No Socialism.

What would the world be like without Socialism and its bastard step children/tyrannies of Communisiom and Fascism?
What would the world be like without Socialism and its bastard step children/tyrannies of Communisiom and Fascism?
I feel like there are some massive underlying assumptions here that are going unstated. Especially considering how complicated the history of the term "socialism" is.
If you can avoid the entire industrial revolution then sure I guess. As long as there's a market immediately immiserating people, there'll be someone with the really bright idea of putting the productive forces under social control. So yeah, just freeze the world around 1500 or so.

Not gonna bother touching the second part of this.
What would the world be like without Socialism and its bastard step children/tyrannies of Communisiom and Fascism?

First which sort of socialism are you referring here. Socialism is a very broad category, and so is to a lesser degree communism. From religious socialism to marxist-leninism, to anarcho-communism to de leonism, to utopian socialism to blanquism, to austro-marxism, to autonomism, to maoism, to market socialism.

Also I wouldn't consider Fascism to be the bastard step child of Socialist ideology. The USSR's version of communism, and the tyranny of Stalin can be described as the bastard step-child of Socialist thinking. However not every communist is a Stalin, and this certainly goes true for other branches of Socialism.

If you can avoid the entire industrial revolution then sure I guess. As long as there's a market immediately immiserating people, there'll be someone with the really bright idea of putting the productive forces under social control. So yeah, just freeze the world around 1500 or so.

Not gonna bother touching the second part of this.
Socialist ideologies pre-date the industrial revolution and Marx, though Marx was undeniably instrumental in shaping the way it evolved. Some names that come to mind are Robert Owen, François-Noël Babeuf, Charles Fourier, Henri de Saint-Simon, and Gerrard Winstanley. though I think all of them were around after 1500. But even before hand there are some various proto-groups that can be seen as proto-socialists, though they can be debated; I read once that John Wycliffe and lollardy could be described as a proto-socialist movement. I would need to read more into Wycliffe could fit into the same proto-socialists as Winstanley.


Probably some sort of a more general "Utopian" movement that emphasized shared resources and communal living. There would still be worker's rights movements as well.
That you suggest that Facism is a descendant of socialism suggests to me that you don’t know enough about socialism to understand why it grew, much less what your asking for
What would the world be like without Socialism
I agree with @Fleurs de Merde. If you can keep industrial levels at 1500s levels, then you will probably have only the "proto"-socialists.
What would the world be like without Socialism and its bastard step children/tyrannies of Communisiom and Fascism?
If you are suggesting that the horseshoe theory has some merit to it, then I don't know what to say to you. you also have to be a very ignorant of Fascism as a whole to suggest this.
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