The Death of Russia - TL

Its funny he doesnt consider Communism as a western psyop, considering who put Lenin on that train headed for Saint Petersburg
"Lenin was a false communist, a western lapdog! The real communists are the Qing Dynasty. They carry on Marx's Mandate of Heaven!" - Mao Zeadong if he was based and Qingpiled.
Like you dont even have to stretch it that far
Just have him say Taiping was True Communism and he's their one true successor
Like you dont even have to stretch it that far
Just have him say Taiping was True Communism as he's their successor
"Jesus was the first communist! Hong was his brother who brought it to China until the Manchu Antichrist and Foreign Devils(Literally) destroyed the Heavenly Kingdom. I, Mao Zeadong, the 3rd brother will finish the work of my Brothers and Father!"
I want to point out that while the extremes of the left and right are pushed to the side in favor of the 'centrists' and 'moderates' in politics and the anti-war crowd is also being ignored. I don't think it's going to take long before everything resurges. After all once America gets over the shock of avoiding nuclear destruction it will be back to business as usual, and business as usual is things like knocking over democracies in Latin America in favor of friendly dictators, or invading nations for oil and other natural resources in the guise of 'spreading democracy'.

The nature of Empire comes with certain realities that not even nuclear war can thwart.
I'm thinking about the book The God that Failed, about former communists expressing their disillusionment with the USSR which was written in 1949 and before Khrushchev spilled the beans on everything else. I can see a book very similar to this ITTL where in the aftermath of 4/10 several big name former tankies and other USSR supporters talk about how the failures of the USSR paved the way to 4/10 and how morally bankrupt the tankie ideology is.
I can see a book very similar to this ITTL where in the aftermath of 4/10 several big name former tankies and other USSR supporters talk about how the failures of the USSR paved the way to 4/10 and how morally bankrupt the tankie ideology is.
I mean, while the tankies are morally bankrupt without a doubt, it's not like the blame for 4/10 can be laid entirely on their shoulders. The Nashists were more than happy to contribute, and then there's the radical Islamists.

So, any serious book isn't going to focus purely on the commies, as doing so would make it look as if the fascists are being absolved from guilt, which in the political climate of TDoR is social suicide.
I mean, while the tankies are morally bankrupt without a doubt, it's not like the blame for 4/10 can be laid entirely on their shoulders. The Nashists were more than happy to contribute, and then there's the radical Islamists.

So, any serious book isn't going to focus purely on the commies, as doing so would make it look as if the fascists are being absolved from guilt, which in the political climate of TDoR is social suicide.

Very true. Anyone can't say that whole mess is reason of communists without losing his credibly speciality taking in notice that nashis were much more nuke-happy than communists. Many commisars even didn't give order to launch nuclear weapons from a reason or another.
I mean, while the tankies are morally bankrupt without a doubt, it's not like the blame for 4/10 can be laid entirely on their shoulders. The Nashists were more than happy to contribute, and then there's the radical Islamists.

So, any serious book isn't going to focus purely on the commies, as doing so would make it look as if the fascists are being absolved from guilt, which in the political climate of TDoR is social suicide.
That is true. I will admit I did forget to take that into consideration, and I imagine this hypothetical book will have to condemn the Islamists and Nashists too.

The book will probably be a series of essays by genuine leftists to talk about what went wrong in Russia with former USSR supporters and tankies willing to write about how Communists in the civil war had a role in Russia's self-destruction and how it forced them to realize the moral bankruptcy of everything they believed. The book will also contain writings condemning the fascist and Islamist role in the war and also go around to condemn the Western far-right ideology for inspiring the Nashists. It could go into detail about how the USSR's failure to create a country free of far-right influence also had a role in the Nashists's rise without whitewashing the far right.
Very true. Anyone can't say that whole mess is reason of communists without losing his credibly speciality taking in notice that nashis were much more nuke-happy than communists. Many commisars even didn't give order to launch nuclear weapons from a reason or another.
I absolutely agree that any well-written book into what went wrong will have to condemn the both NSF sides in a way it ensures that their founding ideologies do not get to go off the leash. It would be a difficult balancing act between condemning both sides in a fair and accurate manner without validating tankie/right-wing ideologies by unintentionally downplaying the awfulness of the respective faction.
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I can also imagine that someone will try to put out some horrible book where they try to rationalize the apparently nonsensical sudden rise to power of so many genocidal fascists in a country that was built precisely as a fundamental opposition to everything the genocidal fascists believed in... arguing that communism In reality it was genocidal fascism with a coat of red paint and therefore the entire conflict was between communists who took off their masks and showed their true colors (the Nashis) and communists who did not (the neo-Soviets).

I am also sure that ITTL the life expectancy of the author of this literary monstrosity can be measured in days from the moment someone discovers his identity and location...

Basically, as I remember reading in another thread, I think a question that would come up in the universe would be "Hey, why did Nazis become popular again in Russia? Weren't we all collectively agree to hate them?"
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I absolutely agree that any well-written book into what went wrong will have to condemn the both NSF sides in a way it ensures that their founding ideologies do not get to go off the leash. It would be a difficult balancing act between condemning both sides in a fair and accurate manner without validating tankie/right-wing ideologies by unintentionally downplaying the awfulness of the respective faction.
Or, for that matter, another thing they would need to try to avoid is implying that Boris Yeltsin did nothing wrong.
Or, for that matter, another thing they would need to try to avoid is implying that Boris Yeltsin did nothing wrong.
It's stated in the story that after his death, Boris Yeltsin was lionized, with it taking quite some time until this rose-tinted view of him was revised and a more accurate portrayal gained traction among academics and the wider populace.
Like you dont even have to stretch it that far
Just have him say Taiping was True Communism and he's their one true successor
Speaking of which, TDoR’s China would certainly emphasize the socialist nature of the San-Min Doctrine (the Minsheng part of it) and claim direct descent from left-wing factions of the KMT.