Shuffling the Canon - A Shuffled Disney Canon TL

So after reading The Shuffled Disneyverse by @PGSBHurricane , I feel inspired to do my own take. Hopefully this won't turn out too chaotic. Snow White will be the first film in the Disney Canon like in TSD, but everything after that is going to be shuffled.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937):

For his first feature film, Walt Disney needed a compelling story. For that, he chose the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The idea was for the seven dwarfs to each have different personalities, each distiguishable by their names. After multiple story meetings, Walt settled on Doc, Grumpy. Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Deafy and Dopey, with legendary voice actor Mel Blanc providing the voice of Dopey. Production officially began in 1934, despite multiple warnings from Walt's brother Roy and the naysayers from Hollywood, Walt was determined to make the film.

The plot was as follows: The evil Queen Grimhilde asks the magic mirror on who's the fairest of them all, to which the reply would always be Her Majesty the Queen, until one day when the magic mirror responds with "Snow White", the Queen's adaoptive daughter whose beauty catches the attention of a neighbouring prince. Furious, the Queen forces her to work as a maid and ultimately sends a huntsman to kill Snow White and bring her heart back as proof. Instead, the huntsman sets Snow White free. Snow White runs into the forest and befriends the forest animals, they take her to a cottage home to seven dwarfs. When the dwarfs return home from working in the mines, they discover Snow White and initally want to kick her out, but are convinced to keep her as she knew how to cook. Over time, the dwarfs create a strong emotional bond with Snow White. However, the evil Queen disguises herself as an old hag and tries to kill Snow White with a poison comb. This alerts the prince and ends up thwarting the Queen's plan. The Queen traps the prince in her castle and sets off to kill Snow White, this time with a poison apple and the sleeping death, which shall only be awoken with love's first kiss. Ultimately, the prince escapes, alerts the Seven Dwarfs at work, and gives true love's kiss to Snow White.

The film premiered on December 21st 1937, before its nationwide release on February 4th 1938. The film was a huge success, "Disney's Folly" had turned into "Disney's Crowning Achievement". With the success of Snow White, Walt began looking for the source material of his 2nd film...
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Does this thread's version of Walt still die in the 60's or does he quit smoking and lives past that like in as dreamer's by oldnavy1988? Are we allowed to suggest ideas in the comments? What if instead of being chased away by his coworkers and bosses, Don bluth is instead taken under walt's wing as his apprentice? For the disney afternoon instead of quack pack we get the legend of the 3 Caballeros a few decades early?
Does this thread's version of Walt still die in the 60's or does he quit smoking and lives past that like in as dreamer's by oldnavy1988? Are we allowed to suggest ideas in the comments? What if instead of being chased away by his coworkers and bosses, Don bluth is instead taken under walt's wing as his apprentice? For the disney afternoon instead of quack pack we get the legend of the 3 Caballeros a few decades early?
1. I haven't decided yet, but I will tell you that the 1960s would be an interesting decade for Disney, and it might influence his death date.
2. Of course you can suggest ideas.
3. I might consider that.
4. Unfortunately with the changes I have in mind, probably not.
1. I haven't decided yet, but I will tell you that the 1960s would be an interesting decade for Disney, and it might influence his death date.
2. Of course you can suggest ideas.
3. I might consider that.
4. Unfortunately with the changes I have in mind, probably not.
What about stuff that doesn't involve disney likes it's competitors and other companies? You like sonic the hedgehog? What if sonic satam lasted significantly longer, going 5 seasons lasting from 93 to 97 and running for 65 episodes and ending with a TV movie that combines aspects of archie comic's endgame and the cartoon's doomsday project?
What about stuff that doesn't involve disney likes it's competitors and other companies? You like sonic the hedgehog? What if sonic satam lasted significantly longer, going 5 seasons lasting from 93 to 97 and running for 65 episodes and ending with a TV movie that combines aspects of archie comic's endgame and the cartoon's doomsday project?
I really don't know. This is mostly a Disney focused TL, and there maybe some changes to other stuff via butterflies. As for Sonic, I don't see any significant changes.
Another shifted Disney movie timeline, Sign me right up!
After shuffling the movies myself for the very distant future. It will be interesting to see which order you have compared to others.
I'm excited to see another take on the shuffled Disney movie concept. I love reading them!

Will you show how the other animation studios are doing ITTL?
Bambi (1940)
Bambi (1940)

Immediately after the release of Snow White, Walt Disney started work on his second feature film (in fact, it was already in production), but the question was: What would the next film be? After Norman Ferguson brought in a "Bambi, A Life in the Woods" book and showed it to Walt in August 1937, he was intrigued. The next day, Walt announced that Bambi would be the studio's next feature film. Production officially began development in October 1937, but by April 1938 development was halted and the story had to be reworked. After spending 2-3 years in production, Bambi was complete, albeit the original release date of Christmas 1939 had to be delayed to 1940.

Bambi, a young deer is born to a doe in the thicket. He doesn't know it yet, but Bambi would soon take the place of The Great Prince of the Forest. As Bambi grows up, he befriends 6 young rabbits, Friend Owl, and a doe named Gobo. However, Bambi's mother introduces Bambi to "Man", the great hunter of the forest whom all animals fear. One day, while attempting to skate, Bambi watches as one of the rabbits named Clumsy get shot by "Man". Not long after that while Bambi's mom introduces Bambi to the plains, Bambi's mother is killed by "Man". The Great Prince rescues Bambi just before "Man" could fire the shot, he reveals himself to be Bambi's father. A few years pass, and Bambi and the remaining 5 rabbits have all grown up. Bambi reunites with Gobo and the two fall in love, unfortunately, "Man" has returned. "Man" sets a forest fire in an attempt to catch all the animals residing in the forest. While Bambi survives the attack, The Great Prince is not so lucky and falls victim to "Man". Ironically, "Man" ends up trapped in the forest fire he had started, and ends up burning to death, with Bambi finding his corpse. In the end, Gobo gives birth to another young deer, while Bambi becomes the Great Prince of the Forest.

"Bambi" premiered on February 7th 1940 before releasing nationwide two weeks later. Critics and audiences felt the film to be way too dark, as 4 main characters die throught the film, with the villian's death being seen as way too dark. Combining that and the closure of European markets due to World War 2, "Bambi" unfortunately failed at the box office, but is however considered one of Disney's best films.

The failure of "Bambi" wouldn't affect Walt too much, as he had already moved on the his 3rd feature film, this time taking place in his homeland of America...
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So after reading The Shuffled Disneyverse by @PGSBHurricane , I feel inspired to do my own take. Hopefully this won't turn out too chaotic. Snow White will be the first film in the Disney Canon like in TSD, but everything after that is going to be shuffled.
Thank you so much, even though I don’t own the concept nor did I come up with it originally (see Changing The Reel for that). Also will Pixar be included in this either shuffled separately or mixed the Disney canon so that a Pixar film ITTL would be a Disney film or Vice versa? Understandable you went with Snow White first since it would be a challenge to replace with as the first Disney film although I’ve seen timelines with Sleeping Beauty or The Snow Queen in that position. Alice in Wonderland was considered too as well as Bambi and possibly others.

Speaking of Bambi, it was originally the second Disney film IOTL with planning dating back to 1936 and Disney acquiring the film rights from MGM in April 1937 but was pushed back behind Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Dumbo thanks to Disney pursuing a more realistic art Style for the animals compared to Snow White. I mention this because an earlier Bambi release likely means a more cartoonish art style and I think it receives less critical acclaim upon its initial release thanks to that. But still, keep up the good work and I will be watching this TL.
Thank you so much, even though I don’t own the concept nor did I come up with it originally (see Changing The Reel for that). Also will Pixar be included in this either shuffled separately or mixed the Disney canon so that a Pixar film ITTL would be a Disney film or Vice versa? Understandable you went with Snow White first since it would be a challenge to replace with as the first Disney film although I’ve seen timelines with Sleeping Beauty or The Snow Queen in that position. Alice in Wonderland was considered too as well as Bambi and possibly others.

Speaking of Bambi, it was originally the second Disney film IOTL with planning dating back to 1936 and Disney acquiring the film rights from MGM in April 1937 but was pushed back behind Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Dumbo thanks to Disney pursuing a more realistic art Style for the animals compared to Snow White. I mention this because an earlier Bambi release likely means a more cartoonish art style and I think it receives less critical acclaim upon its initial release thanks to that. But still, keep up the good work and I will be watching this TL.
Didn't actually expect you to come on over but thanks nonetheless. Yea Bambi was originally going to be Disney's second film but I didn't want it to become too similar to Bambi OTL, so I changed some stuff and now 4 main characters die. Sleeping Beauty is a part of the Disney Renaissance and the Snow Queen (or Frozen) is in the 1970s.
Didn't actually expect you to come on over but thanks nonetheless. Yea Bambi was originally going to be Disney's second film but I didn't want it to become too similar to Bambi OTL, so I changed some stuff and now 4 main characters die. Sleeping Beauty is a part of the Disney Renaissance and the Snow Queen (or Frozen) is in the 1970s.
Don’t give away too much btw, I want to be surprised at what comes next.
Also, the Sorcerer's Apprentice is completed and released in 1939 as a standalone short.
I’m guessing Fantasia isn’t going to be released in 1940 (although don’t spoil for for when it does come out). Also since it cost $125,000 IOTL and I doubt it changed much ITTL, I wonder if it’s attached to Bambi here and gets more people to see the film.
Pocahontas (1940)
Pocahontas (1940)

Choosing Pocahontas for Walt's 3rd and most ambitious feature wasn't a good idea, but when Walt first hears of the story of Pocahontas during the production of Snow White, he knew it would be good animation material. Pocahontas was initially a Silly Symphony before Walt realised that the budget was skyrocketing and that there was no way a Silly Symphony would be a success in terms of money. In 1938, Walt announced that Pocahontas would be developed as a feature film instead of a Silly Symphony, not only that, but it would also be his most visually stunning film and a technical marvel at that.

In 1607, a group of English settlers led by John Ratcliffe (voiced by Mel Blanc) set foot on the New World. Meanwhile, Chief Powhatan announces a planned wedding between the tribe warrior Kocoum and his daughter Pocahontas. Pocahontas, accompanied by a mouse named Michael, escapes her wedding and bumps into John Smith, a young English Settler. The two began bonding and fall in love, however before they could share a kiss, Chief Powhatan and Kocoum ambush John Smith and capture him. Pocahontas begs for her father to spare Smith's life, Powhatan, not bringing himself to hurt his own daughter and the person she loves, spares John Smith. Kocoum, while reluctant, accepts Pocahontas's relationship and even forms a strong friendship with John Smith, much to the natives's disgust. All seems to be going well, but when John Smith overhears Ratcliffe planning to capture and enslave the natives for gold and land, he quickly warns the tribe but it was too late. Would John Smith and the tribe be able to beat back Ratcliffe's colonisers in one final battle?

Pocahontas premiered on November 13th 1940 before releasing nationwide on Novembner 28th. The film was not the huge success Walt was hoping for. While critics praised the film's story and its artstyle, audiences were overwhelmed by the film's visuals and didn't feel the same connection with Pocahontas as they did with Snow White. With the budget being too high and audiences not liking the film, Pocahontas was another box office failure for Disney, one which started a year long worker's strike fueled by the Screen Cartoonist's Guild in 1941, historians later dubbed this "The Disney Animator's Strike", it was an event Disney never really recovered from.

The failures of both Bambi and Pocahontas forced Walt to lower the budget for any future projects, he was sure that his next film would be different.
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Hints for 1941, 1942 and 1943.

1941: One of the most beloved franchises OTL
1942: A fairy tale
1943: Released quite recently OTL