Map Challenge 1932 North America

Here's one I've been playing with, what type of changes get us here?

new North.JPG
RMG said:
Possible POD: Texas never gets annexed?

Very close, Texas doesn't get annexed because of the POD.

I'm thinking something like this:

Calhoun (an ardent states' rightest) wins the election of 1826, and appoints S.C. judges. Andrew Jackson leaves for Texas (as did many failed politicians from Tennessee and Kentucky).

Clay is elected after Calhoun. The Nullification Crisis (or something very similar) happens, the South bolts about 1830, and the Supreme Court upholds their right to do so. GB also supports the South, so it becmes a fiat accompli.

Jackson, who is now in Texas, becomes involved in the Texas revolt. Although he was a populist, he also believed in a strong central govt., and as a result, after the Revolt, he and others decline to join the South, in favor of a robust central government.

In the 1850's there is a border war between the US and the South, largely won by the US, GB agains enters, but the price is they sell Western Canada to the US. Texas supports the US, but the US cedes Arkansas to Texas.

1840-47, political unrest in Europe, immigration increases, with Texas and the US basically 'bidding' for the immigrants to support either their territorial ambitions (Texas and the South West, or their industry).

1845 US emancipates slaves to appeal to European immigrants (Since slaves are a relatively small portion of the population this isn't hard anywhere except Maryland.)

California Republic forms pretty much right on schedule, but joins none of the others, and due to the balance of power and its gold is able to maintain its independence.

1855, Mexican War, Texas and California each take a chunk of Northern Mexico. Continued Texas expansion in to the West.

1865 Texas War with the Southern Compact is supported by the US because of its desire for access to the Gulf through Louisiana. Louisiana ceded to Texas. Southern Compact becomes a source of raw agricultural materials.

1865, California purchases Alaska from Russia.

1885, California and Texas support the succession of the Pacific Coast from the US, because of the growing strength of these two areas, US permits the succession after extracting certain key rights through the treaty, and joining Alaska to the new Republic. California is forced to agree.
When did the New England states get united?

When did Virginia lose West Virginia?

Why is GB selling us most of Canada?

Why are we so willing to let the P. Northwest go, as well as Alaska?
DominusNovus said:
When did the New England states get united?

When did Virginia lose West Virginia?

Why is GB selling us most of Canada?

Why are we so willing to let the P. Northwest go, as well as Alaska?

The New England States were with the Union from the beginning, but New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were added in the 1850's after being purchased by the US. English Canada basically consists of the Western part of Rupert's Land and Ontario. Quebec was ceded the Eastern half of Rupert's Land, except for a corridor along the St. Lawrence River allowing Access to the sea by English Canada.

New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were made the state of New Brunswick in 1870.

Virginia lost its west during the crisis of 1830, when that portion of the State voted to remain with the Union.

Great Britain offered Canada because 1) those portions were largely undeveloped, 2) they were permitted significant trade concessions with the Southern Compact in the 1850's, and 3) The US guarantees Texas Independence.

Because of the POD, the Manifest Destiny that had fueled much of OTL US expansion took slightly different form. California purchased Alaska from Russia and the Pacific North West succeeded in the 1880's. With Texas and California both siding with the Coastal Republic, the US had no choice, particularly since all the Rail links to the West either went through to California, or could be easily captured by that Country.

California ceded Alaska to soften the blow.
Oh yea, I was fooling around with the idea that after the Southern Crisis the western states (Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois) did not like the over representation of New England in the Senate and remained in the union only after the Senate was 'balanced'.

This isn't actually too far fetched, the idea comes up every now and then to adjust the Senate according to population.
1776 american revolution starts, Nova Scotia and Quebec join in.

1781 disagreements between the states lead to no 'Articles of Confederation'

1783 treaty of Paris Quebec gets New Foundland, US gets Florida, Britian keeps lower Canada,

1785 with no A of C's [US still under 'Continential Congress] There is no 'Northwest Ordinance' a small series of wars break out between several of the New England States, leading to the merger of several of them.

1786 Several of the western Counties along the Ohio Seceed from Virginia Forming the 'State' of Franklin. at the same time another group forms the 'State' of Kentucky. After a series of Defeats the Virginia Milita retreats.

1789 A last ditch effort in Philidelphia to salvage the US ends in disaster as two different plans emerge, one from the North lead by NY, and a Southern plan lead by Carolina. the Western counties of NC seceed forming the 'State' of Tennessee . Carolina doesn't even try to hold them.

1791 the two plans go into effect, due to the war with Virginia, the States of Franklin and Kentucky go with the USA, while Tennessee goes with the Southern Compact.

1809-1815 Mexican war of Indepence Mexico claims all of Spainish North America including Spainish Lousiana..

1803- 1834 Settlers from the US & the SC start moving west of the Mississippi.

1816 The US sends a Exploration party up the Miosurii, a diplomatic crisis is averted by the US agreeing to share the Reports with Mexico.

1834 in a large strip of land reaching from New Orlean to Santa Fe The settles from the SC out number the Mexicans, while Settlers from the US are moving into the Miosurii areas.

1835-36 Texas war of Indepence, Texas, Lousiana, Oklahoma, Arkansaw.

1847 outraged at the way Mexico has been treating the SC & US settlers in New Mexico, & California, the Mexican, American war starts. The Texas Army with the Backing of the US Army, & the SC Navy invades north Mexico, while Settlers in California, raise the Great Bear Flag of Indepence.

1849 Treaty of Havana [Spain Mediates] US gets upper Lousiana While Texas gets Northern Mexico [Sonora, Chimuga, New Mexico] and California gets Alto, & Baja California, and the West Coast. The SC get major Ecomonic conseccions in Mexico

1851 New York passes a Law outlawing Serfdom, and freeing all Serfs. This leaves Maryland with it's Tobacco Farms as the only State with Slaves in the US.

1854 Canada has been slowly expanding Westward while the US is starting to push North from Upper Lousiana. Many in the US call for the Annexation of Canada. With the Treaty of London the border between British Canada & the US is set, averting a potential war.

1855 Gold Rush, in California. Remember the '55ers

1858 Crimea War, California uses some of it's new wealth the buy Russian Alaska. This influx of Gold is enuff to tip the War in Russia's favor.

1859 Under pressure Marysland proposes to outlaw Slavery, in reponse most Slaveowners either move South with their slaves, or simply sale them south in the SC.

1860 Maryland passes a anti Slave Law, Offically the US is now Slave Free, while in the out of the way areas, a form of Slavery will persist for years. [It was Reconstrustion, and the presence of US troops that prevented this IOTL]

1868 the SC attemps to buy Cuba from Spain, with out sucess.

1869 The Spainish War, a 'Indepence' movement breaks out in Cuba. the SC reconizes the new Cuban gov't and Blockades the Spainish fleet from reinforcing the Spainish Garrison. In the peace treaty Cuba and Porto Rico become Indepentant, with both Spain & the SC pledging to respect the fact. In Ecomonic acuallity Cuba & P.R. rapidly become unanexxed 'Satilites" of the SC.

1872 due to the large number of British in Oregon, & British Coumbia, as well as the Russians in Alaska, disstisfaction with being part of California is growing in the northwest Pacific Coast.

1874 California Forms the Coastal Republic Commonwealth, While California controls the Foriegn, and Military, Policy of the Republic, internal policies are set locally. [think US/P.R.] with the Republic's citizens being able to vote for the Californian President.