Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

Just as IOTL, the Russians are going to cheat as much as possible ITTL Moscow Olympics.
But this time ITTL, there is going to be no U.S. lead boycott and the Russians are not going to empty Moscow in order to prevent the "corrupting influence of the Decadent Westerners".

Doug after his critical success at the 1976 Olympics, is going to be in high demand by various news agencies and sport publications to work at the Moscow Olympics.

Poor Stevie, he is going to look back at his time at Camp Laconia as some of the best time of his childhood, but that will be when he is in his forties and has children of his own.

Malcolm with his father being one of the most famous photographers of the Twentieth Century, may have picked up a few pointers and may also be doing his own photography on this expedition with cameras and film that are specially designed for extreme weather and altitudes.
Hopefully Genghis Khan's 'Moscow' is still a crossover hit from German into English in time for the Olympics...

"Moscow, Moscow, see the little Russian bear, taking off its underwear, oh ho ho ho ho HEY!"

Just as IOTL, the Russians are going to cheat as much as possible ITTL Moscow Olympics.
But this time ITTL, there is going to be no U.S. lead boycott and the Russians are not going to empty Moscow in order to prevent the "corrupting influence of the Decadent Westerners".

Doug after his critical success at the 1976 Olympics, is going to be in high demand by various news agencies and sport publications to work at the Moscow Olympics.

Poor Stevie, he is going to look back at his time at Camp Laconia as some of the best time of his childhood, but that will be when he is in his forties and has children of his own.

Malcolm with his father being one of the most famous photographers of the Twentieth Century, may have picked up a few pointers and may also be doing his own photography on this expedition with cameras and film that are specially designed for extreme weather and altitudes.
I wonder how much the Russians are doping ITTL?
I wonder how much the Russians are doping ITTL?
At this point in time, it's easier to list which countries aren't doing that.
I wonder if Boney M are about. Ra Ra Rasputin........
Would need for Frank Farian to have not been butterflied and for Disco to be a thing.

The first is entirely possible that he's alive and still went into music, the latter we've had no hint of happening. Or if it is, it's a strictly US affair.
Nancy had told Inga all about what had happened at Wahlstatt, how Anna had pulled the fire alarm in a fit of jealousy and like always, it amazed her just how her sister-in-law could reach the right conclusions while approaching the matter from the entirely wrong angle. Nancy thought that it was because the boys at the Wahlstatt Institute had lavished attention on Mathilda Auer instead of her. She had told Inga that she didn’t understand the animosity that her daughter felt towards Mathilda, who had come from a difficult situation and had accomplished so much at Tzschocha. Nancy felt that the two girls should have been friends as opposed to bitter rivals and didn’t understand. That was hardly a surprise considering.

“We cannot control these things” Inga said once she was certain that no one could overhear, “Your crush unknowingly rejected you, so is this how you are planning on spending the summer?”
So, Anna likes girls and has been acting out because she is struggling to come to terms with that... and because she is in love with Mathilda, who doesn't have a clue that she does, in part due to Anna's own actions. Though it does seem as if Mathilda wasn't particularly impressed with the boys efforts to attract her attention either.

From memory, Inga is the one who became a nun before leaving her order for a woman, isn't she?
From memory, Inga is the one who became a nun before leaving her order for a woman, isn't she?
Inga was a Nun in the Order of Saint Clare for 20 years. While she didn't leave for any particular woman, she grew tired of living the monastic life to maintain the pretext and left for Berlin where no one would care if she were openly Gay.
Part 155, Chapter 2833
Chapter Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Three

11th July 1980

Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island

When Mike had arrived at Surface Warfare School in Newport, he had been told that he would spend most of his time studying. What no one had told was that beyond learning systems in the classroom, there was a good chance that those studies would take him in some odd directions.

Perhaps it was morbid curiosity, but after Little Mike had read a few reports about the German U-Boat Flotilla he had found a copy of Janes Fighting Ships, 1978-79 that had provided him with additional information. He had also discovered the alphabet soup of German Boat-types that served alongside the larger, better-known ships of the High Seas Fleet. That had led Mike down a rabbit hole comparing the ship of various Navies to that of the United States Navy and what he had figured out much of what he had believed about the international situation was wrong.

The British Navy was a shadow of what it had been decades earlier, barely able to meet its obligations under the European Mutual Defense Treaty much less police what was left of the British Empire. While not as badly off, the French Navy wasn’t exactly up to snuff either. The Italians and Germans had been forced to take up the slack, especially since oil and gas in the North Sea had become a strategic consideration. Curiously, for all the hype that the German High Seas Fleet got, a large part of their Navy was comprised of boats that were geared to operate in Littoral waters namely the Baltic and much of the North Sea. The small R-Boats, originally intended to be Minesweepers, with their shallow draft and Voith-Schneider Propellers were actually the most common vessel in German service and that was their main area of operation. The R-boats were joined in that region by the remaining S-Boats leftover from WW2 and the newer SK-Boats that were meant to replace the S-Boats.

The US Navy didn’t have anything quite like that. There were boats that the Navy operated in the Sacramento and Mississippi River Deltas, and the harbor patrol boats that anyone who had attended Annapolis would be familiar with. Nothing on the same scale though. When Mike had brought that up with one of his Instructors, he had it pointed out to him that area of operation was normally taken up by the US Coast Guard, enabling the US Navy to take a wider view. Mike wasn’t quite certain if that was correct or not so he had held his tongue. The Instructor’s response had been to give Mike a paperback book to read over the weekend titled The Greyhound by Louis Ferdinand Prinz von Preussen Jr. It had looked like a dense read when Mike had started it the prior Friday evening, but he had finished it over the weekend. It was the story of SMS Fast Gunboat (SK)12 “Windhund” of the Kaiserliche Marine from the perspective of Louis von Preussen when he had commanded her, first in the North Sea and later in the Adriatic as a Flotilla leader. While it was obvious that von Preussen had a high opinion of himself, he really had done the things mentioned in the book. Pursuing pirates and smugglers off Dalmatia were featured along with the cloak and dagger activity that had gone into the hunt for two Turkish Q-ships that had been preying on shipping were mentioned. Finally there was mention of an odd incident where German and American Special Forces had gone after an elusive Arms Kingpin in a joint operation. Mike had asked around about that and discovered the mission that had been mentioned in Louis von Preussen’s book was still considered classified from the American side. At the conclusion was mention of an encounter with American Navy Captain James Carter and a brief talk they had while watching an Austrian Destroyer get cut up in the breaker’s yard. Mike realized that was Rear Admiral Carter, the Deputy Commander at Naval Command Norfolk.

When Mike had asked why no one on either side of the Atlantic seemed to have an issue with Louis von Preussen including all that in his book, he had gotten an odd look. Did he really have no idea who the author of the book was? It was not as if Mike had had the time to pay much attention to supermarket tabloids over the last few years.

Tehachapi, California

Stanley’s mother had always said that his father had taken a bad turn after they had broken up shortly after he had been born. Stanley’s grandfather had a different take, namely that Stanley’s father had always been a piece of shit, just his daughter had been unable to see it until she had come to her senses and gave him the boot. Both of those things were certainly plausible, Stanley tried to live in the now, so he didn’t really care about that. The rub was that now was probably far worse than the then. It was sort of hard to argue that the Maximum-Security Wing of the California Correctional Institution in Tehachapi was basically Hell on Earth was the present now.

It was only by some weird twist of fate that this meeting was taking place in the Guard’s break room as opposed to the prison’s visiting area.

“Good to see you, Stan” Stanley’s father said as he sat a scoped rifle down on the table in front of him. Stanley had once heard that the only difference between the prisoners and the guards was that they wore different colored uniforms. His father was proof of that considering some of the things that Stanley knew he had done. These days he spent his days atop the prison’s walls watching for the sort of trouble that would swiftly be fixed by putting a bullet through someone’s head.

“Just what do you want Dad?” Stanley asked.

“I can’t catch up with my boy?” Stanley’s father asked in reply.

“You only call when you want something” Stan said.

Stanley’s father just sat there with a fixed smile on his face and Stanley just knew that whatever it was, he wasn’t going to like it.
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While it was obvious that von Preussen had a high opinion of himself, he really had done the things mentioned in the book.
Louis does indeed have a high opinion of himself. Tends to come with being a prince, a joint heir to a throne (Romania) and being an admiral.
When Mike had asked why no one on either side of the Atlantic seemed to have an issue with Louis von Preussen including all that in his book, he had gotten an odd look. Did he really have no idea who the author of the book was? It was not as if Mike had had the time to pay much attention to supermarket tabloids over the last few years.
The US Naval Academy really needs to make sure their cadets keep up on current affairs, especially those concerning potential adversaries.
Stanley’s father just sat there with a fixed smile on his face and Stanley just knew that whatever it was, he wasn’t going to like it.
For some reason, I get the impression that someone has a need for a patsy and that Stanley's father has volunteered Stanley for the job.
So basically the US Navy is ignoring the brown water/littorial type ships IOTL. Wonder how much that might play out if they need to go some place like the interior of Brazil on the Amazon River?
So basically the US Navy is ignoring the brown water/littorial type ships IOTL. Wonder how much that might play out if they need to go some place like the interior of Brazil on the Amazon River?
Not quite, but there are restrictions for the US Military operating within the territorial United States. Operations do occur though, the Riverine Navy operating in the Sacramento Delta and the Napa-Sonoma Marsh, and Mississippi River system were mentioned. Still, there was a reason why USCG personnel ran Landing Craft in the Pacific at the start of WW2, they had the most experience in Inshore waters.
Ensign Michael T, Washington Jr, USNA '80 has a chance to show some initiative and do a little research on this Louis Ferdinand Von Preussen Jr. on his own and make a report about him to his school.
He can get Non classified documents from the State Department, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the CIA about LF Jr.
Little Mike will find out that LF Jr. is now the Consort Prince of Romania and is leading the drive to modernize and upgrade the Romanian Navy to counteract the Russian and Greek build-up in the Black Sea.
He will also find out that LF Jr. has close friendships with the heirs of the Japanese and Italian Crowns, and that all three of them worked closely together in a US Navy exercise in the Carribean Sea a few years ago with a James Carter as their contact with the US Navy.
Ensign Michael T, Washington Jr, USNA '80 has a chance to show some initiative and do a little research on this Louis Ferdinand Von Preussen Jr. on his own and make a report about him to his school.
He can get Non classified documents from the State Department, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the CIA about LF Jr.
Little Mike will find out that LF Jr. is now the Consort Prince of Romania and is leading the drive to modernize and upgrade the Romanian Navy to counteract the Russian and Greek build-up in the Black Sea.
He will also find out that LF Jr. has close friendships with the heirs of the Japanese and Italian Crowns, and that all three of them worked closely together in a US Navy exercise in the Carribean Sea a few years ago with a James Carter as their contact with the US Navy.
Wait until he finds out that his 'Uncle' Ritchie was there for some of the action in Louis' book.
With the start of the 1980 Moscow Olympics on July 19th, Marie should have received offers from a number of corporations and organizations through Jack Kennedy's firm for her services and more importantly, the access that she has.
But even through there are going to be dump trucks full of money being promised, Marie is going to say no and retreat to her mother's island and shut herself off from the world.
Unless she is commanded by someone with a lot of power...

The IOTL Republican National Convention opens on July 14th in Detroit, and we have hints that the nominee is going to be Sen. Mark Felt of Idaho, IOTL he was the "Deep Throat" of Watergate fame, but the Nixon of ITTL is not even near that level of corruption, so the it issue that the Republicans have this time around is that with no frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, the idea that Nixon is running for a third term is going to be the main focus of attacks against the Democrats.
Part 155, Chapter 2834
Chapter Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Four

14th July 1980

Dorotheenstadt Cemetery, Mitte, Berlin

It was a pleasant summer afternoon with the sun peeking out of clouds. With it being a Monday, the cemetery was empty except for them. Kiki could hear birds in the trees, the buzz of insects, and the distant sound of city traffic. Nina was skipping down the path, briefly stopping to read the headstones before moving on. At the age of nine Nina still had the naïve confidence of a child, Kiki knew that wasn’t going to last. Within a few years her daughter would lose that equilibrium when adolescence turned her world upside down. Kiki had lucked out in that she had met Aurora and Zella by the time she had reached that age. If not for that, she couldn’t imagine how lonely and painful that experience would have been. It was something that Kiki and Ben had been discussing at length. What exactly where they going to do with Nina? She had been having difficulty adjusting to living in Neuquén and had made no secret of how she wanted to go back to where they had lived in Bavaria. That was something that wasn’t going to happen, mostly because Ben was no longer the Director of the Argelander Observatory. If they returned to Europe there was a good chance that Ben would be taking a key role in the ESA, which had faculties scattered all around, mostly in France, Germany, Spain, and the Low Countries. So they had no idea where they would land when that happened. How would Nina react if they moved to Paris?

This was the first time that Kiki had been back in Berlin in months and before she went back to Argentina she had something that she needed to do. This was far better than the official reason why she had returned to the city at this time. The Marine Infantry and the City of Berlin had insisted that Kiki’s efforts on their behalf be recognized. There was that whole “Angel of Anju” business first, then there was her leading the response to the Alexanderplatz Station fire, and the details of her response to the East Station Bombing which had leaked years earlier. It was in that last one, where Kiki had gotten shot with her armored vest saving her from serious injury. She had ignored that and kept going. Much to Kiki’s complete mortification, she had received an incredibly enthusiastic endorsement by the committee that vetted the nominees to be inducted into the Order of the Tigress and the City of Berlin’s Order of Merit. Yesterday at the ceremony in Alexanderplatz before the statue of Berolina, Kiki had received the Order of the Tigress and been awarded the Grand Heptagram of the BV, becoming only the second Dame Commander in Berlin’s Order of Merit after Tatiana Romanova. Kiki had been embarrassed to receive them and Kat had been quietly furious that she had been compelled to award Kiki regardless of the merits. That had not been a fun experience for anyone involved. Going to the cemetery to visit the grave of a friend had been exactly the sort of palate cleanser that Kiki needed after that.

It was a simple grave, just a small stone plaque that read; Auguste Berget Nagler, 21st June 1859-4th January 1956 without an epitaph. Decades earlier, Kiki had made certain that Frau Nagler’s ashes would be interred here after she had died and no one had claimed them. Kiki had happily paid to make sure that the grave had been maintained for the last several years. Nina joined Kiki and was looking at the grave marker curiously.

“Who was she Momma?” Nina asked Kiki as laid a small bouquet of flowers onto the plaque.

“Someone who was important to me” Kiki replied, “When I was not much older than you I volunteered at a hospital where Frau Nagler was a patient. I learned a lot from her.”

How did Kiki explain it all to Nina? Frau Nagler had spent her whole life in Berlin, dying only a few kilometers from where she had been born. Yet she had seen the world radically transformed in that time into a place she hardly recognized. She had led a long, unremarkable life and had probably been the wisest person who Kiki had ever met.

Perhaps the closest that anyone had come to describing people like Frau Nagler was how Zella’s friend John almost accidently gotten it right in his song The Foundations of London a good example of a beautiful song about terrible things. The whole album which was named for that song was a meditation on life and the city where John had made his home. The first verse was about how the narrator died in 1348 when the Black Death carried off half the city and ended up in a mass grave with dozens of others who had been equally forgotten in time. The rest was about how the modern city of London had grown up atop his bones as his ghost silently observed the centuries pass.

“They let you volunteer in a hospital?” Nina asked, “What about the guards?”

Kiki glanced at the men from the First Foot Guard who were maintaining a respectful distance. It was sad that like Kiki, Nina had seldom known a time when their presence was not being felt. When Kiki had been a teenager and in her twenties she had rejected having a security detail and it had not gone well for her. It was moments like this that she really did wish that Nina was growing up in a different world.
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