Reversing the fates of Canada and Mexico?

So I guess I should preface this with stating that Mexico is filled with cartels and corruption and poverty (not trying to sound racist) and Canada on the other hand is a first world nation. So my question is, with any pod after 1492, how can Mexico and Canada reverse their fates?

Crazy Boris

Maybe successful revolts of 1837-38 succeed and end up creating a pair of dysfunctional semi-authoritarian republics at odds with Britain and under American influence, while in Mexico, Maximilian beats Juarez and is able to make Mexico more stable and prosperous while avoiding the Porfiriato.
Maybe successful revolts of 1837-38 succeed and end up creating a pair of dysfunctional semi-authoritarian republics at odds with Britain and under American influence, while in Mexico, Maximilian beats Juarez and is able to make Mexico more stable and prosperous while avoiding the Porfiriato.
The POD for Canada sounds interesting, but I don't think its likely history will be the same following the POD. Plus Im not sure if Maximillian would help make a better Mexico.
The POD for Canada sounds interesting, but I don't think its likely history will be the same following the POD. Plus Im not sure if Maximillian would help make a better Mexico.
What about Santa Anna not getting overthrown in the 1850s the rebelion being supressed, I've been reading that Santa Anna was doing a good job and Mexico's situation is actually improving during his last presidency, have the UK support Santa Anna in the gadsden purchase giving Mexico a leverage on the price, then use the money to develop Mexico. Gradually improving Mexico's situation and an earlier porifiriato like development
Mexico remains New Spain, with the support of a European colonial empire, more cohesive. Canada somehow goes its own way (the Canadiens establish independence alongside the Thirteen Colonies and Quebec-Canada is an independent but backwards and cold republic with heavy feudal baggage?) and experiences a lot of difficulty, ripe for Yankee picking.
Hmmm. Does Q-C take Rupert's Land? You could have the corollary of the Mex-Am War with USA fighting Q-C in a land grab, and end up with the Canadian West instead of the Mexican north.

Or, USA might end up with RL in War of 1812 (if it still happens) if Britain has held on to RL.

Britain may develop British Columbia if it doesn't have a land access from the east. If that becomes the plan, Britain will squeeze the USA and Spain out of the Oregon/Washington region. Edit: or Britain doesn't make a fuss if it doesn't have Rupert's Land and USA ends up with British Columbia.

Or Britain sells RL/BC to USA.

There's a whole lot of butterflies that need to be sorted out before you can simply swap Canadian and Mexican fates. PODs that allow socio-economic revision also change geographic borders. A stable Mexico prior to Mex-AM War butterflies that war. A turbulent Canada has to happen after they acquire Rupert's Land, or Britain won't hand it over.

So, IF we want same borders, the POD has to happen late 1800s. That's hard to see for Canada especially.
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