Possible PODs Involving FDR

Well, I'm looking more to rewrite the presidency/life of FDR, not necessarily remove him from the times, but I agree that's the easiest.
During his teens FDR tried to run off from school and join the Spanish-American War like his cousin but he never got anywhere with it. Maybe he gets to enlist in the navy and his military service has some change on his outlook or possible goals.
Are you referring to one of his affairs?

No, the Newport Scandal, whereby the Navy Department, when FDR was Assistant Secretary, was caught sending undercover agents to perform oral sex on suspected homosexuals at the Newport naval base thereby entrapping them.

As you can imagine, the details caused quite a stir in the early '20s.
There's obviously the big one, which is FDR's assassination in 1932.

Another one is FDR not contracting polio, which would greatly change his later life.
No, the Newport Scandal, whereby the Navy Department, when FDR was Assistant Secretary, was caught sending undercover agents to perform oral sex on suspected homosexuals at the Newport naval base thereby entrapping them.

As you can imagine, the details caused quite a stir in the early '20s.

Oh wow! I'm intrigued.

Also, I'm leaning towards the affair ending his marriage or him not contracting polio.
Possible PODs:

Roosevelt marries someone else. Eleanor was one of the big reasons he came to sympathize with the less fortunate. How different a person would he have been and how would it have effected his politics?

Theodore Roosevelt manages to live longer. How does the presence of his famous cousin influence his political career.

Find a way for the Democrats to win 1920 and FDR to become Vice President. Probably needs the Republicans to win 1916 and the Democrats to be the ones campaigning for normalcy after WWI.

Roosevelt doesn't get polio. How does his political career develop? Early Governor of NY and Presidency?

Roosevelt is assassinated by Giuseppe Zangara.

Roosevelt manages to get his six new supreme court justices in 1937, allowing him to implement more extensive New Deal programs in his second term.

Roosevelt manages to live out his fourth term or at least more of it. How does the start of the Cold War differ?
I was vague when posting there, because I didn't remember what the scandal was.

I think it may have been http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newport_sex_scandal

Yeah, SlideAway mentioned that - very interesting, indeed.

Still not sure where to go. I'm thinking either he and Eleanor getting a divorce or him not contracting polio. Those seem to be the most advantageous in the sense I will be able to rewrite his life as opposed to rewriting the time period without him.