Map Thread XVIII

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Hey, hey hey! I asked the mods to ban me forever but I come back to this site and I'm back on. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way. Uh, you may want to skip this post as I am just trying to get banned forever here and some of this stuff may be offensive and I don't actually mean any of it.



Since you asked so nicely; Banned.
I mean, a PM to the mods requesting a self-ban would have sufficed. Is that so hard? ._.
Well I read his post history and he requested to be banned by Ian and was banned. He says in the post he just made (that got him perma-banned) that he was unbanned without him knowing and he made this post to get permabanned.
What's the current population of Taurida? How's their economy running? Does the Ottoman Empire still exist in TTL?

I think it's unlikely that the Ottoman Empire survived until the 1950s even after a Central Powers victory (which I have left ambiguous by design), but I do think that it might've survived the Great War in some form.

I reckon that the population of Taurida to be around 1.6 million people. Without any deportations of Crimean Tatars, no Holocaust, and a sizable number of White Russian refugees, it should be higher than its OTL numbers for the 1950s (around 1.2 million), which is quite the population increase compared to the 700,000 people who lived there around the time of the Russian Civil War.

The economy is predominantly agrarian, however the resort towns on the southern coast and industrial facilities in the north supplement the economy.

My reaction to this...

Ya'll want to delete his quote? No reason in even giving it prolonged life.


Monthly Donor
Well I read his post history and he requested to be banned by Ian and was banned. He says in the post he just made (that got him perma-banned) that he was unbanned without him knowing and he made this post to get permabanned.
You know what an excellent example of counter-intuitive thinking is?

Going utterly stupid in order to get a perma-ban because the first time you asked it was only for a limited period and then USING the an account you created to replace the one you planned to abandon.

Folks do this on a fairly regular basis, give up one account and then start using another. What they DO NOT do is then use the original account to be utter jackasses. You know why?

Of course you do.

We divorce you.
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