The Death of Russia - TL

What would an ISOT from FOM's Tolstoy Russia look like in the world of DOR? I can imagine a lot of people would panic about Russia's "restoration", even if this Russia clearly has no interest in messing with anyone (hell, I don't think they even have nuclear weapons of their own...)

Whereas Russian Fascists in FoM would frantically object that Barkashov's Russia "isn't what we mean!" that this is what their Fascist regime would look like once they take over the Tolstoyist government.
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What would an ISOT from FOM's Tolstoy Russia look like in the world of DOR? I can imagine a lot of people would panic about Russia's "restoration", even if this Russia clearly has no interest in messing with anyone (hell, I don't think they even have nuclear weapons of their own...)
It'd throw quite a lot of people into a loop, as Tolstoyist Russia serves as living proof that Russia wasn't doomed. That if things had gone even slightly differently, it could've become a democratic country, rather than destroying itself in fratricidal warfare.
To some, that would be vindication, while others would refuse to accept that.
I doubt that. It would be extremely expensive to re-build every destroyed city and pointless anyway since there is not population to settle all of them anyway. It would take billions dollars and some decades even to re-build St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Consequently, reconstruction will probably start with, essentially, tourist traps. The Kremlin and St. Basil's are likely to be rebuilt, once the cities are safe for habitation, as are some of the palaces of Petrograd (to house the art recovered from the vault, naturally). Some of the more famous Orthodox monasteries and churches elsewhere will follow.

However, the scale of the devastation is something worth considering. Even IOTL, there remain many ruined buildings from the Second World War scattered in city centers across Germany and Poland. Warsaw, technically, still hasn't been fully restored, and it benefited from actually getting a substantial chunk of investment from two governments strongly invested in the impression of legitimacy the city granted--and even then the Communist government initially proposed just leaving the city unrebuilt as a memorial. Moscow and Petrograd and the other big cities have all those problems plus NBC weapon remediation, and no pressing geopolitical need for the West to help them. Why bother with a Marshall Plan for a broken enemy that even China stopped bothering with?

So, who's paying for it? The Tsarist state has little money and will largely be depending on UNESCO stipends and aid packages from the US and EU, the latter of which are probably more interested in paying for vaccination and education among survivors to keep them from turning into a refugee crisis/disease reservoir. The FEK and Siberia have advantageous ties with China, but might not be inclined to help pay for reconstruction. Ukraine and Belarus and the Balts will range from indifferent to actively hostile to sending EU money east--and demand from Novgorod extraordinary concessions (probably in the form of gas pipeline deals) for their votes European institutions in its favor. There will also probably be a strong dependence on remittances from any refugees/immigrants who aren't too bitter to send a few euros 'home.'

There is a further complication, in that wartime devastation has also probably wrecked the rail and road networks that would be used to distribute aid. This has two consequences: first, that the surviving population will cluster close to the western frontiers or the surviving ports along the north, since large parts of the interior country will be functionally inaccessible. This will make it easier to distribute aid to the people, but will massively reduce the priority of reconstruction outside the parts nearest to the frontiers.

Well, actually, a third consequence: the famine won't stop when the war does.
Oh yeah, I remember that some people starting a Hetalia thread for Sorairo's older thread, the Footprint of Mussolini. Might as well explore the same for this TL as well.

Hetalia has a mostly light-hearted tone where wars are seen as the fights between individual people (the personified nations) and the challenges a nation faces are reflected in the character.

There can be multiple characters representing the same nation so you could have the main "Russia" (let's call him Muscovy) represent Russia as a whole and later the Russian Federation while Siberia and the Far East Kingdom are his brothers.

As for the the death of a nation, the characters don't really die as long as their civilization survives in some way. They can rebrand, like how Germany was implied to be the Holy Roman Empire and later went on to be the German Empire, the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, West Germany, and finally Germany after reunification.

As for the Russian Civil War, that could be depicted as anything from Muscovy going crazy and later being forced to attend therapy to Muscovy (now the Russian Soviet Republic) fighting another brother that represents the Russian National State.

By modern day, Russia (Muscovy) could be getting better but most people are either afraid of him, hate him, or pitty him to varying degrees. His relationship with his brothers (Siberia and Far East) is warming but his relationship with his sisters (Ukraine and Belarus) is in tatters.

As for the rest of the world...

America would certainly be happy, he gets to boast about being awesome and winning the Cold War.

Japan, (unified) Korea, and the Far East could have regular get togethers, supposedly to plot against China but they just share culture and snacks.

The Baltic States don't really know what to do now that Russia is no longer stalking them.

Britain and France continue to live their lives, occasionally unnerved when Russia (representing the Russian refugees) comes and fixes their plumbing.

I agree with most of this, but I don't think America would be very happy, even in Hetalia there are moments that are less comedic and more serious. I could see America being very bittersweet about the whole thing, because while the Cold War did end in America's favor, there were actual nuclear bombs that hit America and millions of people did die in the process.

This might be a more serious moment in the show.
With Russia completely obliterated, I can see the other Asian states try to jumpstart Eurasian integration way earlier since they would have an interest in trying to bring back stability to the continent.
With Russia completely obliterated, I can see the other Asian states try to jumpstart Eurasian integration way earlier since they would have an interest in trying to bring back stability to the continent.
Well, since all of the Central Asian 'stans are effectively under China's orbit, this Chinese-controlled "Eurasian Union" already de-facto exists, just not as an official named organization.
I di have to wonder what if anything is suppose to happen now? As was already stated most of the west believes it has reached the end of history and I have to wonder is that is true. I mean what is China going to do against the United west? Plus it's not like India is just going to ally with them considering their already existing conditions between them. Most dictatorships were destroyed as well so I have to ask what now?
I di have to wonder what if anything is suppose to happen now? As was already stated most of the west believes it has reached the end of history and I have to wonder is that is true. I mean what is China going to do against the United west? Plus it's not like India is just going to ally with them considering their already existing conditions between them. Most dictatorships were destroyed as well so I have to ask what now?
Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa and Myanmar are likely to continue.
Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa and Myanmar are likely to continue.
What's stopping the west from intervention? I mean Russia is dead and China does not have the capability of actually getting there so what's stopping the French from continuing their dominance of the area?
I di have to wonder what if anything is suppose to happen now? As was already stated most of the west believes it has reached the end of history and I have to wonder is that is true. I mean what is China going to do against the United west? Plus it's not like India is just going to ally with them considering their already existing conditions between them. Most dictatorships were destroyed as well so I have to ask what now?
Also not to mention there'll still be anger against the current economic system as well as Western hegemony. I understand why the author ended the story the way they did, but to be honest there'd still be some loose ends here overall.
Is there even anger at the economy or even the west? It seemed like the west was mostly growing from whatever few casualties they took and most political divisions were pushed down or discredited. As for western hegemony I honestly do not see how that will change anytime soon assuming China does not destroy itself as well considering how badly it went in Russia.
Is there even anger at the economy or even the west? It seemed like the west was mostly growing from whatever few casualties they took and most political divisions were pushed down or discredited. As for western hegemony I honestly do not see how that will change anytime soon assuming China does not destroy itself as well considering how badly it went in Russia.
I mean there should be realistically, especially since the West is even more dominant than OTL and will definitely continue to support regimes friendly to them regardless of how much their citizens hate them. And of course the economy being the economy, the dominance and exploitation of it will definitely cause people to resent it as well.
As for the Prussia thing, you would need a pre-existing country from the general area that could take up the role and "become" Siberia or the FEK. Maybe the Far East Kingdom could have previously been Manchuria who opted to move north instead of "moving in" with China
On that note, maybe Siberia could be implied to have initially been the Golden Horde or the various Turkic Khanates of the Pontic Steppes before becoming, well, Siberia?
What would an ISOT from FOM's Tolstoy Russia look like in the world of DOR? I can imagine a lot of people would panic about Russia's "restoration", even if this Russia clearly has no interest in messing with anyone (hell, I don't think they even have nuclear weapons of their own...)
Or for that matter the earliest you could send them back to
Since considering they're an autarky and very agricultural they should survive an ISOT to very early on
Well could they survive there?
If not I think either against Napoleon or before WWI came about would be good shots
They should be able to survive considering that the most advanced weapon their neighbors could have is the crossbow and perhaps some muzzle-loading bombards. It is unlikely that they could face a serious threat in the event of conflict with a medieval power. Napoleon or the First World War are better prepared.
Consequently, reconstruction will probably start with, essentially, tourist traps. The Kremlin and St. Basil's are likely to be rebuilt, once the cities are safe for habitation, as are some of the palaces of Petrograd (to house the art recovered from the vault, naturally). Some of the more famous Orthodox monasteries and churches elsewhere will follow.

However, the scale of the devastation is something worth considering. Even IOTL, there remain many ruined buildings from the Second World War scattered in city centers across Germany and Poland. Warsaw, technically, still hasn't been fully restored, and it benefited from actually getting a substantial chunk of investment from two governments strongly invested in the impression of legitimacy the city granted--and even then the Communist government initially proposed just leaving the city unrebuilt as a memorial. Moscow and Petrograd and the other big cities have all those problems plus NBC weapon remediation, and no pressing geopolitical need for the West to help them. Why bother with a Marshall Plan for a broken enemy that even China stopped bothering with?
On that note, aside from a few reconstructed buildings of cultural and historical significance, I imagine the cities to more or less resemble Brasilia, Chandigarh, Islamabad, or Abuja in “vibe”, now you mentioned it.
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Regarding the topic covered earlier, I think at some point the "we could have done more" issue will be raised... and the assessment will not be very generous to the West in terms of its record of preventing conflict and ethnic cleansing.

Rather, the idea that would emerge would probably be that the West "let Russia rot" until it finally exploded, standing by and eating popcorn as it watched the country implode into a nuclear civil war. And that they did such a thing solely out of pure "screw you, we won the Cold War, eat shit and die" jingoistic triumphalism.

In addition to the fact that the West actually doesn't give a damn about conflicts and ethnic cleansing, and that the idea of "we didn't intervene because we were afraid of provoking a nuclear war" was just an excuse because that was better than saying "we are racists and we don't care to intervene when people we believe are racially inferior are suffering and dying". I can see many people in TTL 2020 cocluding that this is true.

I am referring, of course, to the fact that, at the same time that Russia was imploding, the Balkan War and the Rwandan Genocide were occurring... and in the first case the West only swooped in to crush the country that looked suspiciously more similar to mini-Russia (while applauding and approving the fact that those who were not mini-Russia were doing exactly the same thing that the West used as a pretext to bomb Serbia). And in the second case they sat back and watched without intervening.

Which would make the idea of not intervening to avoid causing a further escalation seem like a lie.
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