Dollfus Restores the Monarchy

Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfus had taken total power in the Austrian Republic. He was not happy about the Rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany and the Threat that the Nazis were to the Austrian state. In 1933 he decided to take a chance and move to restore the Monarchy in Austria. His hope was that in returning the Hapsburg's he would gain the support of the major powers France , Great Britain and Italy. He had secretly held talks with the Czechs assuring them and seeking support should Hitler move to threaten either state>
Otto Hapsburg arrived in the Austrian Capital secretly and hammered out an agreement. It was Known that with Otto on the throne that Mussolini would be very likely to support Austria including the sending of Italian troops.
The French and the British had not taken an official position but secretly France also favored the restoration and would move to smooth things with Czechoslovakia .
The Austrian Chancellor's move had taken a lot of country's by surprise. Mussolini praised the moved and pledged support for warm relations between the two nations. The Czechs were silent on the matter but once Hitler made some remarks denouncing the move the Czechs warmed up to the idea. France was continuing to support it as a means to keep its most feared enemy- Germany in Check.
Dollfus began a crack down on the Nazi Party in Austria considering them enemies of the state. The Hope was that the Skoda plants of Czechoslovakia might make tanks for the Austrians thus making any attempt on Austria costly.
Italy signed a Treaty of Friendship and trade with Austria.
The Hungarian Regent Admiral Horthy , late of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy was stunned at the move by Chancellor Dollfus.
The crafty Austrian Chancellor had by inviting Otto Hapsburg to take the throne had neutralized Germany. In one bold move he had with Otto's help gained the support of France and Britain. Otto's taking the throne also drew Mussolini to support his Austrian ally. After all it had increased Italy's prestige. The French had helped to calm things with the Czechoslokians, Yugoslavian and Romanians. With Italy supporting Dollfus and the Hapsburg restoration Horty would be a fool to do anything against those forces.
There were still supporters of the Hapsburgs in Hungary that had felt that Horthy had betrayed Karl when he had twice tried to take the throne that was his. Some wanted to repeal the changes inthe law of succession in Hungary.
Many believed that Dollfus had show a great political instict similar to the late great German Chanellor Otto Bismark.
Now he had to crush the Nazi opposition, easier done now with the support of Monarchist and others.
When Hitler made angry statements about it the Czechoslovkian moved to support the Austrian with a non agression pact and then a trade agreement. Even a mutual defense pact aimed at the Germans appeared to be possible.
Awesome, always wanted to see an alternate Dollfus timeline. How does Hungary react?

Horthy didn´t want him Karl IV. back as King on the Hungarian throne, he wouldn´t accept Otto, because of his alliance with Hitler. Otto seemed to lean forward the clerical fascist Dollfuß government but he hated the Nazis.

Weird to think, that Otto lived until 2011, age 98. He didn´t give up his imperial ambitions until the 1960es.
Horthy didn´t want him Karl IV. back as King on the Hungarian throne, he wouldn´t accept Otto, because of his alliance with Hitler. Otto seemed to lean forward the clerical fascist Dollfuß government but he hated the Nazis.

Weird to think, that Otto lived until 2011, age 98. He didn´t give up his imperial ambitions until the 1960es.

I know a shit ton of people who were friends or political allies with him. According to them he was a great public speaker and a pretty chill dude.
I know a shit ton of people who were friends or political allies with him. According to them he was a great public speaker and a pretty chill dude.

Add me to the list, I got introduced to him by my grandfather. What a brush with history...

He was one of the persons who impress you with their calm demeanour and intellectual air. Had the Habsburg monarchy survived 1918, or been restored, they would have enjoyed a good second half to the 20th century. Sure, he was a very Conservative person, but in the good, traditional way of the word.
Otto seemed to lean forward the clerical fascist Dollfuß government but he hated the Nazis.

Actually, Otto defended Dollfuß just a few years ago. He would never have refused that offer.

I am not so certain of France's positive reaction. I am not sure if they realize that a Habsburg reaction would hinder a unification with Germany.

And I would also assume a very cold reaction from Prague. I am not certain if "the Castle" would deal that card dealt to them wisely in order to ensure a survival of the CSR.
My family lived in the CSR back then as part of the German minority. Their focus had by then still been Vienna, not Berlin. Smart politicians in the CSR and Austria would trade favours with each other to weaken the influence of Nazi-sympathisers....
If Otto had become King, or even Emperor, could this have helped to slow up Hitler's domination? Maybe even get some Germans who hated the Nazi's to do another Night of the Long Knives on Hitler and his goons?
Although it has no historical precedent, I think King of Austria would make sense as a title. It would probably ruffle fewer feathers. Empires tend to be large and/or imperialistic after all.
What if the Brits and French decided to push things forward with monarchial restorations by trying to get Rupprecht back to Munich as king of Bavaria? He's the other throneless royal that I can think of, but I'm sure there are others.
Seeing as Bavaria's part of Germany that would almost certainly spark off a war.

Hitler could claim the Entente and their Austrian lackeys are plotting to dismember Germany.
Was there ever much support for a return of a Kaiser?

Well, Hindenburg and the DNVP wanted to get the Kaiser back on the throne and the July 20th plotters planed for Louis Ferdinand Von Preußen to become the ceremonial Head of state with an eventual coronation.
Otto indicates in the book that he helped write that His father was well liked by King George V and there had been secret support by both Great Britain and France for his fathers attempt to take the Hungarian throne. Since it failed things went poorly.
Dollfus held talks with Otto about the restoration. As a result Otto sounded out friends in the British and French government and got an indication that they would support such a move. Thus if Dollfus had not been murdered it is likely that he might very well have made Otto King of Austria. It is highly likely that arrangements could be made between the Austrian and Czechoslovakian governments that would have undermined the influence of the Nazi's among the German population in Czechoslovakia.
Would Dollfus have still been assassinated possibly but with Otto on the throne his successor would find that Otto was the steel that was needed to prevent a cavening into Hitler. Most likely there would be support from Italy, France and Britain.
Regarding restoration of the Kaiser. It is true that Hindenburg did want to restore the Monarchy. It is also true that a lot of elements in the German Army and Navy would support such a move. There is a question as to why Hindenburg did not do it> Kaiser Wilhelm II could not stand Hitler he objected to his oldest son having anything to do with the Nazi's.
Hindenburg might have used the powers of his office to appoint the Crown Prince of Bavaria as the Chancellor. He would probably have been able to rally all of the non-Communist opposition and with Hindenburg's death he would assume all of the powers. Would he bring back the Monarchy- I am not sure but there is a stronger possibility. It might require that the one Grandson that was still in the line of succession take the post as neither the former Kaiser nor his son would be looked with favor by Britain or France.
Add me to the list, I got introduced to him by my grandfather. What a brush with history...

He was one of the persons who impress you with their calm demeanour and intellectual air. Had the Habsburg monarchy survived 1918, or been restored, they would have enjoyed a good second half to the 20th century. Sure, he was a very Conservative person, but in the good, traditional way of the word.

You were introduced to a Otto who was introduced to emporer Franz-Joseph who knew Fürst Metternich who negotiated with Napoleon...history is sometimes just around the corner.
The Hapsburgs were once again part of Austria. Otto threw himself into the task of getting to know the people and striving to make life better for all. He was clear that he wanted nothing to do with a Germany run by Hitler. He traveled to Italy and met with the italian Monarch and Mussolini. He also met with the French in an effort to strengthen the security net around Austria. He secretly wet with Czech officials and had a secret meeting with the Poles.. Otto was also someone who listen to his subjects and he would often discus matters with his Chancellor.
What a different world it might have been if events could have prevented Hitler ravages.

If Otto had become King and maybe parts of Germany had resisted the Nazi's, which country may have become the main antagonist in Europe?
Seeing as Bavaria's part of Germany that would almost certainly spark off a war.

Hitler could claim the Entente and their Austrian lackeys are plotting to dismember Germany.

Depending on how badly relations get, and if it comes to war anyway, maybe the Entente will want to have monarchial succession plans in place for a defeated Germany. If it worked for Austria, might as well break off Bavaria and put it in the hands of a king...

Are there any other displaced royals at this time? What happened to the other German families?