have known at the time. Does anyone know if Stalin himself ever saw this film?
I laughed until I cried at the hysterical scene of "Mao" arriving by train in Moscow and the repeated failed attempts to get the train steps to line up with the red carpet. :D
Stalin actually had the film in his personal collection and was said to find it hilarious. Of course, no one else in the Soviet Union found it funny at all.
I love the look on the dictator's face when he is told that Adenoid Hynkel has invaded. And the parody of the Teheran conference when the three of them are fighting over the inflatable globe is hilarious. If only it was really like that :D
And the food fight with the dumplings...:D

Ah yes, "Phoe Zaydrong" I believe he is called in the film, for me the best part is when the Ruthanian aircraft are shot down by a case of mistaken identity, that was hilarious!

Face it, this and the "Springtime for Stain" section of "The Producers" are two of the edgiest but best comedy scenes to come out of Hollywood!
Face it, this and the "Springtime for Stain" section of "The Producers" are two of the edgiest but best comedy scenes to come out of Hollywood!

Can anyone here remember the lyrics? I think it was "Springtime for Stalin and Communists, winter for Facists and ???"
Can anyone here remember the lyrics? I think it was "Springtime for Stalin and Communists, winter for Facists and ???"


Russia was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to
Bring it newfound Glory!

Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked around and then we found
The man for you and me

And now it's...
Springtime for Stalin and the Soviets!
The Motherland is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out, here comes the People's race!

Springtime for Stalin and The Soviets!!
Winter for Fascist and Capitalist!
Springtime for Stalin and The Soviets!
Come on, Russians
Go into your dance

I was born in Alma-ata,
And that is why they call me Arkadi!
Use your brain, Don't be balmy,
go and join the Red Army!

Springtime for Stalin and the Soviets!
Goosestep's the new step today
Katsuya are flying through the air!
The Motherland is on the rise again

Springtime for Stalin and The Soviets!
T-34s are rolling once more

Springtime for Stalin and The Soviets!
Means that soon we'll be going
We've got to be going
You know we'll be going to war
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I loved the Great War scene where "Stalin's" doppelganger had the great job of pulling the string on that big gun. Then he misses the October revolution because he was in an insame asylum with shell shock. It was quite a surprise for the poor guy when he was released. What was his pre-war occupation again?
It would have been amusing, but Chaplin as director overdid with that vodka-bears-balalaika cliché (I mean that scene where Stain is dancing after good news from Poldavia). Maybe it was amusing for the Americans, but here in Russia we just don't find that funny.
It would have been amusing, but Chaplin as director overdid with that vodka-bears-balalaika cliché (I mean that scene where Stain is dancing after good news from Poldavia). Maybe it was amusing for the Americans, but here in Russia we just don't find that funny.

Well, that was original and funny for the time. In fact, it started that whole cliché off. ;)


I've seen the Great Dictator. But I don't know what you're talking about here?! I've watched the full film about three times and yet, there was never even any mention of Stalin in there. Did they make different versions or did I ever only watch half of it (which I don't think since it ended with Hynkel making Tomainia a democracy)
I've seen the Great Dictator. But I don't know what you're talking about here?! I've watched the full film about three times and yet, there was never even any mention of Stalin in there. Did they make different versions or did I ever only watch half of it (which I don't think since it ended with Hynkel making Tomainia a democracy)

OOC:This a DBWI, essentially a roleplay. Here, we pretend that this is a universe where the Great Dictator was about Stalin.
Oh, BTW, to get a (presumably) legal copy of the Great Dictator here in Russia is no small feat these days.:)

And still, one can but admire Chaplin's lucidity back in 1944, when FDR and Winny courted Uncle Joe and every doubt about Soviet goals amounted to blasphemy. The mock Teheran scene is a masterpiece of political satire. Too bad it was 90% ready before Yalta.