Icarus: A Climate TL

Redo the evacuation of LA?

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What’s the general state of U.S. internal politics ITTL? I’ve noticed throughout a few posts that the U.S. seems to have more than just a couple mainstream parties, and they’re enough of a threat that the Democrats and Republicans have coalesced to form working majorities. Which parties currently give the Dem-Rep Coalition a run for its money?
My first guess is the Greens.

Here's a rundown on American political parties:

Democrats - Losing the left flank to the Greens and the working class to the increasingly isolationist Republicans, the Democrats are the party of the comfortable center, those that are generally liberal, prefer internationalism in theory, and live in states least affected by climate change. They remain the largest party in the United States for now.

Republicans - Neoconservatives that have seen the writing on the wall and have decided to move towards isolationist rhetoric.

Greens - Most people agree with the general ideas and theories of the Green platform, but their actual policy proposals are unpopular. Nevertheless, as climate change wreaks havoc on America, they gain more and more votes each election, even when turnout drops. They are most popular in some urban areas, New England, Washington state, and what's left of urban and suburban regions in the South.

Homeland - Originally formed as merger between a quasi-Tea Party movement and the Constitution Party. Xenophobic and anti-refugee, the party is now split into two camps: those that support the Internal Control amendment and those that don't. A pretty minor party that sometimes wins elections in the Great Plains and the Rockies.

There's also a Climate Interests Caucus in Congress comprised mostly of conservatives from southern states that vote with the Greens on climate change bills.

I think with an awareness of climate on the rise out of necessity, the Greens would definitely start to convince Americans of the perils at hand. Another question I had was the impact of superstorms in this TL, would we see things like Sandy, Katrina etc become more frequent? Would the airline industry collapse due to the severe weather constraints?

There are more hurricanes ITTL, and more of them are Category 5. The most dangerous effect of climate change is that the area affected by hurricanes (and other cyclones) is moving poleward, meaning more of the US East Coast will be impacted by large hurricanes. Funnily enough, hurricanes also damage the ozone layer ever so slightly.

International air travel is down, mostly due to economic decline and weather constraints. Air travel continue to exist, partly subsidized by the government. Airplanes rarely cross through equatorial regions due to political instability in the area and many passengers harboring a mostly unfounded fear of UV exposure.

"The 'constitutional right to travel from one State to another' is firmly embedded in our jurisprudence. [...] It protects the right of a citizen of one State to enter and to leave another State, the right to be treated as a welcome visitor rather than an unfriendly alien when temporarily present in the second State, and, for those travelers who elect to become permanent residents, the right to be treated like other citizens of that State."
—Justice John P. Stevens, Sáenz v. Roe

The Internal Control Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would authorize Congress to temporarily regulate the internal movement of persons within the United States. The amendment was proposed on October 1, 2021, following the Evacuation of Los Angeles and the ensuing Southwestern Refugee Crisis. Following gridlock in Congress regarding the amendment's passage, 34 states petitioned for an amendatory convention of the states, which was called on March 7, 2022, a first in the nation's history. The convention approved the Internal Control Amendment on April 27, 2022. Other amendments were proposed at the convention, but no other amendment proposals were approved. Some opponents of the amendment have claimed that the organization of the convention was unconstitutional, and thus the amendment's approval was invalid.

It is currently submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. 38 states are needed for the amendment to become part of the Constitution. As of June 2022, the amendment has been ratified by 27 states. Supporters of the amendment say that it is needed to prevent climate refugee crises that would worsen conditions in much of the country, while critics say that the amendment would dangerously expand the power of the federal government and create a category of climate refugees who are denied the right to travel and deemed second-class citizens.

TextView attachment 751228

SECTION ONE. The Congress shall have the power to temporarily regulate the ingress and egress of persons to and from one State to another.

SECTION TWO. The Congress may not exercise the powers granted by Section One unless it can sufficiently prove that continued unregulated movement would impose extreme and undue hardship on the welfare of citizens of one or more States, and that regulation of such movement is the best possible way to relieve the hardship.

SECTION THREE. The powers and privileges of the several States are not impaired except to the extent necessary to give effect to such legislation enacted by the Congress.
I find it strange how no one has pointed out that Hawaii(?) has a larger landmass for some reason. Does it have to do with the Reclamation thing mentioned previously in the US media Supreme Court case.
What is the symbolism of the Russian flag like as I noticed it doesn't fly the White-Blue-Red tricolor and what does it mean for TTL's Russia?


I find it strange how no one has pointed out that Hawaii(?) has a larger landmass for some reason. Does it have to do with the Reclamation thing mentioned previously in the US media Supreme Court case.
Hawaii doesn't have a larger landmass: in fact, it's a lot smaller. What you're seeing there on the map is the island of Oahu, because that's what the state has been reduced to. You can learn more about what has become of Hawaii in one of the maps at the beginning.
Hawaii doesn't have a larger landmass: in fact, it's a lot smaller. What you're seeing there on the map is the island of Oahu, because that's what the state has been reduced to. You can learn more about what has become of Hawaii in one of the maps at the beginning.
OHHHH, jeez guess I can't realize what the individual islands look like, I thought for a second maybe I was smart lol
2000 United States presidential election

CNN RSS News Feed — November 6, 2000
  • 2000 CAMPAIGN: Latest polls show dead heat in election
  • Bush and Gore make closing arguments at last campaign stops
  • MARKET: Tech stocks continue to plunge in dot-com crash
  • Trillions wiped in value in NASDAQ bloodbath
  • See both candidates' views on taxes, abortion, and more
  • Amazon.com, Yahoo among those filing for bankruptcy
  • Despite recession fears, holiday shopping off to strong start
  • EU urges prospective members to speed up reforms
  • Dow drops over 100 points as blue chip stocks take a hit
  • Analysts: Don’t ‘catch the falling knife’
  • Stem cell research continues to prove controversial
  • FBI: Yemen ‘uncooperative’ on USS Cole investigation
  • NASA to map potentially threatening asteroids
  • Sun Microsystems to sell off California campus
  • China to tighten its own cyberspace
  • Floods continue to pound UK
  • Early indicators of lower voter turnout present
  • Hostage crisis in Ecuador resolved peacefully
  • NASA: Ozone hole reaches record levels
  • Oligarch flees Russia as arrest warrant issued
  • White House: Clinton to meet with Barak soon
  • Caveat emptor: Internet fraud claims victims
  • Solar power has a bright future
  • Infighting in UK's Labour over Euro adoption plan
  • Concern brews over solar storms
  • Iraq defiant against US sanctions and UN condemnation

Here's a pretty small update. I don't know if current politics are allowed in this forum or if this even counts as current politics, but I'll try to do a wikibox for every presidential election up to 2020. Once the elections start to diverge more from OTL, there will probably be a lengthier writeup to go along with the wikibox.
View attachment 756568

CNN RSS News Feed — November 6, 2000
  • 2000 CAMPAIGN: Latest polls show dead heat in election
  • Bush and Gore make closing arguments at last campaign stops
  • MARKET: Tech stocks continue to plunge in dot-com crash
  • Trillions wiped in value in NASDAQ bloodbath
  • See both candidates' views on taxes, abortion, and more
  • Amazon.com, Yahoo among those filing for bankruptcy
  • Despite recession fears, holiday shopping off to strong start
  • EU urges prospective members to speed up reforms
  • Dow drops over 100 points as blue chip stocks take a hit
  • Analysts: Don’t ‘catch the falling knife’
  • Stem cell research continues to prove controversial
  • FBI: Yemen ‘uncooperative’ on USS Cole investigation
  • NASA to map potentially threatening asteroids
  • Sun Microsystems to sell off California campus
  • China to tighten its own cyberspace
  • Floods continue to pound UK
  • Early indicators of lower voter turnout present
  • Hostage crisis in Ecuador resolved peacefully
  • NASA: Ozone hole reaches record levels
  • Oligarch flees Russia as arrest warrant issued
  • White House: Clinton to meet with Barak soon
  • Caveat emptor: Internet fraud claims victims
  • Solar power has a bright future
  • Infighting in UK's Labour over Euro adoption plan
  • Concern brews over solar storms
  • Iraq defiant against US sanctions and UN condemnation

Here's a pretty small update. I don't know if current politics are allowed in this forum or if this even counts as current politics, but I'll try to do a wikibox for every presidential election up to 2020. Once the elections start to diverge more from OTL, there will probably be a lengthier writeup to go along with the wikibox.
oof I thought Al-gore could win in TTL. Guess not.
oof I thought Al-gore could win in TTL. Guess not.
I would have assumed so as well, but I guess climate denialism could have reached today levels by 2000 ITTL. Maybe the Republicans looked more like they do today twenty years ago in Icarus.
Given how it's implied that the climate situation started to become worse than OTL under Clinton, it could be that the voters are simply expressing their displeasure with the Democrats in general than with Gore.


What's the climate situation in ttl's 2000 compared to OTL? As in how far ahead are we talking here?
Ketchup said in the past that there are no real notable butterflies until the mid-1990s, which is when the ozone hole starts getting really big. So far it's probably only slightly worse and hasn't reached crisis level yet.
CNN RSS News Feed — November 6, 2000
  • Trillions wiped in value in NASDAQ bloodbath The wording makes me think some blood of the literal kind was spilled despite the fact that it's very likely just metathorical
  • Amazon.com, Yahoo among those filing for bankruptcy Google supremacy
  • Floods continue to pound UK If Hadrian's Strait doesn't exist by 2022 I'll be mad.
  • NASA: Ozone hole reaches record levels UH OH
  • Oligarch flees Russia as arrest warrant issued Well...it looks like the war in Ukraine is averted.
  • Solar power has a bright future Hehe...bright
  • Concern brews over solar storms Lemme guess, the 2012 one hits us?