Good TL's?


Hello there!

General ke..... ahem sorry bad habits.
Since i'm still pretty new as user ( registered about a month ago) i would like to ask you what are the best TL's until now you advise me to read. I'm already following Mussolini's footprint (and really loving it btw).
to help you to help me here are some argument i love( even before 900'):
  • ww1
  • ww2
  • Balkan wars
  • Chinese civil war
  • Italian split/reunification
  • Italian countries( republic of Genoa, duchy Milan and i despise the Savoia)
  • Napoleon
  • Sweden( Gustavus adolphus especially)
  • Bulgaria & Byzantium in general
  • bullet lists
i would still read even other TL, thank for your time

p.s. If im in the wrong section call in the admin an move me in the right one still newbie.

The Twin Vipers
1941: Hitler's Mediterranean Strategy
Onkel Willie's The Fatherland

Cold War

Twilight of the Red Tsar

Post Cold War

A Giant Sucking Sound: The Perot's Presidency
A Spanish-Moroccan War in 2002


Napoleon's Victory

American Civil War

The Union Forever (altough it is just POD and TL continues until early 2020's)
Until Last Drop of Blood Is Paid


A Different Finnish War (not about Gustavus Adolphus but this is too quiet intresting altough unfinished)


An Age of Miracles

Some Other

Disaster at Leuthen- Frederick the Great Dies at Battle
Kalter Krieg - Tripolar Cold War (Cold War between Communists, Fascists and Capitalists)
Early 20th Century

Reds! A revolutionary timeline


The Falcon Cannot Hear

Ruins of an American party System

Cold War

Stars and Sickles

Secret Policemen and Funky Bass Lines

The Way the Wind Blows

Pre 1900

Rightly Guided: Zaid ibn Haritha and his Rashidun Caliphate

Moonlight in a Jar

House of Lamps

Malê Rising
To be honest with you I have followed lots and lots of TL's and other threads but these are the ones that I currently follow right now.

Cold War
Blue Skies in Camelot
Twilight of the Red Tsar
The Footprint of Mussolini
The Co-Porsperity Sphere
And don't forget Look To The West. From a badly played musical note to nuclear war between people that name cities with numbers and people that think that controlled riots are a good idea
Some TLs I personally like (mostly to do with WW2).
  • Our Struggle.
  • Twin Vipers.
  • Iron Eagle.
  • Rise of Joseph Stahl.
  • Footprint of Mussolini.
  • Stand Up and Stride.
  • North Star is Red.
Pre 1900 TLs:

- What Madness is this? Redux: The Union Forever (by Napoleon53)

Timelines which take place during WW1:

- Saving Soviet Democracy (by GiantMonkeyMan)

Interwar TLs:

- Making History (by jacopo)

Cold War TLs:

- Losing the Peace (by Kovalenko)
- Fear, Loathing & Gumbo (by Drew)

Post Cold War TLs:

- A Giant Sucking Sound (by MaskedPickle)