In this alternative history, Max Fleischer creates the character Redeye Gravy in 1929, a young child with god-like strength born to Ham Gravy and Olivia Oyl. Redeye's adventurous behavior gets his parents into trouble, but he also saves them from predicaments. Despite the popularity of the Inkwell series, Redeye is officially introduced in the cartoon "My Little Snow Angel" and later added to the comic strip in the same year.

As Betty Boop's popularity wanes, Redeye becomes the studio's replacement, starring in shorts like "Trolley Trouble," "Eggs Benedict Arnold," "Baby, You Drive Me Crazy," "Redeye's First Toy," and "Teacher's Pet" between 1929-1932. Max Fleischer decides to redesign Redeye as a grown man resembling Theodore Roosevelt, turning him into a sailor inspired by Segar's friend Frank Fiegul. The character now faces an enemy named Bluto, with Betty Boop reintroduced as the damsel in distress. The short "Redeye the Sailor Man" becomes a massive success, marking Fleischer Studios' biggest hit since the "Out of the Inkwell" era.

Redeye stands out from characters like Mickey Mouse as the first animated action hero, revolutionizing the era with his bravery. His adventures, including rescuing Betty Boop from Bluto with the help of spinach, make Redeye a household name and a unique figure in animation history.
Character Sheet: Redeye
Character Sheet: Redeye the Sailor

Name: Redeye Gravy

Alias: Redeye the Sailor

Created: 1929

Parents: Ham Gravy (father), Olivia Oyl (mother)

- Original Form: Mischievous young child with god-like strength.
- Redesigned Form: Grown man resembling Theodore Roosevelt.
- Sailor Attire: Dons a classic bluegreen secondary color, a white sailor cap, & white gloves
- God-like Strength: Possesses extraordinary strength, allowing for remarkable feats.
- Adventurous Spirit: Fearless and known for tackling challenges head-on.
- Vegetable-Powered: Gains enhanced strength from consuming vegetables like spinach, apples, carrots, broccoli, etc.

- Born into the Gravy family, Redeye's adventures begin in the Inkwell series by Max Fleischer.
- Introduced in the comic as an unnamed character, officially named Redeye in the cartoon "My Little Snow Angel."

- Gains popularity through a series of shorts released between 1929-1932, including "Trolley Trouble," "Eggs Benedict Arnold," and "Teacher's Pet."

- Undergoes a transformation into a mature sailor after Max Fleischer's redesign, inspired by Theodore Roosevelt.
- Becomes the studio's new flagship character as Bimbo and Betty Boop's popularity wanes.

Distinctive Traits:
- Sailor Attire: Wears a classic sailor outfit, emphasizing his nautical persona.
- Vegetable-Based Powers: Uniquely draws strength from consuming various vegetables during adventures.
- Heroic Symbol: A symbol of animated action heroism during a revolutionary era.

Significant Shorts:
1. "My Little Snow Angel"
2. "Trolley Trouble"
3. "Eggs Benedict Arnold"
4. "Baby, You Drive Me Crazy"
5. "Redeye's First Toy"
6. "Teacher's Pet"
7. "Redeye the Sailor Man"
8. "I Yam What I Yam"
9. "Blow Me Down"
10. "I Eats Me Veggies"
11. "Redeye the Sailor vs Sinbad the Sailor" (First Inkwell color short, 1936)

Notable Achievements:
- "Redeye the Sailor Man" becomes Fleischer Studios' biggest hit since the "Out of the Inkwell" era.
- Surpasses Mickey Mouse in popularity temporary, leading to Inkwell Theater's Academy Award nominations and a win in 1936.

- Recognized as the first animated action hero, revolutionizing the animation landscape.
- Iconic influence on characters like Mario and Superman, celebrated for immense strength and unique power-ups.
- Symbolizes Fleischer Studios' ascent to prominence, rivaling the Walt Disney Company and evolving into a conglomerate.


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Character Sheet: Betty Boop

- Name: Betty Boop
- Age: 17
- Appearance:
- Distinctive large eyes and button nose
- Signature short black bob hairstyle with a red bow
- Her race has been depicted variably as white, black, or Native American over time
- In a 1972 interview, Max Fleischer stated her official ethnicity as Polish African-American with Native American descent

- Personality:
- Playful and flirtatious
- Kind-hearted and innocent
- Possesses a strong sense of loyalty and caring nature

- Occupation:
- Various roles, including singer, performer, and occasional damsel in distress

- Skills and Abilities:
- Exceptional singing and dancing abilities
- Charismatic and captivating stage presence
- Often finds herself in situations where her charm helps in unexpected ways

- Backstory:
- Originated as an animated character in the 1930s
- Gained popularity as a symbol of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties

- Love Interest:
- In a romantic relationship with Redeye the Sailor
- Redeye's genuine care for her personality, not just looks, drew Betty Boop to him

- Redeye's Influence:
- Betty was attracted to Redeye because he saw and appreciated her for who she was
- Unlike other suitors, Redeye valued her strength, kindness, bravery, and compassion

- Trademark Phrase:
- "Boop-Oop-a-Doop!"

- Adversary:
- Often faces challenges from other suitors like Bluto who only care about her appearance
- Redeye serves as her protector, ensuring she is valued for her true qualities

- Themes in Cartoons:
- Themes often revolve around music, romance, and Betty's adventures
- Features a blend of innocence, sensuality, and comedic elements

- Cultural Impact:
- Iconic figure in animation history, symbolizing the Golden Age of Animation
- Maintained popularity over the decades and remains a beloved character

- Evolution:
- Underwent changes in design and portrayal over time
- Adapted to different eras while retaining her core characteristics

- Legacy:
- Inspired various merchandise, music, and even a theme park attraction
- A timeless character with enduring appeal in popular culture.