South Asian Settler Colonies


Which regions of the globe would be suitable for South Asian states’ settler colonies? East and South Africa, Fiji, Malaysia and Burma had or have significant Indian populations. Maybe Oman or Iraq could be a settler colony given the shared BSh climate between these regions and Punjab.
There were plenty of emigrie communities all throughout that region. India, for example, has been a melting pot for millennia. Not sure what exactly you are asking?
They did in OTL in Madagascar pre-European colonialism.

As well as the East African littoral around market ports.
Any state-driven settlement (like Mughal or more likely, Maratha colonization) would mainly take the form of 'internal colonization' i.e. populating the peripheral regions of Empire to pacify and develop it. Under this logic Afghanistan (key route for invasion + horse/mercenaries trade), Bundelkhand/Chhattisgarh and Assam are the likely targets.

A timeline where Indian Empires fully commit to controlling long-distance maritime trade would probably result in a similar colonization pattern as seen OTL.

Osman Aga

Which regions of the globe would be suitable for South Asian states’ settler colonies? East and South Africa, Fiji, Malaysia and Burma had or have significant Indian populations. Maybe Oman or Iraq could be a settler colony given the shared BSh climate between these regions and Punjab.

Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, East African Coast + Indian Ocean Islands. They are all near the Indian subcontinent.

Iraq, Oman etc. isn't realistic.
Why is nobody mentioning East Indies? Considering how big the Indian and Chinese minority was in Malaysia I think the region could easily become majority Indian within centuries of colonization, same goes for some of the Indonesian islands.

Crazy Boris

Maybe something in Indonesia/Malaysia. Indians had been trading around that region for millennia, so it’s not too unrealistic that an Indian power may want to establish a permanent base around Malacca or something.
Maybe something in Indonesia/Malaysia. Indians had been trading around that region for millennia, so it’s not too unrealistic that an Indian power may want to establish a permanent base around Malacca or something.
Why is nobody mentioning East Indies? Considering how big the Indian and Chinese minority was in Malaysia I think the region could easily become majority Indian within centuries of colonization, same goes for some of the Indonesian islands.
Not sure they count as the settling wasn't led by a South Asian polity, but Trinidad and Guyana are both plurality South Asian in OTL.
The British could and did bring Indian workers to some of their colonies.

It wouldn’t be far-fetched to see more Indian colonial migration to the rest of the British Empire.
Is the OP asking for South Asian civilzations to form there own government organized settler colonies, or is he asking for European settler colonies in South Asia?