prince charles dies in 1988?

Diana must play the part, at least, of a grieving widow. She suffered from depression IIRC, though granted this could be me remembering how she appeared becasue of the marital tumult. If it was somethign worse but just never really got discussed OTL, it may be allowed to leak out as a way to show how hard it is for her to deal with the death, even if it isn't related.

Her relationship with the rest of the Royal Family will be quite congenial for a while, at least. I think the Queen mother is still around - she will be seen as a similar persona, someone who will one day be the elderly mother who watches as her lovely firstborn takes the throne as William V. How the royal children are raised may or may not be impacted, I'm not sure. But, not only is her love relationship post-divorce butterflied away, I wonder if she would even be doing a lot of the social causes that she did OTL, at least for a while? And, will she tend to remain closer to home even wiafterward? I imagine she will still travel a lot, because she did take the place of the Queen at of events OTL, but here's where I'm not really sure how royal family structure nd planning work.
I doubt there would be serious plans to prepare Diana for a regency - the role would be more likely to go to Prince Andrew due to both tradition and the already strained relationship between Diana and the Windsors as of 1988. The death of Prince Charles at this stage would have been treated as a national tragedy even greater OTL's death of Princess Diana, with the added disruption of the line of succession to the throne. Diana probably would have garnered a great deal of attention at the funeral, drawing comparisons to Jackie Kennedy (perhaps more accurate comparisons than the hypothetical people making them realized...). Afterwards, she would have assumed a lower public profiles for the next few years, with the official explanation being that she was mourning the death of her husband, and then focusing on taking care of her children. Once William and Harry were safely away at school, I think Diana would have a greater degree of freedom than she did before 1998, since she would never become Queen, and any romantic relationships she formed wouldn't be adulterous. In fact, I think the royal family would have been privately relieved if she'd married again, which would have gotten her out of their hair.

William and Harry would probably grow up with more security due to the possibility that they would suddenly become King if Queen Elizabeth II died, but I don't think much about their education or military service would change.